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Jhovattz 03-12-2012 12:25 AM

Night 2 insomnia no sleep help
So last night I didn't sleep at all. Today I fell asleep for maybe 45 mins. Waking up like I had full nights rest. Feeling the same as last night, my mind is racing.

Just curious how unhealthy this is for my brain? 4 weeks into pcs and last night was first night of real insomnia. It had been hard to sleep but I always went to bed by 4 or 5 am the latest. I'm just wondering if I should go to er so they can check me out? Or wait and see doctor Tom? I'm worried about the tool it is taking on my injured head and if it's ok. Or I need to go to the hospital?

I know it's late hoping someone replys! Thanks ~ Justin

P.s I would prefer doc Tom because money reasons let me know

SpaceCadet 03-12-2012 01:32 AM

I don't think going to the hospital is necessary. There is really nothing they can do for you...and if you tell them your there because you can't sleep, they might look at you funny =O...

Sleep is the only time your brain isn't in use. This is when your brain is doing most of it's healing. So, it is important to get as much sleep as you can.

I can only offer you suggestions. They may work, they may not.

First of all, there is nothing you can do tonight (as far as going to see your doctor)...unless your not from the USA and it's day time wherever you live. So, let's just talk about tonight. What is it that's keeping you awake? Is it the racing thoughts? I know it's easier said than done, but you need to try and focus your thoughts elsewhere. Have you tried falling asleep with the TV on? How about a little soft music?

I've heard some people having success with "white noises". Like, a fan, air conditioner, water running, etc. There are things on YouTube you can find to help you get to sleep. Just do a search for, say, "white noises sleep". Try a few of those and see if that works.

Tomorrow, you can call your doctor and let him know of your troubles. He might be able to get you on some kind of medication to help you sleep better.

Good luck and keep us up to date.

Ziggo 03-12-2012 01:52 AM

I was sleeping first weeks like 16hours per day or even more, afterwards i had your situation, there was nights i couldnt sleep at all, when i fall asleep i woke up with racing heart, had feeling like someone was punching my head all the time. I was thinking to call 911 that night but didnt. It stopped with time, im now sleeping 8-10 hours pnight.

Jhovattz 03-12-2012 02:00 AM

Thank you I feel alittle better now feel alittle sleepy. Not just racing thoughts even if I close my eyes. They move like a twitch like my brains in speed mode. Ya hospital would prob think Im on drugs lol I would to. I look terrible I feel for ppl who suffer with long term insomnia let alone all the other things that come with pcs.

I do believe after this I won't complain as much about a cold or a headache. Things could always be worse. It is amazing how strong man kind can be. It's just another trial in my life thanks for the quick reply. ~Justin

Mark in Idaho 03-12-2012 04:16 AM

Try taking a magnesium supplement. It helps the sleep system work.

Jhovattz 03-12-2012 10:15 AM

I give up
I give up on my doctor. He obviously has not dealt with this much. I go in this morning and didn't sleep at all last night again. Told him about the constant anxiety attacks all day and the two days no sleep and nothing. Why would do I always get the doctors that don't try and help? If someone's having 15 to 25 anxiety attacks a day don't u think they should be on anxiety medicine?

Even a small amount if it would help some. I left in tears and cried the whole way home. I don't know what to do that was the last of my money untill Thursday. And he said the steroid he gave me might be causing it. I stoped taking it two days ago. Everything was getting worse on it and he thinks I still need to continue with it cuz it should help. Ok doctor I get that it might help but if it makes me feel 100 times worse in the process atleast give me something to contract what is getting worse. 48 hours awake now and I'm about to loose it I'm just at a loss for words and hopes!

xxxxcrystalxxxx 03-12-2012 10:36 AM

Im sorry to hear about your struggles. We all have been there. I would call the MD back and speak with them about medication. If they aren't going to help you then another MD might be a way to go. It boggles my mind why some doctors can be so inconsiderate. I would also try advil pm it works pretty good. I hope you get some rest soon.

EsthersDoll 03-12-2012 12:40 PM

When I have that much trouble sleeping, I try to remember to take some passionflower. It's a tincture - I use one that's alcohol free. (Most tinctures have alcohol in them, so try to remember to make sure it doesn't if you want to try it.)

I took some just the other night. After tossing and turning for well over an hour and then experiencing some unusually depressive thoughts that alarmed me, I drank about 36 drops in some water and was calm and sleeping in about fifteen minutes.

Of course, if you want to try taking it, check with your Dr. to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything else you are taking.

I have also tried 5HTP, but I didn't notice if it helped me at all.

I was on steroids at one point during my recovery too. I didn't notice that they helped me and I was dealing with some rare complexities that the Dr.'s were trying to ascertain and taking them ruled some things out and helped me get properly diagnosed.

Jhovattz 03-12-2012 04:47 PM

Thanks everyone! I finally slept just 5 hours but I feel alot better. It's just a stressful situation with me and my luck of doctors. I've seen him about once a week since my accident. Everytime he still always says a week or two weeks I should be better.

How does he know that? Is it because my MRI came back ok? I've read people that have had normal mri's have had pcs for long periods of time. It has just got worse and worse and I as I tell him this he always has a simple answer. I'm thinking of going to another doctor just for a second opinion.

Also I asked him about a referral to a neurologist. He said in a few weeks if your not better that's the route we will go. I even told him today that the anxiety is the worst part for me, he just seems to blow that off. If you have had high anxiety exp at a level were Ur chest hurts all day, then you understand were I am coming from. For now I'm going to try and relax and not stress the situation. I'm going to go pic up some vitamins and things and give that a go. Thanks ~ justin

Ziggo 03-12-2012 04:51 PM

I doubt he knows how long it will be like that...
My MRI came back bad and im doing better then some people whos MRI came back positive....

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