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Shanna_S 11-15-2010 11:17 AM

(RSD) 5 day Ketamin infusion with Dr. Schwartzman
Hi my name is Shanna and I am 22 years old. I have suffered with RSD for 13 years since I was nine years old. I have had many different treatments most unsuccessful and some only giving me breif relief from the pain.

Just recently I have been approved for the 5 day inpatient ketamine infusion which Dr. Schwartzman in Philedelphia will be administering. I will be recieving this treatment starting December 13th 2010 in Philedelphia.

I haven't had any treatment in over 3 years and although I am excited to have the chance to try ketamine I am also very nervous and scared and not quite sure what to expect while I am there. It also makes me even more nervous that no one can stay with me especially because my home is over 1 hour and a half away and I will only have a few visitors during the week if any. This is the first treatment where I will be by myself in the hospital.

My main question is has anybody gotten the 5 day inpatient ketamine treatment in Philly with Dr. Schwartzman, and how did it all go over for them? Also I am curious on how the ketamine is going to make me feel during the treatment and even how i will feel after I am discharged, if anybody could please explain their experience I am sure it will bring me some comfort.

Any information is appreciated, the date draws nearer for my treatment and although I have high hopes of getting some relief I am nervous non the less. Thankyou to anyone that can possibly answer my questions.

Reddawn600 11-15-2010 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Shanna_S (Post 716318)
Hi my name is Shanna and I am 22 years old. I have suffered with RSD for 13 years since I was nine years old. I have had many different treatments most unsuccessful and some only giving me breif relief from the pain.

Just recently I have been approved for the 5 day inpatient ketamine infusion which Dr. Schwartzman in Philedelphia will be administering. I will be recieving this treatment starting December 13th 2010 in Philedelphia.

I haven't had any treatment in over 3 years and although I am excited to have the chance to try ketamine I am also very nervous and scared and not quite sure what to expect while I am there. It also makes me even more nervous that no one can stay with me especially because my home is over 1 hour and a half away and I will only have a few visitors during the week if any. This is the first treatment where I will be by myself in the hospital.

My main question is has anybody gotten the 5 day inpatient ketamine treatment in Philly with Dr. Schwartzman, and how did it all go over for them? Also I am curious on how the ketamine is going to make me feel during the treatment and even how i will feel after I am discharged, if anybody could please explain their experience I am sure it will bring me some comfort.

Any information is appreciated, the date draws nearer for my treatment and although I have high hopes of getting some relief I am nervous non the less. Thankyou to anyone that can possibly answer my questions.

Hi Shanna,

I will be meeting Dr. S on Wednesday for my outpatient boosters. If you read my thread about my 5 day at HSS, it may help some tho of course it is a different Dr and hospital.

Regarding what to expect after the treatment, I will message you later tonight and tell you how I felt immediately after and for the first few days. Real quick, I can tell you, after 3 days I felt pretty amazing. :)

I promise to send you that message tonight because I know how nervous you must be and those were questions I had too.

kathy d 11-17-2010 07:41 PM

Dear Shanna S,
Hello and glad to hear you may be getting some much needed pain relief. I had the 5 day ketamine inpatient treatment on Sept 20th (which turned into 7 days)at Hahnemann. I don't want to be a downer but I had the worst experience and want to warn everyone about that hospital. I felt very unconscious during that time and came in and out of consciousness at different times. I was very paranoid and thought the nurses were going to kill me so I tried to be as nice to them as possible, had hallucinations, and pulled ivs out of my arms three times. It was a mess but the worst part was after waiting over 3 1/2 years for the treatment and going to court three times one of the nurses there in the ICU took me out of bed on day 6 and put me on the commode and left the room. Well, when you BP is 85/49 I hit the floor and hurt my neck and back real bad. I still have lots of pain from it so don't let them get you out of bed at all!! I had a fentanyl patch and after 24 hours they took it off (without weaning me off them) so I had severe fentanyl withdraw and had bowel and vomitting problems and lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks, was in the ER four times, doctor's offices four times, and don't remember the first week I was home from the hospital. It was a nightmare. The ketamine was frightening and I wish someone had told me how I was going to feel BEFORE I had it done. Once you get hurt when you have the ketamine done, the pain returns 1,000 times worse than before. I am still really bedridden waiting for help from an aid and am so weak I can barely get out of bed. It has been a nightmare and I know the treatment was working before the fall so it has been devastating for me and my family (who can barely handle the rsd)!! Dr. S said there is nothing he can do for me and wanted me to come back and do the 5day infusion again and there is no way I will ever go back there again. I am tooo traumatized to do so.

