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pharo87 01-28-2011 12:52 PM

Seeking input
Hi there,

I have been viewing this message board for a while now and I have noticed that some very knowledge individuals post here. I know it is somewhat selfish, but I would like to describe my situation to see if anyone here has some input for me.
I first started experiencing discomfort in January of 2010. At first, it was a feeling of pain and tightness in the left side of my chest, accompanied by pain in my left arm. The pain was not consistent, but rather seemed to come and go. In the following months I saw doctors to investigate the source of the pain, at first I was concerned that the pain was related to my heart.
After ruling out my heart as the cause of the pain, I was told that it was just pain in my chest wall and it would likely go away within a couple of months.
The pain persisted, and over the summer I noticed a feeling of tingling and numbness in the ring and pinky fingers of my left hand. I also noticed that my left shoulder and upper back would be sore at times, and my neck felt tight as well.
I began a six month internship abroad at the end of August, and before leaving I consulted a doctor at a walk in clinic. After describing my situation, the doctor noticed my posture and said it likely had something to do with my back and I should likely see a physiotherapist. I did not have time to do so and left the country.
My new job involved a lot of office work and consequently I began spending even more time in front of a computer (I was previously a student). I noticed that the pain seemed to worsen.
I managed to make it back to Canada for a week in December and I scheduled an appointment with a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist confirmed that my pain was indeed related to my posture, she noted that I had excessive kyphosis, tight pectoral muscles and a forward head posture. She did not perform any tests to officially diagnose me, but she noted that I had a lot of the signs and symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. She gave me some stretches and exercises to perform. I have been doing them regularly since and I have noticed some improvement, but the pain is still an issue.
Now I have a question regarding severity. From browsing around on this forum I have noticed that the majority of the posters have much more severe and debilitating symptoms than myself. I still manage to function quite well, although I find myself taking advil probably every third day to ease the pain. A month from now I will be finished my internship and back in Canada where I have access to doctors and physiotherapists (I am currently living on a very remote island). When I get back to Canada I will have a month off (during which I plan to spend as little time in front of a computer as possible).
My current plan is to begin regular physiotherapy and potentially see an acupuncturist or massage therapist. I am very determined to improve my condition.
If anyone could please provide some input/advice about the severity of my case and what course of action to take it would be very appreciated.

Thank you.

bunz50 01-29-2011 10:38 AM

Hello pharo87 and welcome, by the way I am from Ontario, just a little info on my symptoms, I had a 3 level ACDF in Feb/09 and still have issues with C3/4 disc herniation and ostoephytes at C4/5 and C5/6 levels, I experience the numbness and pins and needles sensations in my neck, shoulders, blades, and both arms down to the hands as well my scalene and scapular muscles are visibly bulging and very tight, it hurts to be hugged ): and these symptoms worsen at nite (3-4 hrs sleep per nite). I was recently diagnosed with TOS, my pain level is usually 7-8 daily. I take advil daily and when the pain is relentless(a lot) I take oxycodone. I attend physio 2 x weekly and massage once weekly since Aug/07. Pharo87 I would like to ask, do you have a family Dr? If so you should make a appt when you get home and explain your symptoms, usually when you experience tingling/numbness in the ring/pinkie finger is usually nerve related you could have a cervical disc issue. What is your pain level on a scale of 1-10? As you said advil every 3rd day that does not seem like a lot, so seeking medical advise early may be wise before your pain worsens. Maybe your doctor could do an xray or ctscan while you are in Canada.
Good Luck, Bunz

Jomar 01-29-2011 12:54 PM

Hi pharo87,
I think your situation would benefit from some bodywork, or perhaps an expert chiropractor that also uses PT type modalities.
Do follow up on posture corrections @ awareness.

Not sure what types of stretches the physiotherapist gave you, but the pics on my profile album page are some basic ones that help with the forward head and tight pecs.

Sharon Butler has some really good info that should be helpful at the stage you are in too.
read about her theory on "sticky tissues" and explore her whole site.

We can unstick them if we work on it soon enough.. I think you are at the stage where you can turn it around.
It isn't a fast fix but but put in the time and you will see improvements.

pharo87 01-31-2011 09:54 AM


I am from Ontario as well and I do have a family Doctor, I have booked an appointment for mid March. My pain varies quite a bit. Some days I would say it is about 2 throughout most of the day and 3 or 4 in the evening. Some days it is elevated depending on what I am doing.
Is there anything else you would suggest I pursue other than a X ray and ctscan? Is there anything that helps to determine where nerves are being compressed? Thanks.


I plan on doing a good amount of bodywork once I am back in Canada. I looked at the link you provided about Sharon Butler, but I can't find the section on "sticky tissues". Also, is there anyway to access the information on TOS without paying so much money? Thanks.

Jomar 01-31-2011 12:58 PM

Oh, sorry, there isn't a specific section for sticky tissues, it's her basic theory about how RSI can evolve into so much more if not treated early & properly.

The tissues gets sticky and then over time if not resolved they will totally attach to nerves and muscles causing all sorts of trouble.

Some of Dr Ellis's information & articles (links) that have been posted by boytos say similar information - but Dr Ellis's is written in more technical jargon..:)

But the point is- if not treated in time & properly, these things can become chronic pain conditions.

I believe if you contact Sharon via her email on the site and request a discount. Explain your situation and give it a try.
Maybe even mention seeing her info posted on Neurotalk.

mspennyloafer 02-01-2011 08:52 AM

any advice on finding a good pt in atlanta, jo mar?

bunz50 02-01-2011 09:03 AM

Hello Pharo87, I would definately try massage therapy and acupuncture(hubby is a firm believer in acupuncture)chiropractor well, I do not believe in cracking any part of the body, but would use ultra sound and tens machine. You could ask your Dr to have a EMG/nerve conductivity test although these tests are not always 100%. I agree with posture stretches and exercises, I am always trying to watch my posture I have what they call a poked-nosed posture(my head/neck juts forward). I would also take at least a 10 min break every hour away from your computer. Take care Bunz

Jomar 02-01-2011 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by mspennyloafer (Post 740459)
any advice on finding a good pt in atlanta, jo mar?

I just did a lot of web searching a digging around my local areas to find the advanced PT guy - my chiro was just a karma thing - totally by chance.. in fact I wasn't even looking for a chiropractor at the time but I knew I needed some extra help other than the regular PT I was getting thru my MD & wc.

I'm on the west coast- don't know of anyone in atlanta.
Did you check for PTs in our Dr & PT sticky ?
even call a dr office if any are listed and ask about who/where they refer PT to?

mspennyloafer 02-03-2011 02:54 PM

awesome thanks, the tosclinic one does not work, fwiw.

astern 02-03-2011 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by mspennyloafer (Post 740459)
any advice on finding a good pt in atlanta, jo mar?

I can recommend an excellent PT in Atlanta, check the sticky note on Doctors, or PM me for info on Carolyn Law. She does Feldenkreis and Awareness Thru Movement training.


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