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debbiehub 01-29-2011 11:58 PM

Please Help- Muscles are all going,,:(
I am in such I have written before my muscles are all atrophying. Arms. legs and now my back. I just got back from a party and had such trouble sitting in a chair. I had to use 2 chairs and a pillow and I was still in pain...I have tried all the muscle relaxers and they don't work. I don't see how I can go on like arms are getting tired just typing this! If anyone has any suggestions it would be so appreciated.



finz 01-30-2011 12:21 AM

Stop going to parties ?

I hope that you know, that was just in should be able to have a life without feeling miserable !

I'm coming up on a similar issue. My mom, sister, and I are heading to Foxwoods Casino tomorrow for an overnight. I love to gamble. I love to spend time with mom and sis......yet I can predict in advance that I will have to double or triple up on my pain meds and I will still be in horrible pain. The walking, using my arms to press slots or play cards, sitting in chairs that don't offer full neck and arm support will all take their inevitable toll.

It's awful to have to pay the pain price for trying to go out and have a little fun.....even though with arranging your chairs and pillows, you still didn't get the true party experience :(

Maybe a nice bath with epsom salts ?

daniella 01-30-2011 03:25 AM

I am sorry. I can relate to the limits,pain,and drain. Takes such a toll. For the atrophy are you able to do any type of exercise for these areas? For myself at the start of this I was in bed full days. I went to Cleveland Clinic and they were concerned about atrophy and so I had to start moving. Now of course this is a catch 22 cause the pain is out of control. So I would start with 5 minutes and each week even add 1 min extra. It would allow my body to adjust to a degree. I know too when I am in a lot of pain I do thing to protect the rsd area at the time or comfort it as much as I can. At the time I just have to do what I can to get by the pain is so bad. I do feel though in the long run it does not help me. Now everyone is different of course but do you feel the pillow etc is helping? When my leg gets so bad I have tried putting a pillow under but it flares worse. I don't like anything touching me at all extra. I wish I had more answers I am in a flare that won't quit too.
On a side note I give you so much credit for going to the party. I have become so isolated. Feel better

gabbycakes 01-30-2011 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by debbiehub (Post 739788)
I am in such I have written before my muscles are all atrophying. Arms. legs and now my back. I just got back from a party and had such trouble sitting in a chair. I had to use 2 chairs and a pillow and I was still in pain...I have tried all the muscle relaxers and they don't work. I don't see how I can go on like arms are getting tired just typing this! If anyone has any suggestions it would be so appreciated.




My heart really hurts for you. I have read all of you post as they come up and you are obviously very on top of you care, have some great doctors but something is not working. Atrophy means to me the muscles are not there anymore, so you would need to work those muscles to get it back. I can relate to the arms I have the same problem but it's easiers to type then to write with a pen. Have you ever thought of seeing a physicatrist? A pyhsicatrist is a ortho. doctor that deals with non-surgerical treatments. I will check the spelling and get a name and more of a defination after I post.


The spelling is "Physiatry". There's a doctor out of HSS Dr. Rock Positano. Check the site out you never know.

debbiehub 01-30-2011 12:35 PM

Thanks for your responses...I do exercise..I swim about 3 x a week. But DESPITE exercising they are still getting weak. and not just my biceps but my whole arm (on both sides) are losing the padding so it is just bone and skin (if that make sense). If I hold my arm up I can see the skin drooping a little. Now the padding is leaving my back and I am getting stiffer by the day. I just feel like giving up. I have tried everything but a pump-and now I am thinking of that before giving up...

Thanks for your replies...


fmichael 01-31-2011 04:57 AM

Dear Debbie -

This sounds awful. Don't know if this will help, but I just came across an abstact you might want to share with your internist:

Mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle tissue of complex regional pain syndrome type I patients, Tan EC, Janssen AJ, Roestenberg P, van den Heuvel LP, Goris RJ, Rodenburg RJ, Eur J Pain. 2011 Jan 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Departments of Surgery, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to be involved in the pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I). Since the mitochondrial respiratory chain is a major source of ROS, we hypothesized that mitochondria play a role in the pathophysiology of CRPS I. The hypothesis was tested by studying mitochondrial energy metabolism in muscle tissue from amputated limbs of CRPS I patients. We observed that mitochondria obtained from CRPS I muscle tissue displayed reduced mitochondrial ATP production and substrate oxidation rates in comparison to control muscle tissue. Moreover, we observed reactive oxygen species evoked damage to mitochondrial proteins and reduced MnSOD levels. It remains to be established if the mitochondrial dysfunction that is apparent at the end-stage of CRPS I is also present in earlier stages of the disease, or are secondary to CRPS I. The observation of a reduced mitochondrial energy production combined with reactive oxygen species induced damage in muscle tissue from CRPS I patients warrants further studies into the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunctioning in the pathophysiology of CRPS I.

PMID: 21262583 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Good luck and :grouphug:

debbiehub 01-31-2011 06:13 PM

Thanks Mike
Thanks Mike,

But what can I do with this information


Jomar 01-31-2011 07:08 PM

There's no spinal or direct nerve issues that would cause the wasting?
Have you had a MRI recently just to check for any new things?

Your drs don't have any idea on this?
could it be a blood flow issue? can someone give you massages regularly to keep blood flowing?
I don't know how sensitive to touch you are though...

I wonder if something like a Chi machine would be of help for you or if it would be too painful.

Here's the Amazon link if you want to read more about them- when you select one - you can scroll down for ratings & reviews.

epinions -

fmichael 02-01-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by debbiehub (Post 740288)
Thanks Mike,

But what can I do with this information


Debbie -

I'll try to get you the full article, then you forward it to your internist (cc to the pain doctor) telling him or her that a friend just past this on to you and you were wondering if it had anything to do with your muscle atrophy. (I'll try to be more helpful one I've read it myself.) Then you set an appointment for a week thereafter, describe what you are going through and ask if the article suggests any possible treatments to him or her: assuming your internist is a smart person you trust.


AintSoBad 02-01-2011 12:47 PM

I have this situation going on also. I was told early on that RSD is a 'Use it or Lose it' affliction, which as has been said, is a double edged sword.
You (We) need to move! Start by walking, at least around a block, and build up to more! Start at whatever level doesn't hurt too much, and build up from there. If you can get to a gym, or a warm pool that's the best! But, Don't just sit and watch tv, or be at the computer. You've got to use it!
As I said, I'm in the same situation after 27 yrs of this, (with TOS).
The weather is so awful, it's impossible but, sometimes, getting out and walking can do a lot for your mood / depression too!
(I'm not suggesting a walk to the bar) Hah!

But, I hope you can move around. A walk around the block will get your blood circulating, your lungs working, and will help with chores like doing the wash, vacuming etc.

Be Well!


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