I know Dawn had a great outcome with it a few weeks ago and I am soooo happy for her. I was also by myself (as I am always because I am single) almost all of the time. I did not care for the nursing staff at all...there was maybe one or two nurses that were nice but the others were mean to me and to my family. One thing is you are supposed to sleep as much as possible to help the ketamine work and none of us knew that and no caffeine which we did not know. There were many things we were not told ahead of time and I researched this treatment for over 4 years!!!

I wish you the best of luck but know what may not have worked for one of us will work for others so get it and be positive and relax so the meds can work. Let us know how you make out. Also, the ketamine makes you very weak too. I think they should put patients in a regular room for a few days to get them back to the best physical and mental shape they can BEFORE they send them home. The worse part is I don't think no one told Dr. S because he was silent when he called me to see how I was doing and I told him they let me fall. I had my first booster Oct 21st (nightmare again) and he said when I fell it ruined my treatment and also told me he has nothing to help me right now and told me to go back on the fentanyl!!!! Never heard from him again. I guess I am not one of his star patients since it did not work for me. So, I lost alot of respect for him and especially the hospital and his staff over all this mess. I have my "next" appt with him in April and boy are we going to have alot to talk about then haha. Best of luck to you as you continue with your treatment.
Take care,
kathy d

daniella 11-18-2010 06:43 AM

I have not had this treatment but wanted to wish you luck and also welcome you to the boards. I hope you find relief through this treatment.

SandyRI 11-18-2010 09:13 AM

The leader of the RI RSD Foundation just returned from his 2nd 5 day ICU inpatient treatment at Hahnemann. Happily, he did really well while there and is planning to fly back this weekend for his first of a number of 2 day boosters.

There are great and not so great stories about Hahnemann.

The best of luck to you. Sandy

betsykk 01-28-2011 08:34 AM

question about 5 day inpatient ketamine
Can you tell me about the 5 day infusion? Do you remember when you started to feel pain relief and how long the relief lasted? My dd has RSD and is going to undergo this treatment.

Reddawn600 01-28-2011 12:17 PM

Hi Betsy,

I'm not sure if you're dd is going inpatient or out. I did my 5 day inpatient in NY with another doctor and do my outpatient treatments with Dr. Shwartzman.

Honestly, everyone is different. I did feel some relief after about the 3rd day in the hospital but you tend to feel more significant relief as time goes by a bit more. I had my 5 day on November 1-5 2010 and have now had 3 of the 2 day booster infusions and I have felt improvement with each one.

After my 5 day alone, my drop in needed pain meds was dramatic. For the first time in years my pain actually felt manageable and I had hope again and looked forward to getting out of bed again. I went from being on every narcotic and opiate possible to now being on none. I do still take tramadol because we all have bad days but that's all I ever really need.

As for the booster infusions, they're done because most of the top RSD doctors do believe at this point that the dose of ketamine is not as important as the repeated treatments of it. Basically, the nervous system needs reminders every once in awhile so it behaves.

I really cannot recommend ketamine highly enough to people as long as their doctors feel they are good candidates and they're reputable doctors. That said. it is important to keep in mind that unfortunatelyl it doesn't work for everyone but when it does, it really is wonderful. But do realize, it isn't a cure and still is a daily struggle and will be for life, it just makes it so much easier to deal with and gives you such a better quality of life if you can get it.

Good luck and feel free to ask away with any questions.



Originally Posted by betsykk (Post 739401)
Can you tell me about the 5 day infusion? Do you remember when you started to feel pain relief and how long the relief lasted? My dd has RSD and is going to undergo this treatment.

betsykk 01-28-2011 01:58 PM

My daughter is 30 hrs into a 5 day inpatient ICU treatment. No real pain changes yet but she is definitely getting foggier and more out of it. She has had ketamine several times before but only outpatient for 4 hrs/3 days a week. I am just wondering what to expect in the next few days.

[I'm not sure if you're dd is going inpatient or out. I did my 5 day inpatient in NY with another doctor and do my outpatient treatments with Dr. Shwartzman.

