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Milas 06-22-2015 01:54 PM

EEG with epileptiform waves in 6 year old girl - is it a seizure, does it need medica
I'm mother of a girl (soon will be 6 years old), which lately had certain health issues: vertigo, dimming of vision, weakness, headaches very rare, in case she gets scared of conditions above her lips go whiter (you can notice when fear manifests on her face), she is often stares, but aware (doesn't have Automatic behaviors (eyes freeze, ticks, shakes) during that time).
Starting 2-3 months ago, she had issues very occasionally. But on June 4th she had about 10 strikes, and another cca 10 strikes 2 days after (on June 6th). Till today she didn't had any new strikes. Even when strike happens - vertigo, dimming, fear from vertigo - she is always conscious and communicate what is happening to her - she don't turn off or ˝go away˝.

After visiting physicians they found Iron deficiency she is taking Ferritine (with B vitamins and C vitamin) each day.
They sent us to neurologists which suspected she has an Focal Seizures. She had 3 EEGs: awake, sound/light stimulated EEG and Sleep-deprived sleep EEG. ONLY on Sleep-deprived sleep EEG she had epileptiform discharges recorded.

Neurologists are suggesting Eftil (Valproic Acid+ Natrium Valproat) usage in next 3-5 years.

Before we agree in medications on such long term, I wanted to be clear on what is happening to her, and read more about it. I found Iron deficiency can cause Attention deficit disorder ADD - I didn't mention this side of her to a dr., because we didn't know it could have something to do with her issues.
I believe she might have ADD from Iron deficiency, pressure in kindergarten (she is doing pre-school program, with older kids in her group. I'm advicing her not to do that, if she feels uncomfortable, but she is ambitious)...

Finally, my question is about correlation with Iron deficiency, ADD and EEG (epileptiform discharges recorded in the sleep EEG in ADHD): Is there any difference between EEG discharges in ADHD and in Epilepsy record, in sleep-deprived EEG?

Neurologist was circumspect when deciding she needs therapy. I believe facts about her health we provided were crucial in making this decision. My dilemma is if she didn't had iron deficiency at that moment, maybe she wouldn't have vertigo, fear, weakness... (when all of this happened iron was 3.9 from minimal 11!). Or that was a trigger for starting illness? I understand it is delicate to come up with diagnosis that will change her life.

Below are 3 EEG's she made (I. and II. are similar, in awake condition) 3rd is in sleep, I tried to translate them correctly (we are from Serbia, I'm sorry for mistakes, I'm not too familiar with terminology):

In passive EEG OA is pronounced well, medium voltage, a well regulated amplitude, dominating waves of 6Hz subdominant waves of 5.7Hz. On the primary activity in the frontal regions with superimposed beta activity. Visual blockage well-defined.
During the HV OA without significant changes. Present is difference in voltage on left and right side, at the expense of the left.

The conclusion: EEG Theta type. In today's finding no signs of specific electrocortical cerebral dysfunction.

In passive EEG OA is pronounced well, medium voltage, a well regulated amplitude, dominating waves of 6Hz subdominant waves of 5.7Hz. On the primary activity in the frontal regions with superimposed beta activity. Visual blockage well-defined.
All the while recording present more voltage steep waves of 3-4Hz in CPTO regions on both sides simultaneously. During the HV and IFS OA without significant changes.

The conclusion: EEG Theta type.nIn today's finding no signs of specific electrocortical cerebral dysfunction. All the while recording present more voltage steep waves of 3-4Hz in CPTO regions on both sides simultaneously.

EEG was performed after sleep deprivation, OA is pronounced well, medium voltage, a well regulated amplitude, irregular mixed, dominating waves of 8 Hz subdominant waves of 7.9 Hz.
The primary activity in the frontal regions with superimposed beta activity. Visual blockage moderately developed. During HV OA without significant changes. During the recording of sleep, present spike waves on both sides synchronous synchronous and asynchronous pronounced on the left side. All the while recording present voltage asymmetry at the expense of the left.

The conclusion: EEG indicates the actual present epileptic activity in the form of a spike waves on both sides synchronous and asynchronous prominent on the left.

Does this EEG tells it needs to be treated with medicament? She didn't have any new strikes since 6/4 and 6/6.

I'm sorry for extensive explanations, I wanted to be precise about everything, I'd be happy if anyone can give an advice, or experience. We'll surely visit another neurologist for second opinion.

Porkette 06-22-2015 03:33 PM

Hi Milas,

Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is going through a hard time. I've had epilepsy for 43 yrs. and had 2 brain surgeries to reduce my seizures and from what you have explained the Dr. found spikes on the left side along with the frontal lobe which is where the forehead is, these spikes happened at night meaning your daughter may be having seizures in her sleep. This is known as myoclonic seizures they happen when a person goes to bed and when they wake up in the morning.
My advice to you is to take your Dr. to see an Epileptologist these Drs. specialize in Epilepsy and know how to treat it very well and they can find the cause of the problem. You can find these Drs. at large hospitals or University hospitals you may want to have your daughters family Dr. refer you to one.
If your daughter is just staring she may be having an absence seizure which makes a person have a daydream look on their face and then after the seizure is over they are confused and tired along with having a headache.
You need to keep track of any possible seizures your daughter has write down what time the seizure happened and describe the seizure by doing this the Dr. may see a pattern in your daughters seizures. Cut back on the carbs and starch foods and keep your daughter away from anything with nutra sweet in it. It has been proven that all of this can trigger seizures for people. Try putting your daughter on vitamin B12 once a day it has greatly reduced my seizures. Also take note if your daughter is sick or if there's a low pressure in the weather often this can trigger seizures for a person but the main things that can cause seizures is stress, lack of sleep and hormones changing.
I took Valproic Acid for yrs. and it worked great controlling my seizures the main side effects are anorexia where a person will either gain or lose to much weight, blood platlet loss which can cause bruising and internal bleeding which is what happened to me and the drug can effect the liver like many seizure meds. To find the correct med for your daughter tell the Dr. to do a DNA test on her by doing this they can match up then enzymes in her liver and her body chemistry to the best seizure med for her with the least side effects. Sorry for caring on so long. Wishing you and your daughter only the best and May God Bless The Both of You!


Darlene 06-23-2015 12:37 AM

Nice to meet you!!

Hello and welcome, happy to see you have come to be with us, it a great place to be. As you can see we have a great number and caring fellow members here, where you have find a supportive and relaxing place. Have fun looking into the different forums. Our shoulders are here for support in many ways.

Sue has given you some great things to do. I to have had epilepsy a long time. The only thing I will add to Sue's advice is to avoid bright flashing lights, like in a theater, tell her to shut her eyes and turn her head away from the screen.

Please keep us up to date on your condition. Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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