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coachV 03-01-2007 06:07 PM

o/t british food
calling all brits.....and i know we have some here!

is treacle tart made with real treacle or with golden syrup?.....i've seen recipes for both so i'm not isn't terrribly important, just one of those brain tickles that won't go away!


frogga 03-01-2007 06:42 PM


I would use golden syrup - after it's put in the oven it goes thicker, more sticky and gooey. It's pretty yum - especially with custard!! (do American's eat PROPER custard?!! when it's boiled back to solid?)

Other faves include sherry trifle (YUM) and jam rolley poley.

LOL - feel free to ask about this sort of stuff anytime...

Rosie xxx

artist 03-01-2007 07:41 PM

Hi Liz! Hi there!

Oh, yummyscrumbums, treacle tart!

Definitely golden syrup, as eaten by most Brits, although the Scots might disagree ;)
Treacle itself (black treacle) has a very different taste, like black molasses (strong, smoky, liquorce-ish) and and wouldn't really be interchangeable for some things, e.g. ginger bread - also very scrummy.

Found my recipe, it produces a pretty definitive treacle tart as recognized by most Brits,
all the best

Treacle Tart
Serves: 4-6

110g plain flour
25g lard
25g butter
8 tablespoons golden syrup
125g fresh white breadcrumbs
Grated zest of 2 lemons, plus 2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Sieve the flour into bowl. Add the fats and rub into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add a small amount of water and mix to a firm dough. On a floured board, thinly roll out the pastry and use to line an 18cm flan dish. Any excess pastry can be rolled out again and used to decorate the top after the filling is added. Allow the pastry to rest.

Mix together the syrup, breadcrumbs, lemon zest and juice. Spoon the filling into the pastry base, decorate as required, and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C, gas mark 4 until the pastry is golden brown. Serve warm or cold.

frogga 03-01-2007 08:57 PM

sounds good! but got to be with loads of THICK custard (Says the vegan.. going through withdrawel symptoms).

you're right A..... black treacle is totally different.. I can't think of anything I use that for? mum uses it on gammon in conjunction with cherry coke, cloves and bread crumbs but otherwise... occasionally friends use it in pancakes?

got me thinking about fave dessert.. treacle tart is always good, or jam roly horse shoe (a very thin form of jam roly poly - where instead of spongey cake stuff a very thin layer of pastry is rolled, jam added and then the whole concotion is rolled together and twisted into a horseshoe shape - REALLY yummy, but must contain about 2000 calroies per slice - yet again, custard is a must. At the moment the fave has to be vegan chocolate cake with soya vanilla icecream.. (can't eat it ... but DREAM about it)..

What i'm really craving at the moment is FISH!!!!!! (rainbow trout, baked in the oven with loads of herbs, lemon etc served with new potatoes and steamed vegetables - YUM YUM YUM.... or.... a really good risotto, or I dunno.. so many things I am craving... TOAD IN THE HOLE! with gravy and potatoes etc... or roast potatoes..

not good - 2am and you've given me cravings!!! (makes my life of liquidised food and soy yoghurts sound really boring!)

what is everyone else's fave food?


Chemar 03-01-2007 09:04 PM

oh yummy.......:D

I cant find Golden Syrup here in the Florida swamplands and sorry, and what is called custard here is mush

anyone got a good scones recipe.....oooh now I am craving scones and strawberry jam and devon clotted cream:p

frogga 03-01-2007 09:57 PM

.........and tea.. don't forget the tea. The cream has to be clotted, and almost yellow with thickness... ooh yummy - will search out my scone recipe for you.. so yummy.. raspberry or strawberry jam?



Brokenwings 03-01-2007 10:38 PM

Hi All!! Gosh--YES! A great scone recipe would be TERRIFIC!!
Now, it may be difficult to find clotted cream where I live, but I heard somewhere that there is someway that you can make it... not quite sure just HOW, though, or with what type of, any tips on that would be very appreciated! (Have the raspberrry AND Strawberry preserves waiting!!)

Is Golden Syrup like corn syrup or maple syrup? I think I will try that treacle recipe! (Need to do the measuring conversions, though--and I am LOUSY in math!).

THANKS!!!!!! I will submit my Gram's Egg Custard Recipe in a bit. (I need to find the recipe book...) It probably is not at all like English Custard, but it sure is GOOD (warm OR cold--just slips down the throat like VELVET...and calms an upset tummy right down!!!).


buckwheat 03-01-2007 10:49 PM

Hi Everyone,

You mates are making me very hunger for Lemon Curd.:wink:

In the States I don't know why but the Cadbury chocolate tastes different here.:(

At least I can still have a soft boiled egg.;) Love, Roz xxx

Brokenwings 03-01-2007 10:54 PM

Ok--found it!

Grams' Egg Custard

6 eggs
1 quart milk, scalded
pinch of salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Fresh-grated Nutmeg (optional)

Beat eggs just enough to break up; add scalded milk slowly
Add sugar and vanilla, mix

Pour into casserole dish; sprinkle top liberally with fresh-grated Nutmeg, if desired (but it is YUMMY this way!)

Place the casserole dish in a pan of water (about 1/2" deep of water for the "water bath")

Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, until the custard has "set".

You can also add stale bread cubes and raisins for "bread custard",
OR a cup or so of pre-cooked white rice and raisins with cinnamon for "rice custard"....


Brokenwings 03-01-2007 10:59 PM

Buckwheat--you read my mind!!!!! I had a GREAT recipe at one time for that Lemon Curd, and lost it somehow! I remember vaguely that it had about a pound or so of butter in it, fresh lemon juice, lemon-rind, and who knows what else!

Ok--anyone have a great Lemon Curd recipe??? Geeze---I am REALLY getting the "nibbles" for scones, Lmon Curd and a nice pot of TEA with sugar and cream!!



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