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ENIGMACODE 07-23-2017 04:55 PM

Problem In Right Toe
Hi Gang

I'm a 69 year old injured from right knee replacement surgery in 2012 which caused CRPS/RSD. The problem is mainly in my right leg, ankle and knee. After months of pain in my right toe, I accidentally bumped it a few days ago and now I'm seeing classic symptoms: Shine on the skin, inflamation and the area around the nail is weeping and bleeding. I've been soaking the foot in epsom salts and occasionally wipe the area with hydrogen peroxide.

The nail itself is also developing a discoloration. I actually had that nail removed about one year after surgery. Anyway I see the Podiatrist this week - hope he's familiar with RSD?


BTW: In my 5-6 year history I've tried everything from 'SCS Trials' to Ketmaine (no relief).

Skeezyks 07-23-2017 06:59 PM

Hello Mike: Welcome to NeuroTalk! :welcome_sign: I trust you will find the time you spend here to be of benefit. :Grin-Nod: There are lots of very knowledge members here. (By the way, I'm also 69!) :eek:

Littlepaw 07-24-2017 04:08 PM

Hi and welcome,

I'm sorry you've had to join but hope you find it a soft place to land for support and understanding.

There's little worse than hurting your affected limb, besides the pain there is the worry of setting things off and wondering when the heck it's going to calm down.

Please be sure all is well with that toe before attributing the symptoms to CRPS. Swelling and the resulting shiny skin could also have resulted from infection from bumping the toe and breaking the skin minutely. It's always good to be sure everything is ruled out and treated.

If it is the CRPS flaring there are medication options. Some doctors will give a short course of steroids and/or gabapentin to help the area settle. 500 mg daily of vitamin C isn't a bad idea either. Knocking down the additional free radicals from inflammation may help.

I hope your appointment goes well and you get relief soon, :hug:

ENIGMACODE 07-25-2017 12:00 AM

Thanx Little Paw:)

As I mentioned, I'm firmly diagnosed, (going on 6 years now). But the toe is getting better, the discharge is gone. I've been a member of 'RSD' Facebook groups for some time now but I recently quit Facebook.

Thanx again

RSD ME 07-25-2017 11:35 AM

Hi and Welcome! So sorry you are injured and hope you don't have RSD. My rsd was confirmed by a neurologist and pain management doctor. Had shiny skin, swelling, discoloration, excessive hair and nail growth, limited range of motion and constant and extreme pain. It started when I broke my wrist and six years later I still have all the symptoms which have now spread to most of my body. I research rsd all the time and print out info for my doctors. I have also been with this amazing forum for about three years. The support I get here from others who understand my pain is priceless. I hope and pray you don't have rsd but if you do you are not alone here. This is a great place for compassion and support. Hugs to you my friend.

ENIGMACODE 07-25-2017 01:02 PM


I do appreciate all the helpful comments. Let me repeat I definitely 'do' have RSD as I indicated in my first comment. I'd rather avoid going thru my history, (that's not necessary), as I'm totally familiar with the effects of living with this condition. As I said its 'well documented' so I'm beyond that and I'm not asking for help on whether I actually have it or not. I'm living with it, some days 'ok' somedays not good at all. 'RSD' can easily spread to other limbs (which is already happening). Whether its 'officially' in my right toe is a 'good bet' because that's the limb where the surgical injury occurred. However as I said the pain and discharge have diminished.


catra121 07-25-2017 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by ENIGMACODE (Post 1247847)

I do appreciate all the helpful comments. Let me repeat I definitely 'do' have RSD as I indicated in my first comment. I'd rather avoid going thru my history, (that's not necessary), as I'm totally familiar with the effects of living with this condition. As I said its 'well documented' so I'm beyond that and I'm not asking for help on whether I actually have it or not. I'm living with it, some days 'ok' somedays not good at all. 'RSD' can easily spread to other limbs (which is already happening). Whether its 'officially' in my right toe is a 'good bet' because that's the limb where the surgical injury occurred. However as I said the pain and discharge have diminished.


