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anon1028 07-24-2014 04:25 PM

please God exist
I don't want to believe. Because I am scared. I want to believe you because you are really fair. The great people I have met on this board make me believe that you are there but I need more strength because I am weak and need your love as do a lot of us on this board. Please show yourself to me and love us

eva5667faliure 07-25-2014 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1084749)
I don't want to believe. Because I am scared. I want to believe you because you are really fair. The great people I have met on this board make me believe that you are there but I need more strength because I am weak and need your love as do a lot of us on this board. Please show yourself to me and love us

dear friend
you did the first step
now look for the signs
he will reveal himself over and over
but because you asked
i could tell you i believe and he has
shown himself
i pick up the bible
whatever or however i might be feeling
randomly opening the book
and i kid you not
he speaks to me directly
i read exactly what i needed to hear
now you tell me how is "that" possible
only i pray you hear me
look for the signs
through people
i tell you no lie
may you feel him

ginnie 07-25-2014 06:44 PM

Hello Markneil
It is OK to question, to explore, to acknowledge our own weakness in faith. That is the process to faith. Glad to have you here at Neuro Talk. :Dginnie

ger715 07-25-2014 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1084749)
I don't want to believe. Because I am scared. I want to believe you because you are really fair. The great people I have met on this board make me believe that you are there but I need more strength because I am weak and need your love as do a lot of us on this board. Please show yourself to me and love us


If you allow and ask; pray your eyes will be open to what is happening around you. So often we take for granted or just don't realize God is there. Just the fact that you are asking is showing God you want to know Him.

A while back, I had prayed for someone dear to me that was terminally ill. I had prayed asking God to allow certain things to happen before and after his death.

The day this person passed; I thanked God that night for allowing me the eyes to see all the beauty of the day. All I asked was granted. Had I not been given the gift to see (because I asked), I would have been very upset what had taken place that day; but again; I and my family saw the "beauty" that took place.

When we are scared or worried; God is always there to listen.


anon1028 07-26-2014 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1085027)

If you allow and ask; pray your eyes will be open to what is happening around you. So often we take for granted or just don't realize God is there. Just the fact that you are asking is showing God you want to know Him.

A while back, I had prayed for someone dear to me that was terminally ill. I had prayed asking God to allow certain things to happen before and after his death.

The day this person passed; I thanked God that night for allowing me the eyes to see all the beauty of the day. All I asked was granted. Had I not been given the gift to see (because I asked), I would have been very upset what had taken place that day; but again; I and my family saw the "beauty" that took place.

When we are scared or worried; God is always there to listen.


I just don't know what he cn do at this point. job, health, savings, friends, family...everything is gone. he is a little late I think. I guess the kindest thing he could so is take me. maybe that is the only thing he could do at this point. I am glad he answered your prayers.

ginnie 07-27-2014 07:56 AM

Hi Mark
I felt as you did. Really I did. I will be a friend. No one has to be alone to go through all these issues. We all need someone who can understand our sorrow, our pain and loss. Please keep on trucking, there still is the beauty around you if you will open your eyes. I am in my garden a lot, just clipping away. This brings peace. I listen to Reggae music, which can be so uplifting. I read. I do all kinds of things to take my mind from pain. I also came here and stayed to make new friends. This put me on the path to a better frame of mind. When I came here, I was about ready to chuck it in too. It is 5 years later, many of the same issues but in my head I am better. I so much want that to happen for you. Love, Friendship, these are the things that God gives us to help us. This site can help you to be in a better place. So can God. He will call you on his own time. Allow life to unfold. It can and does get better if you choose to go in that direction. Be at peace. ginnie:grouphug:

eva5667faliure 07-27-2014 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1085201)
I just don't know what he cn do at this point. job, health, savings, friends, family...everything is gone. he is a little late I think. I guess the kindest thing he could so is take me. maybe that is the only thing he could do at this point. I am glad he answered your prayers.

