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Lisa14 03-26-2013 07:10 PM

vp shunt problems
Hi! I'm new to this site and need some help understanding my husbands symptoms. My husband,Dean,had a vp shunt inserted in October 2012,since then he has had headaches, short term memory loss, tingling at top of head, increased anxiety and agitation, feels like he is in a fog most of the time. went to ER for confusion in feb. and they admitted him and adjusted his shunt x 2. His symptoms have not resolved and the neurosurgeon now thinks he is having seizures that is causing his symptoms. yikes! We don't see the neurologist until april 15th. Anyone else having these issues with their shunt? I don't know where else to turn.

Waylon G 03-31-2013 12:22 AM

Hi Lisa. I am sorry to hear of all the trouble your husband is having. I can't say what may be causing these issues but, I will say that every symptom you mentioned, I also had right before my last revision which, turned out to be a full replacement. The whole "confused, foggy feeling" really rings a bell! I also made a trip to the ER where, I was x-rayed, CT'd, given a pain pill, and sent home. The whole time, having a disconnection in my neck and a barely functional, 23 yr old shunt. Gauging by my wife's reaction to my problems, I am convinced that shunt issues can be as tough on the spouse, as it is for those of us carrying them. My heart goes out to you both, hope Mr Dean finds relief soon.

jasontaub23 03-31-2013 10:06 AM

one of the first on the planet
Hello Lisa, I was one of the first people on the planet to have this procedure. What I don't understand why all these issues. I have had 4 revisions, total. Three before I was ten. The last 28 years later. I have had a headache 5 times in my life, all required surgery. I can't say I have ever the foggy/confused feeling, I can tell you I know exactly when the shunt is blocked, I generally wind up getting vertigo, I have been told that there are only two ways to detect an issue with the shunt, ct scans and mri's don't work. The two ways are a spinal tap and also having an opthamologist see if the ventricles in the back of your eyes are swollen. I can tell you however disconcerting the following may sound I was recently diaganosed with epilepsy. I am unfortunately a guinea pig, I will keep you up to date if I am diagnosed with anything else that my neurologist may feel could be shunt related, doctors have to be a little more reactive with me than proactive, it is a learning experience for all of us.


Originally Posted by Lisa14 (Post 969461)
Hi! I'm new to this site and need some help understanding my husbands symptoms. My husband,Dean,had a vp shunt inserted in October 2012,since then he has had headaches, short term memory loss, tingling at top of head, increased anxiety and agitation, feels like he is in a fog most of the time. went to ER for confusion in feb. and they admitted him and adjusted his shunt x 2. His symptoms have not resolved and the neurosurgeon now thinks he is having seizures that is causing his symptoms. yikes! We don't see the neurologist until april 15th. Anyone else having these issues with their shunt? I don't know where else to turn.

Lisa14 04-02-2013 06:22 PM

Waylon~ thanks for replying! My husband just had a shuntogram done couple weeks ago, and they keep telling us shunt is ok. do you think it could be draining too much? Nsg thinks symptoms are due to seizures. We see a neurologist on April 9th. EEG was normal. How do you know if shunt is over or under draining?

Jason~I'm glad your not having issues with your shunt like so many others are. Is yours programmable? Does a lot of people develop seizures after shunting? GOD BLESS!

Waylon G 04-02-2013 06:44 PM

Lisa, I only have had my shunt to over drain a couple times. Both times, it was remedied by implantation of an anti-siphon valve. Best I remember (yes, my memory stinks too), the symptoms were amplified, especially the headaches. During the week or two prior to surgery, I honestly thought my head would explode but, with the over-draining headaches, it seemed as they were more "localized" and sporadic. In my opinion, these were more of a piercing pain, as opposed to the widespread, dull ache, and at times would bring me to my knees. If the headache subsides, or better yet goes away while laying down, this is a good indication of over-draining.

Lisa14 04-02-2013 06:50 PM

Thanks Waylon! his headaches don't go away when lying down, and at times could bring tears to his eyes. His moves about the head in localized area. May last 1 hour to a couple hours. may wake up with it. some times it is dull across front of forehead. but most of time is severe. Has been in bed his 2 days off. He is getting really depressed about it.

Waylon G 04-02-2013 06:58 PM

I just read back over your original post for the forth time (scatterbrained :-). I am taken back by the similarities with Mr Deans symptoms, and the symptoms that lead to my revision/ replacement in February. When seen prior to my surgery, my didn't worry to much with hunting a problem. He said my symptoms were a "dead giveaway" and the ct scan revealed that my ventricles were "huge". Upon opening me up, my shunt was "barely functional" and tubing was completely broken in my neck. The only exception with me and Mr Dean is that the shunt I had replaced had been in for over 20 years. Mine was just worn out and his just isn't that old.:confused:

Waylon G 04-02-2013 07:06 PM

I've never used a neurologist, only a neurosurgeon. I sure hope he gets answers from the and quick! I know the pain he is in, and it is no joke. Given the severity, it does sound like possible over draining but, only the drs opinion counts unfortunately. Honestly, in my opinion, over draining is probably the worst pain I have had with hydro but, laying down always helped me get relief. During the overtraining episodes, either the other symptoms "took a back seat" due to the severity of pain or were not existent.

Lisa14 04-02-2013 07:11 PM

Well I'm not real sure what to think about all this. It's so new to us we don't know the differences in headaches yet. Do they diagnose the overdraining from a CT scan? I think his ventricles are always large due to him having hydro for so long untreated, or should they shrink back down?

Waylon G 04-02-2013 07:20 PM

My overdraining was identified on a ct scan, after a ventricle all but collapsed. I will say, that type headache is definitely different, to me. I've always had really good neurosurgeons and just trusted what they advised but, I understand that sure isn't consoling when your appointment is still several days off. :(

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