Hi Mike.

I don't think anyone was questioning that you have RSD...just recommending getting the toe thoroughly checked out to make sure your new symptoms are not something else that is easily treated. I've been through the ringer when I have new symptoms and while LOTS of new things are the RSD related symptoms (usually as a result of my nervous system acting up)...I have gotten some other diagnoses that were treated or taken care of separately and I'm glad the doctors kept checking because if there is something else and it can be treated...then that's great. So much easier to treat an infection, ingrown nail, etc vs it being RSD spread (I have it through much of my I know it spreads) because RSD spread (as you know) is not so easily treated. :(

I hope you get your answers soon and I hope that the toe is NOT RSD spread and continues to get better. Take care and definitely keep us updated. I know what a horrible thing it is to deal with (as do we all) and sometimes just having a safe place to vent or talk is very helpful. Hugs.

Littlepaw 07-25-2017 09:15 PM

Hi Mike,

I definitely wasn't questioning your diagnosis and did not mean to come off that way. I'm kind of not sure how that happened but will be more careful.

I was indeed just encouraging you to make sure there wasn't something else that needed treatment before saying for sure the new symptom area was CRPS. That's why I then followed with "if it is the CRPS flaring".

Catra is absolutely right. Sometimes it's something else that's simple. I've had the same thing happen. i had a rash on my affected foot once that looked CRPS related but was a fungal infection. I'm glad I followed up with dermatology or I may never have cleared it.

I'm glad your toe is getting better...

ENIGMACODE 07-26-2017 08:47 AM

Thanx Little Paw (I like that name)

And thank you catra - everyone is really supportive here. This is a nice place! :) I needed a break from the 'Facebook Format' dealing with some of the drama and lack of accurate description in order that folks help each other effectively. The shame is everyone is in sooo much pain that it naturally gets in the way of describing the problem. In my six years of progression, I can't say I'm impressed with doctors (in general). When you find a knowledgeable doctor you hang on for dear life. And a growing problem, (as you all know) is the increased negative press toward opiates. I've handled myself well (so far), trying to be articulate and patient. But when you've tried everything, you start to see clinicians giving up on you. Its inevitable and provides constant stress, struggle and depression. The good news is that the toe is feeling much better. Thanx for all your encouragement and may we all have better days ahead :)

catra121 07-26-2017 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by ENIGMACODE (Post 1247891)
Thanx Little Paw (I like that name)

And thank you catra - everyone is really supportive here. This is a nice place! :) I needed a break from the 'Facebook Format' dealing with some of the drama and lack of accurate description in order that folks help each other effectively. The shame is everyone is in sooo much pain that it naturally gets in the way of describing the problem. In my six years of progression, I can't say I'm impressed with doctors (in general). When you find a knowledgeable doctor you hang on for dear life. And a growing problem, (as you all know) is the increased negative press toward opiates. I've handled myself well (so far), trying to be articulate and patient. But when you've tried everything, you start to see clinicians giving up on you. Its inevitable and provides constant stress, struggle and depression. The good news is that the toe is feeling much better. Thanx for all your encouragement and may we all have better days ahead :)

I totally understand. Having RSD is NOT easy and I agree that with the pain we are all in, the added stress,'s hard sometimes to communicate effectively. Add to that all our own individual experiences/baggage that we bring to the table and it's a wonder we get on at all But this group is very supportive with everyone...I really don't know what I would have done without this forum. I've had my RSD for 8 years now...such a long crazy journey and I know there are others who've had it MUCH longer than me. I agree that finding a good doctor is key...I've had lots of bad ones...or useless ones. I love my current doctor...he's always willing to try new things and every appointment with him fills me with hope even if in the short term I'm not able to get much relief. I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to do this new drug study that my doctor's doing and that soon I will be able to get the DRG stimulator. I have high hopes that one of those two things will be helpful. So there are new things on the horizon even if you have tried all the standard treatments with no relief. happy that the toe is feeling much better. :)

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