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Peaceful1tou 03-08-2012 04:15 PM

Migraine prevention medications
I have had migraines for approx. 20 years. As I get older (I am 51) they seem to be getting worse and more frequent. I am on hormone replacement therapy so that should not be an issue.

My Dr put me in Inderal 40mg 2 x's a day about 4 months ago. The first 6 weeks or so it seemed to really help. Now not so much. I am also gaining weight. Ok, I know I'm in my 50's now but I've gained 6 pounds in as many weeks. :o I've cut back on junkfood, I do not drink sodas and I started exercising. I have never had a weight problem before.

Can anyone suggest another prevention med? I take Relpax when I get a migraine but my Ins. Co will only help pay for 8 tablets a month. I usually have 10-15 a month. I also have Phenagran or Zofran for the nausea.

Any other suggestions would be great too!

Thank you!

ger715 03-08-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Peaceful1tou (Post 859160)
I have had migraines for approx. 20 years. As I get older (I am 51) they seem to be getting worse and more frequent. I am on hormone replacement therapy so that should not be an issue.

My Dr put me in Inderal 40mg 2 x's a day about 4 months ago. The first 6 weeks or so it seemed to really help. Now not so much. I am also gaining weight. Ok, I know I'm in my 50's now but I've gained 6 pounds in as many weeks. :o I've cut back on junkfood, I do not drink sodas and I started exercising. I have never had a weight problem before.

Can anyone suggest another prevention med? I take Relpax when I get a migraine but my Ins. Co will only help pay for 8 tablets a month. I usually have 10-15 a month. I also have Phenagran or Zofran for the nausea.

Any other suggestions would be great too!

Thank you!

I had migraines since my teens. Eventually went to a Neurologist that prescirbed the prevention meds. I was also prescribed Inderal; but along with the Inderal, I was prescribed Elavil. The two work together as a migraine preventative. I am surprised Elavil was not added to your Inderal.
This did help, along with some bio-feedback training for relaxation techniques.
They were helpful as well. This was some years ago.

I no longer get the migraines as frequent; but still do get at least once or twice a month. I take Imitrex. This has been the best aid to helping once the migraine has started. The sooner taken, the better. The doctor prescribes 50 mg tablets. They come in a quantity of 9 in a folder. I cut the 50 mgs in half, thus actually taking 25 mg's. The cost for the 50 mg's was the same as the cost for the 25 mg's. By getting the 50 mg's, cutting in half, I get a quantity of 18.

Hope this info will be of help. I cannot recommend the Imitrex highly enough. It has been a Godsend.


Peaceful1tou 03-09-2012 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 859166)
I had migraines since my teens. Eventually went to a Neurologist that prescirbed the prevention meds. I was also prescribed Inderal; but along with the Inderal, I was prescribed Elavil. The two work together as a migraine preventative. I am surprised Elavil was not added to your Inderal.
This did help, along with some bio-feedback training for relaxation techniques.
They were helpful as well. This was some years ago.

I no longer get the migraines as frequent; but still do get at least once or twice a month. I take Imitrex. This has been the best aid to helping once the migraine has started. The sooner taken, the better. The doctor prescribes 50 mg tablets. They come in a quantity of 9 in a folder. I cut the 50 mgs in half, thus actually taking 25 mg's. The cost for the 50 mg's was the same as the cost for the 25 mg's. By getting the 50 mg's, cutting in half, I get a quantity of 18.

Hope this info will be of help. I cannot recommend the Imitrex highly enough. It has been a Godsend.


Thank you for your reply! I used to take Imitrex but it stopped working for me. That is why I was switched to Relpax.

Is Elavil the same thing as Amitriptiline? If so, I'm allergic to it. Was on it for my Fibromyalgia a few years ago.

That is a great idea cutting the Imitrex in half!

ger715 03-09-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Peaceful1tou (Post 859346)
Thank you for your reply! I used to take Imitrex but it stopped working for me. That is why I was switched to Relpax.

Is Elavil the same thing as Amitriptiline? If so, I'm allergic to it. Was on it for my Fibromyalgia a few years ago.

That is a great idea cutting the Imitrex in half!

Elavil is the same as Amitriptiline. Too bad Imitrex does not work for you. I used Midrin several years ago and just started the taking so much and then needing another. I forget the term at the time. I try to be sure I do not do that with the Imitrex. Otherwise, it will eventually cause "rebound" headaches. "Rebound" was the word I was looking for.

