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Lilith 08-07-2007 08:45 AM

Does anyone have Myofascial Syndrome ???
I am still new here...Hello everyone! I have Fibromyalgia and newly diagnosed with Myofascial Syndrome. Pain Pain and more Pain Lilith:grouphug:

fiberowendy2000 08-07-2007 01:58 PM

I think we all do to a degree. Some people float toward the MPS side and others to the FM side.

tinkieanne 08-07-2007 05:19 PM

LILLITH, hI i'm also new to this sight. I have had fms/mps for 10 yrs. From what I understand the 2 are not exclusive. I know alot of people that have only fms. The big difference between the two syndromes is with fm you have tender points only along with all the other crazy things we have with our fm. Mps you get knots all along the lenghts of your muscles,called trigger points. With mps as far as I know and from what my doc has said,you treat the two the same way. One thing that I've done to relieve some of the pain is to go to a message therapist that will do deep tissue message, it helps break up the knots. Chiaropractic may help a little bit also. Ask your doc about these suggestions. I hope that i've been of some help. Good luck,hope you feel better soon!:)

fanfaire 08-09-2007 01:14 AM

Hello! I'm new too! Hard to decide which forum to post on because I have so many ailments. :rolleyes:

I've had chronic myofascial pain since I was 13 years old (30 years ago). I developed mysterious headaches that I know now were tension-related stemming from trigger points in the scalene muscles. The knots probably were caused by me having my nose in a book all the time. :)

The fibromyalgia started 10 years ago after a reaction to a medication. Now in addition to various trigger points, I have all 18 tender points! Plus all the non-pain fun stuff that accompanies fibro.

I did a year of very specific trigger point therapy which included gentle chiropractic, moist heat, ultrasound, deep tissue massage and therapeutic stretching. It was quite effective. Now I just do "maintenance" in the form of massage therapy at regular intervals.

I also do self-massage with tennis balls and/or a Thera-Cane as needed. I learned how via the book "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies. If I don't keep the knots at bay, my range of motion becomes restricted.

Chronic myofascial pain can't be cured, but it can definitely be kept down to a dull roar. :)


fiberowendy2000 08-09-2007 07:41 AM

For my trigger points, which are pretty icky and in bad spots....(aren't they all!:D ) I get trigger point shots of depo-medrol every two weeks. And every two weeks they are in different places. For example, this week it was my low trap, which was keeping my stomach hostage and making me ill. I had bad muscle spasms over the weekend and had been suffering with the after effects for a few days but yesterday, my pain doc gave me my routine shots and I felt tons better.
You would think looking forward to a needle would be crazy thing but I truly was looking forward to the needle yesterday. Today I feel a little bruised but but much better. The proof is I am at work sitting comfortably, well as comfortably as an FMer can.:D

Doody 08-15-2007 03:30 PM

Hi ((Lillith)). Welcome to the club! I have FMS and chronic MPS as well. They often go hand in hand.

At this point my CMPS is worse than the fibro. You can just about push your finger on any part of my body and it hurts.

((Wendy)), you know I've never even discussed my fibro with my pain doc. I go to him when I need sacroiliac or tailbone injections. Maybe I should bring my FM up to him and see what he says. I wish I had a better pain clinic. This doctor is one you really have to kiss up to. He's not pleasant. He's also not one that prescribes any narcotics. I can't take anti-inflammatories because they set off my ulcerative colitis. :rolleyes:

((Fanfaire)) thanks for your info as well. I'll have to check on that book. And I have never had a good chiropractic event. Every single one I've been to, I've walked out in worse pain than than I went in.

My massage therapist is wonderful. But she would be more wonderful if I could afford to go to her every week, which I can't. I go every 3 weeks due to budget. She suggested I invest in The Miracle Ball Method. I bought them with the instruction book and thought, yeah right, little rubber balls are gonna do what exactly? :) But I'm amazed at how they help getting knots out of my back. biggest problem right now is my flare in the sacroiliac joints and yes, I'm looking forward to getting the injections for the relief, even though they are extremely painful.

fiberowendy2000 08-15-2007 05:10 PM

My pain doc doesn't do pain killers either. The only thing he does for me is rx's for Robaxin and Trazodone. And of course the steroid shots and the occasional Rhiziotomy.:D
I don't miss the pain killers since they didn't work for me, and I was on enough to kill a horse.
So ask the doc about the muscle relaxants....they have helped me tons.

tinkieanne 09-10-2007 03:25 PM

myofascial pain syndrome
I also have mps. My doc has said you treat mps and fms the same even though they are separate conditions. I found that masssage therapy helps the only problem I have is if one trp is being worked on the trps start traveling around my body! Then I have to deal with those and sometimes it turns into a never ending cycle.So I try real hard not to get them going in the first place if I can help it.:)

snowflower 02-02-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lilith (Post 133515)
I am still new here...Hello everyone! I have Fibromyalgia and newly diagnosed with Myofascial Syndrome. Pain Pain and more Pain Lilith:grouphug:

hi i also was diagnosed with myofascial pain alot of fun..isn't it? my rhuematologist gave me a referral to pain management clinic..all they did for there was prescribe a anti-seizure drug and another med to help with pain and nerve pain. i am having a hard time trying to get pain meds for the really bad days..
i also have sero negative arthritis/osteoartritis in my hands/tendonitits/nerve pain and the all the rest...hugs to you..i am thingking of going to a private doctor to get some relief:

uncomfortable one 04-10-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lilith (Post 133515)
I am still new here...Hello everyone! I have Fibromyalgia and newly diagnosed with Myofascial Syndrome. Pain Pain and more Pain Lilith:grouphug:

Yes, I have both. I have to tell you, it took going to at least 11 doctors to find someone who understood what was going on. I had the Ebstein Barr virus in my teens, and was in a car accident two years ago. I have had so many symptoms: ringing in ears (checked for menere disease, negative), peri.neuro (unknown cause although symptoms started post MVA) fibro, mfs, 2 herniated discs in neck, one in lower back, awful depression/anxiety, and unbearable pain. I am on numerous meds, and none of which are narcotics. Sometimes I may reduce amt of the tramadol, gabapentin, or meloxicam just to see where my pain level is. Of course, it is horrible, but I start to wonder if I am having withdrawl symptoms too. I have tried PT, chiro, water aerobics, shots into trgger pts, stretching....... I yet to have it under control. Would prefer holistic treatment, since I strongly believe pharm co R just getting richer. And if the meds can only control the pain level, who in the h--- wants to take those 4ever? I am only 31, and because of all of this (trying diff treatmnt) I ended up missing work, and starting back to school. I don't complain to family, they just don't get it. I have children, and I force myself 2engage in school activites, and find things 2 keep them active. People don't see the prob because we look "normal" on the outside. The few things that have helped are: my relationship with God (4 those who don't believe, it probably produces the same effect as deep meditation.) Also going to a therapist has helped. Sorry for such a long reply, but don't give up, and I hope U find relief soon. Take care!

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