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katcar 06-30-2010 07:24 AM

Parkinsons? Just crazy?
I'm new here and I posted this as a reply to something I read and then realized I probably should do a new thread. I'm just trying to understand what is going on with me. My neurologist isn't taking me seriously and I've recently lost my insurance so I'm going it alone right now. I've been on Mirapex for years because of intense RLS. I have noticed that my brain is not functioning properly for a while now, in fact my co-workers joke about my "lame-brain" but lately my emotions have been all over the map and I can't seem to finish a sentence easily or recall simple words. I'm told that sometimes what comes out of my mouth is not what I thought I said...anyway, for a year or so my index finger on my left hand would "twitch" every now and then but now, it twitches all the time...non stop... if I'm not using it.....I'm not rigid or stiff....except when I first get out of bed or sit for long periods.... exercise clears that right up...the main thing that worries me is my brain function...I've become compulsive with my spending even tho I swear to myself I won't buy another piece of junk...I can't stick to any decisions I make....I want to be reclusive but of course I have to pay bills so I can't but I'm not "showing up" and I've ALWAYS been dependable up 'til this early parkinson's (I'm 50) or mental illness or just plain selfishness???? I think my marriage will soon be in jeopardy as well as my employment if I can't figure this out....does anyone have any advice????

Conductor71 06-30-2010 10:25 AM

See your doctor ASAP!

I am a PD person who knows from both personal experience; other patient stories; the Internet; and now a documented and named adverse effect of the Mirapex drug families (dopmine agonists). The agonists stimulate your dopamine receptors making more of this neurotransmitter available. The problem is that dopamine also plays a huge role in our reward and addiction center of the brain.

First, it has been documented for years now that dopamine agonists like Mirapex cause onset of addictive behaviors and usually they sneak on someone who has never even expressed that sort of behavior. It can cause compulsive gambling and shopping; hypersexuality, etc.

The best solution is to call your doctor right away but do not stop taking the drug cold turkey as that can cause serious withdrawal symptoms-- there is even a new withdrawal effect called "Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome" DAWS.

There is another dopamine agonist called Requip. Oddly, even though the same drug family as Mirapex; people respond differently (I switched from Mirapex without a problem). Please make an appointment for as soon as you can; lives have bee destroyed by use of this drug.



P.S. Brain fog is from the drug; it will lift once entirely out of your system.

katcar 07-01-2010 07:07 AM

thanks Conductor71
What great news that is to hear....thank you so much for taking the time to reply!

vlhperry 07-02-2010 10:41 AM

I can't add anything new.
LadyLanka said it all. It isn't easy to make the switch for everyone. I have RLS very severely, and am very careful to keep my Mirapex dose as low as I can tolerate the restless legs. Miraper is well known for causing obsessive/compulsive behaivior and many believe the the cure is worse than than the RLS. I personnaly have attempted to make the switch from Mirapex to Requip. My doctor insists I must be off the Mirapex before trying Requip and I have tried and just can't do it. The RLS is severe 24/7 and is unbearable.

Thanks LadyLanka for your sound advice. If you can offer a way to make the switch without the discomfort of going off Mirapex completely, I would sure appreciate it if you would PM me and tell me how you did it.

just_me_77 07-08-2010 12:34 AM

Requip may be better
Yes, I agree Requip may be better than Mirapex. Hope the advise has helped. I have taken both and think Requip is the better choice.

I have had problems with my legs for years. I was told as a child they simply were "growing pains". How is it that most people did not have these pains?

Doctors are just educated humans, no less prone to err than any other mortal.

indalo 01-02-2011 04:08 AM

Is Azilect (rasagaline) an agonist?
I am taking it & I am very depressed is that as a result of the drug?

paula_w 01-02-2011 06:38 PM

Azilect is an MAO inhibitor

Originally Posted by indalo (Post 730767)
Is Azilect (rasagaline) an agonist?
I am taking it & I am very depressed is that as a result of the drug?

rather than try to speculate , here's a google search on it. See if anything is similar to what you are feeling. Actually i think selegeline, or Eldepryl, which is the forerunner of Azilect , has anti-depressant effects . Don't know if that applies to rasagaline.

is that the only med you are taking?
best wishes,

AnnT2 01-02-2011 11:08 PM

Mirapex - idea on how to lower your dose
I have RLS also. I had been taking three .5 a day. The weight gain and bloating were very annoying, and the sludging affect on what used to be a pretty clear thinking brain was frightening.

I decide to wean myself partially from Mirapex. However, I also learned that the timing of the Mirapex was even more important. If I take one .5 pill at 4:00 or 5:00 at night it has a stronger effect. RLS takes over an hour to get rid of if I let it appear and then take a pill. However, if I take the pill before evening, pre-supper, there is no onset of RLS. If you rely on the pill only at bedtime, it might be too late, RLS alreadying seizing the early evening to appear. If you take in in the morning, it might be wasted because RLS does not strive to show up and take over at that time.

My suggestion (of course, consult with your doctor) is to keep the same total dosage for now, but try my four or five o'clock dosage time and again another at bedtime and see if that works. Then start cutting back at each of those two times. Eventually you will notice you are thinking a bit more clearly and you are keeping the RLS at bay.

YogaLife 01-02-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by indalo (Post 730767)
Is Azilect (rasagaline) an agonist?
I am taking it & I am very depressed is that as a result of the drug?

Azilect is not an agonist. It is an MAOB inhibitor. In a nutshell it has a chance of slowing down the progression of the PD. It is not meant to really treat the symptoms though my husband says he finds he has a little bit better function in his weak hand a couple hours after he takes it.

I STRONGLY reccomend you research these medicines before getting on them so you know what is going on in your body. Its really all we DO have control over ;)

As for the depression, Azilect used to be used as an anti-depressant. However, PD can cause clinical depression so you should talk to your doctor about it. I do not know what other meds you are on or you personally so I wouldn't assume what is causing this.

Sending warth thoughts your way:grouphug:

daffodil 01-03-2011 12:57 PM

response to brain question

Originally Posted by katcar (Post 670101)
I'm new here and I posted this as a reply to something I read and then realized I probably should do a new thread. I'm just trying to understand what is going on with me. My neurologist isn't taking me seriously and I've recently lost my insurance so I'm going it alone right now. I've been on Mirapex for years because of intense RLS. I have noticed that my brain is not functioning properly for a while now, in fact my co-workers joke about my "lame-brain" but lately my emotions have been all over the map and I can't seem to finish a sentence easily or recall simple words. I'm told that sometimes what comes out of my mouth is not what I thought I said...anyway, for a year or so my index finger on my left hand would "twitch" every now and then but now, it twitches all the time...non stop... if I'm not using it.....I'm not rigid or stiff....except when I first get out of bed or sit for long periods.... exercise clears that right up...the main thing that worries me is my brain function...I've become compulsive with my spending even tho I swear to myself I won't buy another piece of junk...I can't stick to any decisions I make....I want to be reclusive but of course I have to pay bills so I can't but I'm not "showing up" and I've ALWAYS been dependable up 'til this early parkinson's (I'm 50) or mental illness or just plain selfishness???? I think my marriage will soon be in jeopardy as well as my employment if I can't figure this out....does anyone have any advice????

when i was taking a lot of mirapex, my mind was not clear and i felt as if i was observng myself from a distance, and found myself with increasing sense of compulsion - just about anything i was doing i would become obsessed with and unable to stop easily. i have decreased my mirapex intake to 3 pills a day and feel ls if i have some of myself back. my mind is clearer. hope thjs is helpful.

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