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BonDon 03-01-2010 11:35 PM

Lumbar Puncture

Has anyone had a lumbar puncture to find out what could be causing the symptoms of Neuropathy?

Thank you.

mrsD 03-02-2010 05:01 AM

Yes,I believe Alan, Melody's husband with long term PN had a lumbar puncture.

results of his spinal tab here:

glenntaj 03-02-2010 07:13 AM

I also had one--
--early on in my investigative process--but nothing came of it--clear as a bell, no cells, no signs of protein or infection.

There are a number of neurologic conditions in which there are specific signs that often show up in spinal fluid--often these are autoimmune in nature (like mutliple sclerosis and chronic inflammatory demyleinating ployneuropathy), so a spinal tap might well be warranted if there are not more obvious "smoking guns".

cyclelops 03-02-2010 10:05 AM

I had one early on was negative.

Bailey0507 03-02-2010 08:07 PM

I had one but it was mainly tested for more serious diseases such as MS and Guilliam-Barre.

dahlek 03-02-2010 09:23 PM

I had one, but about a year after my problems began?
And it came up as having heaps of inflammation symptoms. That, along with other bloodwork and several nerve conduction studies and muscle conduction studies over that period determined I had that CIDP [Chronic Inflammatory Demeyelinating Polyneuropathy]
Both nerve tests and spinal tests right after any 'onset' don't often show the damages that can occur- but then, most docs don't look for it or test for it unless it persists for years. Then you are likely on your fourth or fifth neuro. By then it's too late, damages are done. It takes ten times longer for nerves to re-grow, if they can re-grow, than it takes for them to die, so the sooner the treatments, the better...Depending on what the diagnosis/diagnoses is/are. There can be more than one problem going on at once. Most are minor, but in my case they were solid problems.
The more agressive the diagnosis? The better off you can be in the long term.

Take a look at this site? It addresses neuropathies and immune issues, Could be one or both? Read the symptoms and see where you feel you mite 'fit'. IT mite not be the case? But worth an exploration -tho it can boggle the mind. This is why neuro's are always soo muzzy on diagnosis? Understand that and you're on your way!

Let us know how it all goes! Be aware that spinal fluid testing results take a 'while'...It can seem like a very long while for whichever result!
Hugs :hug:'s and hope! - j

Mere 03-03-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by dahlek (Post 628106)
Let us know how it all goes! Be aware that spinal fluid testing results take a 'while'...It can seem like a very long while for whichever result!
Hugs :hug:'s and hope! - j

dahlek, do you have an idea of how long does the testing takes?

I had a bunch of neuro tests through Athena Labs, although they were blood tests, and it has been at least a month. I am gettin' real antsy...


dahlek 03-03-2010 07:39 PM

Trying to remember? It was half a decade+ ago!
First off was the HEAP of bloodwork taken at an area medical training hospital [up to and including West Nile Virus? As it was 'hot' around that time] THAT was about 6-8 big and small vials of blood....I don't like this part? So, I was just amazed at the 'vials rattleing'! About 3-4 weeks later those results came back and then the round of MRI's w/&w/o contrast, X-rays, Cat Scans to my local neuro.... results and conclusions from all the tests prescribed by the hospital were forwarded to the local who then proceeded [about 6-7 weeks after the the initial tests] to schedule me for the Spinal and even MORE bloodwork at a nearby local hospital. He'd done the spinal in his office and HAD ME tote it to the hospital who sent it and another seeming 'quart' of blood off to points beyond. Some of the spinal and blood work was done at Mayo and other work was sent to Athena. Lemme tell you FUN [NOT!] working out the insurance glitches?
I didn't KNOW at that time? That I should have gone rite to bed after the spinal and not have sat around the hospital waiting for blood work to be done! Luckily I have some common sense and went home to SLEEP as I was exhausted from both the THOUGHT and effort needed to DO the tests.
One year and One month after onset I got the ALL-CLEAR by my neuro's office to start IVIG and they'd done all the pre-clearance w/the insurance company! I had onset in Mid April of one year? Hospitalized a month later w/a full 'attack'. And by Mid June the following year I was being 'infused'!
I'd quit the first neuro in Oct of the 'onset' year, saw my new and still current local neuro in Nov. The Teaching hospital in Feb the year following and was tested for 4 months before results were in and that following month started treatment.
I hope that's all clear? For most who've immune diseases such as mine? That's FAST! Sad to say. Keep in mind, that I'd been able to get test appointments 'locally' meaning not at the hospital [which was an expedition for me that took me 2 days to recover from] and all results were sent to the hospital. And my current neuro to boot! I was going to 2-3 tests each week in-between. I figgured I better do it all while I still COULD? - I'd felt I better do it NOW or regret it later.
But I learned from the folks here only AFTER I'd followed my instincts and found from others here that the instincts were RIGHT on target! [Also how to use the 'puter and internet]
The lumbar puncture part of it? That's easy once you know what to expect and GET an EXPERT to do it! The other stuff? Just heaps and heaps of tests :eek:... May you KNOW what you all are dealing with! :hug::hug:'s to all! - j

Mere 03-04-2010 10:52 AM

Thanks dahlek for your post, I had the blood work at the house and it was sent to Athena about 4 weeks ago so I guess results should be soon. My doc mentioned that a lumbar puncture maybe needed after the blood work results are back. But, I trust him to do it. He has been very gentle so far. He figured out my PN after I went to see him for migraine. He is a young guy, but very smart, well educated and close by. He has a keen interest in autonomic neuropathy, so I feel pretty well covered. At this juncture anyway...

It is amazing just how long things take...especially when you feel bad. You must have been relieved to finally get to the point of IVIG.


dahlek 03-04-2010 08:03 PM

Takes 4-7 weeks for results depending on the tests?
As far as being relieved to get the IVIG? I would have done a jig if I could? But, I'd likely fall over as the balance was soo bad!
I do believe I was 'lucky' in that I had the tests as 'things were acting up/progressing' again.
Yes, the waiting is AGONY for results? But they aren't always conclusive...depends on how the 'samples' are taken, treated, transported and lastly tested!
By the time I got to Cancer biopsies? I simply said: I'll wait, on the edge of my cliff...I'm pre-trained. The testors would look at me funny and go "HUH"?
So I'd in ONE sentence tell them that I've had tests and 'samples' sent off before. And I no longer panic until all reports are 'IN'! Getting it down to the ONE sentence part is the hardest! Thinking about THAT makes the 'waiting' easier. There will, I'm sure be more tests. Go thru the medical processing diagnostic 'mill' with HOPE that something stellar mite show UP? Or thru the process of elimination that all things point to Zorbofritz! Then you have to explain the 'Z' to family and friends who go WHASIT? ;) Keep at it, you are on your way! Hugs and hope :hug:'s - j

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