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RJam 03-13-2015 07:50 PM

Looking for some opinions
So this is my first time really posting about my story! I've been recovering from PCS for 27 months now... My last concussion was december 2 of 2012. I had to leave work and leave university and return home. I just started taking a single class at university back in Jan of this year.

I'm actually pretty happy with how my grades have been for this one class. Although it takes more work and I can't imagine having a second class on top of the one i'm taking. It already requires so much time to study because I can only study when I don't have a bad headache. (I have had a headache for 27 months straight so it only ever varies from slight to painful).

Basically i'm wondering what you guys think I should do. I work about 20 hours a week and in my job i basically walk around outside. Its fantastic! however I don't see taking more than one class as an option since I already have to push myself to the edge of my limit to do well. So i'm not really sure if I should even bother continuing with my education. As much as I love being in school I don't feel like spending all my time only completing one class at a time. On the other hand i'm not sure exactly of what job opportunities i can even hope to have without finishing my schooling. I was halfway through my third year so i still have 20 classes to take. one at a time would mean I would be in school for 10 more years at least :/

I'm beginning to get really angry and frustrated more and more often because I am very very tired of having a headache. I'm also very tired of every body assuming I am able to keep up with them. I find it hard to say no when people invite me to go bowling for example because I spent so long doing absolutely nothing. now its like I study work sleep. Which of course is a normal student schedule but I spend all my time studying for one class whereas my peers are doing five. and working and still have time to go out and do things.

I'm not sure if I am making any sense i'm not in a good mood

Thanks for reading friends

Mark in Idaho 03-13-2015 08:28 PM

I understand your dilemma. I have a friend who suffered a severe TBI just as he was starting college and took 10 years to finish college. He ended up with a masters degree in counseling. He still lives with cognitive issues, insomnia and other TBI symptoms such as intolerance for over-stimulation.

Have you ever looked into whether Botox can help with your head aches ?

I encourage you to check out this web site. It has great information for friends and family. You could even print it out so others can read it.

You may find a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor can help you find a direction to go career wise. Someone who can help you inventory your skill sets may be a big help. Check to see if your state has a Voc Rehab program.

What kind of a degree are your pursuing ?

RJam 03-13-2015 08:56 PM

Hi mark I am in ontario, canada. I have a vocational worker who I meet with again in april after my semester is over to discuss where we go from here. My specialist in hamilton suggested botox at the beginning of my injury but wanted to try other things first. As of next week I start my biofeedback training. So hopefully that will help with the headaches. I am not to sure what to expect from it though. Will it get rid of headaches completely or just allow me some time in between headache?

Mark in Idaho 03-13-2015 09:43 PM

Have you done any blood pressure checking when you have a head ache ? I think everybody who struggles with head aches should have a home blood pressure kit. Then you can determine if head aches are related to blood pressure. They only cost $30 to $50, depending on features. Avoid the wrist systems if you can afford to. They are not as accurate.

Biofeedback teaches you how to regulate your blood pressure and such. There are neurofeedback systems that teach you how to regulate how your brain functions. It can result in more sustainable results.

Has anybody worked on your neck to see if you have spasming neck muscles ?

Bud 03-13-2015 10:01 PM


Easier said than done as I struggle with this also but don't compare yourself to your peers.

I haven't been able to fly for a year now and probably won't till next year. Really tough when you own a flying business and have flying friends but that's just the way it is.

Never underestimate the courage you are displaying.


RJam 03-14-2015 09:26 AM

as to my neck i have stretches i'm supposed to do when my neck gets tight. the muscle that attaches to the base of the skull along the right side and runs down toward my shoulder gets tight like a rock.

As for blood pressure I haven't looked into that. I can finally ride a bike at a nice heart rate of 130 and not get a headache. My biggest problems for headaches these days are watching movies, being overstimulated or working the brain to hard. I find group gatherings very difficult to pay attention. So many people talking and I just can't keep up so I tune everybody out. I find video games have way to much going on and I don't last long. Even playing foozeball I do okay the first game but after that I just can't make my decisions fast enough.

I agree bud its something I forget not to do from time to time. It is difficult to go from seeing yourself as being successful to now I spend my day doing things (which I think are great) that are not as satisfying. I've taught myself how to make bread and i'm learning how to knit and how to paint. I enjoy these things but what I really want to do is play some sports. I am looking to see if maybe I can find a sport that is low impact so I can get some competitive urges out.

Mark in Idaho 03-14-2015 11:21 AM

Has a Physical therapist or chiropractor done anything to help C-1 and C-2 be properly positioned and moving properly ? Gentle traction and manual mobilization followed by disciplined posture, especially when sleeping or resting will help the inflammation that caused the muscle tension.

RJam 03-31-2015 06:22 AM

I haven't seen anybody for my neck. It is always sore in the same spot on the right side right below the bottom of the skull. I tried to make an appointment with one of the local chiropractors but they wouldn't see me because I had a concussion. After that I just didn't bother trying with anybody else. My school has a chiropractic and a sports therapy clinic would it be worth dropping in to see them or should I look for someone else?

AndromedaJulie 03-31-2015 07:03 AM

Hi RJam and welcome.

I'm sorry you are going through this. This past week we found out about a TBI support group nearby and I think I'm going to check it out. It's very hard to find people who understand. You might want to look into that possibility.

I agree with pp that you should see a vocational counselor at the school to get some recommendations. At the very least perhaps you could combine the classes you have with a few more elsewhere to a lesser but specialized certification even if it's not the field you planned. A good career counselor should be able to talk with you about big medical issues.

Life is long and there are blessings in it. Hard to find sometimes.
Hang in there

RJam 03-31-2015 07:10 AM

I have a vocational worker through the brain injury community re-entry program I am in. Once my class finishes April 17th we will meet again to discuss whether its best to continue with school or to find a career. She thinks that even if I choose to go the career path that I should be able to find something I am happy with.

I am also a member of a TBI support group although I have never attended any events or meetings. I am going to sign up to go to a warplane museum with them though, so I am really looking forward to that! They have some other events I think I should start involving myself in. I still try to fill my time with things I used to enjoy but its just not a good fit for my brain anymore

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