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Bscason 12-05-2012 03:49 PM

On May 9th 2012 I was in a fairly bad car wreck, I lost control on a country road , went over a small ledge and on impact I hit my head rather hard on the steering wheel above my eye, but still on the eye socket bone (Orbital surface?). This impact knocked me out and I assume I floored the gas due to the muscle contractions, I can tell because of the skid marks on the grass off the edge, this caused me to fly into a tree where I was hit by the airbag on the left side of my face. I woke up to the smell of my burned flesh from the force of the air bag, it was kind of like an intense rug burn on my face. I had lacerations on my face from the airbag, some intense contusions on the left side of my face and around my left eye that caused a lack of acuity, a slightly dislocated jaw, a deep contusion on my chest from the seat belt and of course some severe whiplash from the initial impact when I went over the ledge and then from the airbag impact. I had several secondary symptoms which included extreme disorientation, mild retrograde amnesia, posttramatic vertigo, some incoherence and I would later realize that I was having some anterior grade amnesia. I was helped by some kind strangers who managed to call a cop when the cop arrived I insisted I didn't need to go to the hospital, but after I threw up he forced me to go. I spent over an hour on an uncomfortable bed with a head brace, that hurt my jaw even more, before I was taken to get a CT scan. Nothing turned up on the CT and I was not diagnosed with a concussion at the hospital and I was discharged with the previously stated symptoms and nothing prescribed for pain, disorientation, etc... During the week following the wreck I was still slightly incoherent, some anterior grade amnesia, visual problems with my left eye and the vertigo had dissipated, but I was having intense prolonged migraines On a follow up visit with my family care provider she believed that I did in fact suffer a mild concussion. I have always had ocular migraines with the majority of the pain in the front right part of my head, but following the wreck I would get intense migraines on the left side of my head. They were so intense that I become very disoriented, incoherent and my memory of the time with these migraines was very distorted. Over the summer I suffered from depression, anxiety, increasingly common prolonged migraines and many symptoms of ADHD such as innatention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, restlessness (which led to poor sleeping habits), poor emotional control with anger outbursts, etc... I was prescribed Lexapro 10mg with cognitive therapy to treat the depression and anxiety and Amitriptyline hcl 10mg to treat the migraines. Today (12/5/12) I was diagnosed with ADHD not otherwise specified, I had always had some slight problems linked to ADHD, but these problems worsened following the wreck. That is all the background stuff, now on to my recent problem that I believe is linked to my wreck. Last Wednesday (11/28/12) I had a what seemed like a panic attack where the muscles in my neck all contracted slowing the blood flow to my brain and causing difficult breathing. This may have been triggered by a recent stress because I was dumped by my girlfriend a week earlier. Then later that day I experienced a episode of which I have no memory, my father says I was incoherent, disoriented and emotional this episode lasted about four hours. He says I kept claiming that I didn't understand anything and that I couldn't think. My physical symptoms during these episodes are very dilated eyes (left slightly more than right), blank expression and some numbness. Since last Wednesday I have had an episode everyday lasting at least two hours and yesterday I had another attack where my muscles contracted in my neck followed by an episode. I had an MRI done yesterday and the neurologists didn't find anything on their initial observation. I was wondering if anyone has any idea of what is going on with me, I am desperate for answers. I thank you for reading this and I look forward to seeing your responses

Rrae 12-09-2012 04:52 PM

Hello Bscason!
Welcome to NT!

Wow, you've really been through alot! I'm so sorry.
You've done a great thing by reaching out tho, and you'll find this to be a very caring place, down-to-earth, and the people are easy to talk to.

I'm thinking that you'd probably get much better feedback at the 'Post-Traumatic brain injury/Concussion' forum. Since you've had that car accident. A blow to the head can have far-reaching consequences, even if you 'feel' ok.
Here's the link to get you to that forum:

That is simply a place to start, tho. Feel free to look through ALL the different forums and post anywhere you'd like.
I can empathize with many of things you mention. There are forums for just about all of them. Panic attacks are a terrifying experience.
Here's the link to get you to the ADHD forum:

It's great to have you here and you are NOT alone. Please stick around and get to know some people who truly understand these things you are going thru.

Just holler if you have any questions or need help finding your way around!


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