listen my friend mark
you are at your turning point
and you don't even now it yet
everything you lost
i understand
we understand
what hurts the most is
my livelihood
it was taken
just like that
my family
all takes me into a
DEEP depression
if i let myself go there
and there are times i do
i have a shrink i have
been with
since my life was changed
just like that
as i woke up to get ready for work
then after 2 failed surgeries
while bed ridden
found a lump in my right breast
took both off

i ask you this
did you ever cry so hard
to want to feel God
i mean so hard
that the town could hear your wails
i wanted God
not my job
i ask to feel him
and i did
i'm not a crazy person
but a blessed one
to have my faith build
with the help of the people
you reach out too
i am here
we are here
i won't go anywhere
we won't go anywhere
especially when you are
going through what we all have
at one point or another
you are not any different then the
rest of us
Want to feel God

be still
be silent
listen to your dialogue
with Him
let it happen

keep searching
you are His child
we all are
do not let evil

it lurking all the time
just waiting for you
to give up your Faith
hang on as i do
do not give your soul to the devil
working real hard to just have
you at the edge of a cliff

be wise
heed to the warning

the suggestions expressed here
is all in good taste and real concerns
and intentions

at one point not long ago
i prayed to just die
i'll be at peace
but that is not the peace i am looking for
so i hang in
some days are better than others
and am learning everyday

to have been where you are now
I know

anon1028 07-27-2014 10:13 AM

you have such a big heart and have been through so much. and yet you and these others who have answered my plea really care if i live or die and it is so touching. i can't lie, all i wanted in life was money, cars, women, a fancy house and i was close to getting it all then i fell into a depression and did dangerous thins that led to my subsequent head injuries and downfall. you lost so much and yet you believe that God is there for us. I lost my father 32 years ago and stopped believing then pretty much. i am 46, no kids, everything gone, i feel like i don't matter. what is one person out of 6 billion. why should God care about me. I wasn't happy with money and health. maybe i don't know how to be happy. but i am thankful for you and ginnie and ger who have responded.

eva5667faliure 07-27-2014 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1085265)
you have such a big heart and have been through so much. and yet you and these others who have answered my plea really care if i live or die and it is so touching. i can't lie, all i wanted in life was money, cars, women, a fancy house and i was close to getting it all then i fell into a depression and did dangerous thins that led to my subsequent head injuries and downfall. you lost so much and yet you believe that God is there for us. I lost my father 32 years ago and stopped believing then pretty much. i am 46, no kids, everything gone, i feel like i don't matter. what is one person out of 6 billion. why should God care about me. I wasn't happy with money and health. maybe i don't know how to be happy. but i am thankful for you and ginnie and ger who have responded.

your listening dear mark
you have already expressed
what Isn't important in your life
and you know what
maybe you and i and others
may have felt we don't know how to be
what is Happy
it could apply in so many areas
but i do know for myself 53
i have been single since my separation in 1984
and divorced
my father decided to kill himself i was 19
long story
shot himself in the heart in his car
left a note
so i kind of get it at this point
and i am sure it has affected many
horrible decisions
didn't have the best prototype for parents
a pretty poop y hand dealt
but i wouldn't be who i am today
because of all the unfair happenings
my rewards are spiritual
it is fine to have the finer things in life
if acquired with Gods love
do not give up
do not think you do not matter
you do
so start seeing it
you will see it

Brokenfriend 07-28-2014 01:04 AM

Mark The Lord loves you,and He wants to show you more about who He is. There is a Bible verse in the New Testament,in the book of Romans chapter 10,verse 17 that says this.

So then faith comes by hearing,and hearing by the word of God.

This means to read,or listen to the Bible.

I would recommend that you get a bible,and start reading it. You might want to start with the gospel of John.

I'd also recommend for you to read through the book of Psalm in the old testament. You have nothing to fear reaching out to God. He is there for you,and you are here for Him. Brokenfriend:grouphug:

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