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MelodyL 04-24-2007 11:52 AM

I have a DOOZY of a challenge for you!!!
Hi everybody:

I have a Hewlett Packard Media Center PC. All bells and whistles.Windows XP, you know the drill. I also use Outless Express as my mail thing.

I have disabled all sounds (for incoming and outgoing mail) on Outlook Express.

So what's my problem???? I now like to watch dvd's on my DVD rom thing.

I put in a DVD last night. Played just fine. Sound was perfect.

Every 20 minutes or so, I get this sound (very hard to duplicate) but it's definitely a sound that anounces something, for example BING BAMM

I have absolutely no idea what this sound originates from.

I went to my outlook express options thing because I figured it was announcing I got an e-mail or something. I disabled the sound effects part.

Ten minutes later, as I'm watching the dvd, I get the BING BAMM sound again. It's two musical notes.

Obviously there is something enabled on my computer that is notifying me of something. Drives me nuts.

I refuse to use another dvd until I disable this.

Oh, just so you know, on the bottom right of my screen are the following icons.

Windows messenger, Mailwasher Free,MusicMatch Jukebox,Google Desktop, Verizon Internet Suite, New Items Available, google updater, Kodak easy share, Udate are ready for your computer,click here to install these updates (maybe it's this????), java update available,

That's all the little icons on the bottom right. Maybe one of these is announcing something with the Bing Bamm thing.

Please, if anybody knows how to stop my computer from doing this Bing Bamm sound I would really appreciate it.


Jomar 04-24-2007 05:42 PM

well let's see what we can figure out.

so you went to - settings -control panel -sounds and devices -
and then clicked on the sounds tab and for the sound theme you selected -no sounds- and clicked the apply and then the OK button?

that's how I turned my sounds off.
some webpages will still have a sound or notification beep or ding dong sound.

Did you try the "click to install updates" to see it it stops after that is done

MelodyL 04-24-2007 07:16 PM

"So you went to - settings -control panel -sounds and devices -
and then clicked on the sounds tab and for the sound theme you selected -no sounds- and clicked the apply and then the OK button?"

NO, I NEVER DID THIS!!! I went to my Outlook Express and (because I thought it might be my mail server ANNOUNCING that I had MAIL!!!, I disabled that option). I never went to control panel, sounds and devices, etc.

Now if I did do this and I disable sounds, How can I watch videos on the internet and dvds in my dvd rom thing.

If I go to control panel, sounds and devices and clik on sounds tab and I select NO SOUNDS, does this mean NO SOUNDS FOR EVERYTHING???

Clue me in here. AND THANK YOU MUCH


Lara 04-24-2007 09:45 PM

Edited to add: I think this is the same thing Jo has said only done a different way. I'm sorry to repeat. I didn't read that properly. <grimace>

I meant to reply earlier in my day to your message, Melody, but I thought I'd leave it till later when I had more time to check on things. Unfortunately, I can't stay online now, but I would have to wonder about the Updates that you've got there, esp,. the one that says it's ready to install.

Also, on my Volume icon in the Taskbar, if I right click on that it'll bring up a choice of either Adjust Audio Properties or Open Volume Control. If you have that on your computer, you might find something in Adjust Audio Properties that might help.

Go to.
Volume Icon in Taskbar
Right click mouse on Adjust Audio Properties
Go to Sounds
See Program Events
Click on whichever Program you want no sounds for, and then Click NONE which is at the top of the box below that which says Sounds.

You need to click Apply.

I just went through all of mine and it took ages.

No idea if this is of any help. lol
See how it goes.

Jomar 04-24-2007 11:00 PM

this will just disable the windows system sounds - bell, ding, chimes etc-

the videos, DVD, CDs, music and any sounds on websites will still play.

MelodyL 04-25-2007 10:49 AM

OKAY!! will do the sounds thing.

I updated all updates and I put in the dvd of The Queen and five minutes later BING BAMM, again. Didn't do it again for an hour.

I would just love to know why it does this.

Anyway, I'll try your suggestions.

Thanks so much.


MelodyL 04-26-2007 01:56 AM

Well, I went to control panel, went to sounds devices and I disabled the sounds.

I put in another dvd and guess what??? Not once have I heard BIM BAMM since I did this!!!

Thank you, you lovely people on this board.

The Bim bam thing was extremely annoying.

I never was into dvd's before but recently learned how to use the darn thing and I want to see certain movies.
What a pleasure.

Around my way, all the video stores only carry dvds. They told me "They don't make movies on VHS any more". Blockbuster, etc. none of them carry any VHS tapes any more.

So I better get used to learning how to watch dvds.

I actually had to call up the video store this morning and I said "how do you fast foward a dvd??" I had to learn to put the mouse over the right arrows AND HOLD IT DOWN. I was doing it wrong. When I clicked, it went to the next scene. I wanted to view the movie exactly like I do when I watch a vhs tape.

So now I have learned.

All these cool dvds coming out and now I get to watch.

Thanks again

Lara 04-26-2007 06:51 PM

So glad you got it all sorted out, Melody!
I find them a little annoying in that the buttons don't always do what I want them to do. There is a function where you can fast-forward in various speeds, but it's all a bit fiddly for me and I'm forever pressing the wrong darn button (meaning the Stop button) and then the whole thing stops and goes back to the beginning and then I have to find where I'm up to again. lol The menu feature is helpful, but if I want to stop on one frame it's often really hard to find it exactly. Maybe it's just me.

MelodyL 04-27-2007 09:26 PM

Hi Lara:

No, believe me, it's not you. That why I never bought a dvd player. I love using my VHS recorder. I tape anything I want. I have 4 vcrs's in my house.
My husband has one in the living room. (Three are all the same - PANASONIC- got them from the internet. Great deal on all of them).

The fourth one, well my neighbor just put it out for the sanitation. With the remote. It was an older one, but I'm good with VCR's so I brought it into my house, set it up and the only thing wrong with it was, when you hit the eject button, you have to hold the front thing in so the tape will eject. If you just press eject, than the tape gets stuck inside the machine. I figured out how to fix this in 2 seconds flat.

My neighbor is also my friend, so I immediately called her and said "Guess where your VCR is?? She burst out laughing. I also said "you can't have it back". She said "Oh, I can't stand it the tape always gets stuck". I said "all you had to do was hold the thing in, and the tape comes out". She said "oh, who cares, it's yours".

So that's my 4th vcr. It's hooked up to an old tv in a section of my living room. It's not hooked up to cable but to a regular antennae. So whenever I want to tape something and I am already using my 3 vcr's (let's say I want to tape Dancing with the stars), I just pop in a tape and I'm good to go.

Sometimes, I have all 4 vcrs going on at the same time.
But now you can watch most ABC shows on the internet.
Thank goodness for cable, or I would go crazy.

I rarely watch anything while it's on the first time, (I always tape) because the phone rings, the doorbell, rings, I'm cooking) so because I tape it, I can watch things whenever I want to.

The only exception is 24. My husband and watch it and go crazy.

So far the Bim Bam thing is gone. BUT, sometimes a little DING happens.

Now if I disabled the sounds (in sounds and devices), what the heck is that little DING thing??


Wiix 04-29-2007 07:23 PM

Could it be your Pop-Up Blocker? Mine makes a sound.

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