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Dejibo 08-29-2011 06:18 PM

How do you deal with the visual stuff?
MS is really working hard to take away what little vision I have left, and it seems to be going so fast! I am sad, and I am upset that MS is scratching my eyes out, and not digging at my legs! its a sorry statement but if my legs didnt work I could watch TV or do puzzles, or knit, read books and visit with folks. I could get hand controls to drive my car, but blind?

How do I do this? :confused:

doydie 08-29-2011 10:57 PM

I know it would be much more difficult to lose mt eyes after I had them for all my life but I have a nephew that has been blind since birth. He has a Bachelors degree, a masters,, married, full time job, was a camp counselor this summer. He just does it.

Erin524 08-29-2011 11:43 PM

I taught myself to crochet with my eyes closed years ago. I'd probably still be able to crochet if I lost my sight...maybe even knit as long as it's just garter stitch. Still, it would be so boring and depressing to do either if I cant see the color of the yarn. When I had optic neuritis in 2006, I barely did any crocheting because my color vision was so screwed up. I could still see out of one eye, but because the other eye's color vision was wonky, it messed up the color vision in my good eye.

I knitted because it was new to me (learned it the week I developed optic neuritis) but it wasnt very fun because I couldnt see the colors very well. Apparently seeing color is really important to me. (so glad that recovered when the ON cleared up) I guess I'd have to start looking at yarn textures if I couldnt see color. I'd have to find yarn that's really interesting...only problem is that my fingers are numb at times, so that might not work either.

knocking on wood that I wont have to worry about such things for a long time.

I hope that you can figure out something to do that keeps you from being bored.

Not sure if this helps, but have you thought about learning Braille? I taught myself the Braille alphabet when I was little. Had a weird fascination with sign language and Braille back then. I probably wouldnt remember how to read the Braille alphabet now tho. I'm half considering getting myself a Braille primer to see if I can teach myself to read it. (again, numb fingers would probably screw up that plan)

Is there anything else crafty that you can do without being able to see? I know blind people can still knit and crochet, have you tried doing anything simple like a dishcloth to see if you can do it? Even if it's just garter stitch?

Lynn 08-30-2011 03:37 AM

I don't have anything inspirational to say or suggest to you. I have a blind student who is totally amazing - she uses a program called JAWS on her computer that reads to her, and instructs her on 'where she is' and what selections she makes on a computer (it vocalises all the icon and button names on the screen and how many enters and spaces she has).

But this is your journey, and I am sure that right now, you don't want to hear about what 'other people' can do when you have got so much to come to terms with. I can't imagine life without sight - I too would rather lose my legs if the choice were mine to make.

I just wanted to let you know that your post really moved me and I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this.



Jodylee 08-30-2011 06:30 AM

I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Dej. I thank God that my legs have been more affected than my eyes.

Many :hug::hug::hug:

Kitty 08-30-2011 08:50 AM

I've had visual issues since the beginning with MS. But....I also have issues with my legs, too. I'm not sure if all my visual issues are because of MS or just aging. I tend to need stronger reading glasses each year. I need to go get my eyes examined soon, though, because they get strained easily and I like to read alot. I do get the large print books whenever possible.

PolarExpress 08-31-2011 12:17 AM

Wish I had an answer for you, my friend. My eyes have been a pain, especially after my last relapse. Can't focus them together very well, especially if I'm hot or tired. It bites cuz there's really nothing to be done for it. I've often thought losing the use of my legs, which is what most people think of when they hear "MS", would be easy...If I could only see and think straight (not that I could do that before, but, you know what I mean :rolleyes:). (((Hugs))) Dej!

marion06095 09-02-2011 03:19 PM

I have had double vision so long that I've gotten completely used to it, and it doesn't bother me at all.

carebear01 09-03-2011 07:37 AM

My eyes tend to get very blurry when I'm out in the heat or bright sunlight for an extended amount of time...cannot read outside. They also get blurry when I'm looking at my I'm writing this I'm thinking that it would probably help to turn the brightness down...duh! This is weird but sometimes when my eyes are closed, my eyes go back-and-forth really fast...then it stops.

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