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dllfo 03-14-2010 09:12 PM

SEVERE Calf Muscle Cramps & Quinine
I have been on Quinine for so many years I can't tell you when I started. I get muscle cramps in my calf muscles. So severe that jumping up and coming down on the ball of my foot with 200+ pounds does not always "release" the cramp.

It almost always happens in the middle of the night. I told the Dr. I was afraid I would tear the muscle off the bone. I have had to "jump" like that more than once to get the cramp to go away. Hence Quinine.

Quinine is hard on our bodies and I would like to get off it. I have been on 324mg x 3 capsules a night for months, then get it down to two a night and then a single one every other night. Done this more than once, then the horrible cramps come back.

I have been to PT, I have tried various stretching exercises, nothing helped. Only one company makes Quinine in the USA (so I was told) and that is under the brand name of
Qualaquin (spelling??). I eat two bananas a day, take pro-biotics, the regimen of vitamins Mrs D suggested and still can't seem to rid myself of these muscle cramps.

No other muscles cramp up like this and the cramps started after heavy doses of Prednisone. I have not taken Prednisone in over a year. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Leesa 03-16-2010 12:54 AM

Bless your heart, I know what that's like. Mine are caused by spinal problems but I know that's not your problem.

I would ask for a complete bloodcount from my doc. Even tho you eat bananas, you still could be low on potassium. Plus there are other things you could be low on that could cause this. A CBC may possibly pick up what it is. This would be the first step for me, if I were you. I'm surprised your doc didn't order one when you told him about this. Hmmm. Or did he???

Best of luck, and I PRAY these stop! They are HORRIBLE, I know. God bless and take care. Peace, Lee

mrsD 03-16-2010 01:09 AM

Did you ever get your Vitamin D tested?

Vitamin D can be very low in people with chronic neuro pain.

Once you normalize this the cramping may improve.

watch this new medical video:

dllfo 03-17-2010 05:40 AM

Leesa, I have had a CBC done and nothing was "out of limits" per the Dr. Let me rephrase that, nothing that would point to leg cramps was bad. I am not saying this very well, but it is about 3:30am so I am not awake yet. Having a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy done this morning. Or is it an upper GI? I forget. Been on Twilite or whatever they call it, to clean my body out. Did I mention it is 3:30AM and I am .... up. :)

mrsD, I had the Vit D checked and it was in the "normal" range. I take a Vit D supplement anyway. The Quinine is hard on our bodies and I would love to quit it. Been on it for many years.

Sorry, falling asleep while typing. Thanks again...Dave

mrsD 03-17-2010 09:36 AM

I'd get your numbers for the D, Dave.

Some doctors are telling people that 25 is normal when it is not!

How much D3 are you taking? Your goal should be at least 50ng/ml of D3. The current range is 50-80ng/ml.

watsonsh 03-17-2010 11:04 AM

SOmething intersting helped my muscle cramps. Borage Oil. Seems I over produce prostaglandgins and inflammation and prostglandgins cause menstrual and muscle cramps.

So while I was supplementing fish oil only a lot for the inflammation I was not getting better. I remembered the borage oil used to help and I added that back in and its getting better slowly.

Plus I read somewhere that after taking steroids you need to supplement GLA - gamma linoloec oil (Borage or Evening Primrose).

Just a thought.

dllfo 03-18-2010 10:57 PM

Shelley, I never heard of GLA, but will take a look. Thank you

mrsD, I am taking the amount you suggested in your email, 400iu a day. Nature's Blend is the brand name (sold in the Air Force Commissary).

I had an Endoscopy and colonoscopy and something else yesterday, lots of biopsies being done, inflamed stomach wall, something else was mentioned....cilliacs disease (spelling??).

I don't remember everything, they are running lots of tests and will call me next week.

The last test may be the least fun. My pulse-ox is in the mid 90s, but my brain is saying it needs more oxygen. I get on oxygen, 2LPM (for example) and I can take a deep breath again, and I feel better. So why is my brain saying it is low on oxygen when the Pulse-ox is in the mid 90s?? I don't know. One Dr. suggested a clogged/blocked Carotid artery. They will go in from my arm pit if they do it. I hope I misunderstood something there. UGH!!!!

All of this is being driven by the severe chest pains. Nitrolingual relieves the pain.

Been a fun couple of months. Thanks again for your suggestions. I will take a look for the GLA locally. I would really like to get off the quinine.

mrsD, 51 was the most recent Vit D test, from Sept 2008.

mrsD 03-19-2010 03:40 AM

I am wondering if your lower leg is not getting the magnesium you are taking orally.

If blood vessels are constricted, blood flow is less and things you take orally cannot get in there.

Magnesium comes in a cream:

It is designed to give 100mg mag in 1 gram measurer (which is provided).

I'd try this way to improve your circulation and this may help the leg cramps. If you still take your oral mag, cut back 50% and don't apply more than 200mg/day of this cream.
I'd apply it 1-2 hrs before going to bed.

If your cramping is totally due to nerve damage from your back, there is not much you can do to help that if the magnesium doesn't work. You need the magnesium for other metabolic functions so it is not wasted if it doesn't work on the leg cramping specifically.

There are amino acids for circulation, too. Since you are having chest pains, and using nitro, however, that would preclude using that approach. Nitro comes in long acting form... called Imdur. This lasts all day and may help more than just taking the little sublingual tablets when you feel the chest tightness. The Imdur may improve your leg circulation too. This you will have to discuss with your doctor.

dllfo 03-20-2010 07:05 AM

Test info not back yet but my Gastroenterologist put me on Carafate, 2GM (20ML) Suspension twice a day. After using it once I already feel better. This is the most relief I have felt .... in a long time. Month -- 2 months? You get the idea.

One move my wife wants me to make is to give up red meat. Maybe drinking the drano when I was 3 has finally caught to me (digestive tract). I had oral surgery in 2008, where they remove a layer of skin from the roof of your mouth and sew it on to your gums. Drano took my teeth and part of my gums out in 1948. BUT since that surgery I have not had Trigeminal Neuralgia come back. That is the bright spot.

I will let you know how the Carafate does, and what the biopsies show. At least I have colored photos of the interior of myself. I don't know what they mean, but I have them. :)

mrsD 03-20-2010 08:36 AM

Did they tell you to space out, your medications?

Carafate will block absorption of drugs. It is best to take your meds 1 hr before the Carafate.

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