Honestly, everyone is different. I did feel some relief after about the 3rd day in the hospital but you tend to feel more significant relief as time goes by a bit more. I had my 5 day on November 1-5 2010 and have now had 3 of the 2 day booster infusions and I have felt improvement with each one.

After my 5 day alone, my drop in needed pain meds was dramatic. For the first time in years my pain actually felt manageable and I had hope again and looked forward to getting out of bed again. I went from being on every narcotic and opiate possible to now being on none. I do still take tramadol because we all have bad days but that's all I ever really need.

As for the booster infusions, they're done because most of the top RSD doctors do believe at this point that the dose of ketamine is not as important as the repeated treatments of it. Basically, the nervous system needs reminders every once in awhile so it behaves.

I really cannot recommend ketamine highly enough to people as long as their doctors feel they are good candidates and they're reputable doctors. That said. it is important to keep in mind that unfortunatelyl it doesn't work for everyone but when it does, it really is wonderful. But do realize, it isn't a cure and still is a daily struggle and will be for life, it just makes it so much easier to deal with and gives you such a better quality of life if you can get it.

Good luck and feel free to ask away with any questions.


Reddawn600 01-28-2011 03:18 PM

Where is she having the procedure done? Is her Doctor an anesthesiologist, neurologist or other?

Is she allowed to keep someone with her 24 hrs a day and do you know what dose of ketamine she is receiving? Are they pushing it up to see how much she can handle before they back her down? Having any lumbar or cervical nerve blocks or epidurals during the procedure?

Part if it in my experience can also depend on how much medication she was on before the procedure and how much they have to or want to wean her off of during it.


Originally Posted by betsykk (Post 739475)
My daughter is 30 hrs into a 5 day inpatient ICU treatment. No real pain changes yet but she is definitely getting foggier and more out of it. She has had ketamine several times before but only outpatient for 4 hrs/3 days a week. I am just wondering what to expect in the next few days.

[I'm not sure if you're dd is going inpatient or out. I did my 5 day inpatient in NY with another doctor and do my outpatient treatments with Dr. Shwartzman.

Honestly, everyone is different. I did feel some relief after about the 3rd day in the hospital but you tend to feel more significant relief as time goes by a bit more. I had my 5 day on November 1-5 2010 and have now had 3 of the 2 day booster infusions and I have felt improvement with each one.

After my 5 day alone, my drop in needed pain meds was dramatic. For the first time in years my pain actually felt manageable and I had hope again and looked forward to getting out of bed again. I went from being on every narcotic and opiate possible to now being on none. I do still take tramadol because we all have bad days but that's all I ever really need.

As for the booster infusions, they're done because most of the top RSD doctors do believe at this point that the dose of ketamine is not as important as the repeated treatments of it. Basically, the nervous system needs reminders every once in awhile so it behaves.

I really cannot recommend ketamine highly enough to people as long as their doctors feel they are good candidates and they're reputable doctors. That said. it is important to keep in mind that unfortunatelyl it doesn't work for everyone but when it does, it really is wonderful. But do realize, it isn't a cure and still is a daily struggle and will be for life, it just makes it so much easier to deal with and gives you such a better quality of life if you can get it.

Good luck and feel free to ask away with any questions.



betsykk 01-28-2011 03:30 PM

Dr is from pain mgmt. I am not sure if she is the anesthesiologist or if there is someone else handling that. It is a teaching hospital so of course she has many different practices stopping in frequently.
She has someone with her when she wants but finds it better to go it alone most of the time (at GW they do not want anyone down there so that is what she is used to). She is tired most of the time as it is, being sleep deprieved and then all the ketamine (she gets 40mg).
No blocks have been mentioned and that is interesting. She has it in her right arm only. I had not thought about that since the stellate/brachial blocks in the past have been ineffective.
It does seem from all that I am reading that day 3 seems to be the day you see the most pain reduction. she is down to an 8 right now. I am hoping it will go much lower.
thanks for all of your help. it is great to talk to someone who has already been through this.

QUOTE=Reddawn600;739491]Where is she having the procedure done? Is her Doctor an anesthesiologist, neurologist or other?

Is she allowed to keep someone with her 24 hrs a day and do you know what dose of ketamine she is receiving? Are they pushing it up to see how much she can handle before they back her down? Having any lumbar or cervical nerve blocks or epidurals during the procedure?

Part if it in my experience can also depend on how much medication she was on before the procedure and how much they have to or want to wean her off of during it.


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