Not sure if this has anything to do with my headaches lessening; but after developing PN, I had Vallium added to my regimine of meds. Vallium is to help with anxiety, but also muscle problems. When I get a migraine, it usually would start on the left side; but the neck and shoulder muscle would also be involved. Since being on the Vallium (could be a coincidence) but headaches have lessened greatly. Again, also am careful not to take too many Imitrex as to not cause the "rebound" effect again, which just makes the headaches clear up for a short time and come back with a vengence.
Hope you are able to find something to help. These headaches can be so debilitating.

EE03 03-12-2012 06:37 AM

Not sure if this has anything to do with my headaches lessening; but after developing PN, I had Vallium added to my regimine of meds. Vallium is to help with anxiety, but also muscle problems. When I get a migraine, it usually would start on the left side; but the neck and shoulder muscle would also be involved. Since being on the Vallium (could be a coincidence) but headaches have lessened greatly. Again, also am careful not to take too many Imitrex as to not cause the "rebound" effect again, which just makes the headaches clear up for a short time and come back with a vengence.
Hope you are able to find something to help. These headaches can be so debilitating.

FWIW, vallium acts as a muscle relaxer too.

Dr. Smith 03-12-2012 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Peaceful1tou (Post 859160)
Any other suggestions would be great too!

It's been a while since I was on prophylactics, so I don't recall them all off the top of my head. Try googling: migraine prophylaxis for a number of articles/POVs.

Also, I think it's worthwhile to find a migraine specialist - not just a neurologist or headache specialist - but one whose practice is limited solely to migraines. Finding the exact cause/reason can go a long way in finding the right/better meds (and possibly treatment/cure, though it's still rare). I suffered for many years and many neurologists until finding the "migraine guy" in my area. He was able to dx the type and cause of my migraines quickly, and while they're not "cured", they're substantially less than they were.


EMPATH64 03-12-2012 12:31 PM


Hello Im new here. You poor thing , I have suffered 22 years from these, Its debilitating,I understand. Ive used imitrex. and replax and sometimes they help not very well.So I usually end up taking narcotics beacuse the pain as you know is worse than horrible.Get back to me I care Catherine

Migraine Away 03-13-2012 04:19 PM

Migraine Prevention
Hello- I just joined site this to address your post. *edit*

As you know, migraines are a chronic disabling disorder. Guidelines from the experts are clear that anyone with two or more debilitating headaches a month, as well as anyone with significant neurologic complications or a prolonged headache that responds poorly to acute treatment (like Imitrex, Relpax, etc) should be on preventive measures. Prevention is poorly encouraged!


I always tell patients the ABCDEF- Apnea(sleep), biofeedback(relaxation), Caffeine (avoid), Diet (regular healthy eating), Exercise, and Fluids(>50 oz).
Often not discussed is the fact that several natural supplements are approved as level A recommended prevention choices. These include B2(riboflavin, Magnesium and Feverfew. THere is good data on Co Q 10 as well. I had compounded this through pharmacies for patients for years *edit* I will take off my salesman hat and suggest you review all information about prevention, from lifestyle to supplements to prescription meds through a doc. Getting comtrol of your migraines makes all the difference.

Stay well!

Nanc 03-13-2012 09:39 PM

Hi there! I have been having migraines and bad headaches since I was a kid, I am now 45. I also am on hormone replacement therapy and have been since the age of 29, so that was never a cause of mine. A lot of people will say that they don't like Topamax, but it did wonders for me. I was on it for years and it cut my migraines down drastically. I was just taken off of it because it became ineffective, they tried Elavil but I couldn't tolerate it.

I have a baseline headache every day, have ever since I can remember. When it gets worse I take Fiorinal, when it is heading towards a migraine then I take Amerge. Amerge works incredibly for my migraines. I took pretty much all of the migraine meds and they did nothing - Zomig, Maxalt Relpax, every form of Imitrex, etc...Amerge is the only one that works for me!

Another thing that my Neurologist recommended is Butterbur, it's natural, and Magnesium. I have not tried them yet because I just got my first series of botox injections for my headaches/migraines. It is early to see if it is going to do the trick (been less than 2 wks), but I have not gotten an "ice-pick" headache since.

Good luck!!

Dr. Smith 03-14-2012 09:06 AM

Hi Nanc,
Thanks for that list and experience.

My jaw kinda dropped :eek: when you said Dopamax-good/amitriptyline-bad, but I guess that just proves we're all different.

I'm in the tight spot of not being able to afford Maxalt anymore. When I began it, it was around $10/pill; now it's up to $26-$28/pill. Imitrex didn't work for me either, so I've got to find another affordable triptan (abortive). I wish Imitrex worked - it's generic now.


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