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DaDiva 03-29-2008 03:51 PM

Fibro and the Flu
I am new around here - I usually hang out on MS forums since I have MS:eek:

I have a few questions about Fibro because my MIL has it and I'm trying to find out more about this disease.

My most urgent question is about the effects of having the Flu and how it can effect someone with fibro. I want the Family to take Mom to urgent care Today since she has had a fever of 102 for past few days and She was speaking incoherently. The fever has gone down today but she has a nasty cough and coughing up yellow Junk. She is 68yr old and in not such great shape!!!

Now I want all of you to KNOW that I Know she should be seen but we live 275 miles away...........I would like to get some feedback from some of you out there that KNOW what this disease can do to you when you get sick.

I am at my wits end.....They think I'm nuts:mad:& that since her fever has gone down no need to worry.

Please respond as I am worried about Mom not just about having the flu but also what it can do concerning the Fibro also.

Thank you so much:hug:

kimmydawn 03-31-2008 10:17 PM

I hope that she feels better, and agree that she should be seen with regular follow-ups.

Is she receiving care for the fibro? The physician caring for her there maybe should be aware of what happened and view the notes from Urgent Care?

Just from my personal experience, I would say that it was the flu/fever, with maybe low oxygen from cough/breathing...or something associated with the flu that caused her difficulties with speaking. I've never experienced similar with my fibro, though it can cause a "fog", etc.

I really think it would be a good idea that she follow-up with family/fibro doc for some bloodwork, maybe chest x-rays, etc.

There's alot of great information online. I have it myself...

Again, I wish her more than well and please let us know.


kimmydawn 03-31-2008 10:56 PM

Here's some information. It seems like you might be onto something and I would get her to call her dr.

Please let us know.


What is Fibrofog?
Fibrofog is a term given to the variety of cognitive problems that many fibromyalgia sufferers face during their illness. Fibrofog encompasses memory loss, difficulties using language, and difficulties with learning. These symptoms tend to descend in a haze or "fog," around the sufferer. Fibrofogs can occur at any time and can vary in intensity when they do occur. Fibrofogs tend to be at their most severe during flare ups in pain.

Fibrofog affects about both women and men who have fibromyalgia pain, though it tends to hit women more often. Women between the ages of 30 and 50 are most likely to be affected by fibrofog. Episodes of fibrofog typically last only a few days, though sometimes severe fibrofog can last for weeks or even months.

Symptoms of Fibrofog
Fibrofog is one of the most common yet unrecognized symptoms of fibromyalgia. If you have fibromyalgia signs and symptoms it is important to be aware of fibrofog so that you can seek appropriate treatment and manage your illness more effectively. Some symptoms of fibrofog include:

* short term memory loss
* difficulty remembering where you put things
* difficulty remembering plans
* difficulty with language, including trouble holding conversations, understanding conversations, and expressing thoughts
* difficulty finding the "right" word to use in conversation
* trouble remembering simple numbers
* transposing letters and numbers
* trouble concentrating and focusing
* trouble retaining new information

DM 04-01-2008 09:09 AM

Hi DD and in case I haven't already welcomed you to NeuroTalk, I am doing so now. I think from what you posted, that your MIL does in fact, have the nasty bug that is going around and she should be seen.

Anytime you cough up something w/color to it, there is congestion and infection brewing, or so my Dr told me. She may need antibiotics to overcome this. I am just getting over a nasty bug myself and Yes, it has added to my Fibro sx's. But, our weather is forever changing, and that really plays havoc w/Fibro too.

I thinks it's great that you are trying to educate yourself on your MIL's illness. Please tell the family members to take her to the Dr. Pneumonia is nothing to mess with.

Most MIL's would be happy to have such a caring DIL as you.

DaDiva 04-01-2008 02:06 PM

Thank You So Very Much for Your Help :D

I was finally able to talk with her doc. She has started antibiotics and is starting to feel a bit better. Thank God!!!!

Thank You All So Much:hug:

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