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rose_thorn98 12-21-2011 06:59 PM

Lyrica & itching
Has anyone here experienced itching while taking Lyrica or while coming off Lyrica?

I started itching about a month after I started it. When I increase the dose the itching goes away, and then eventually the itching comes back, right around when my side effects go away. Its as if I'm withdrawling from it because I'm building tolerence.

Dr. Smith 12-22-2011 12:08 AM


Have you read the information sheet that came with your prescription (available at your pharmacy)? Itching is a known side effect of Lyrica, and has also been known to occur during withdrawal (sudden or gradual reduction of taking it).

Google: lyrica itching
Google: can lyrica cause itching
Google: lyrica itching side effect
Google: lyrica withdrawal itching

Give your doctor a call.


rose_thorn98 12-22-2011 09:01 PM

My Dr. and I aren't sure if the Lyrica is causing my itching because when I increase it the itching stops for a week or so. But the itching always returns. We don't know if my itching is part of my possible SFN. But when I started the Lyrica I had no itching, just Erythromelalgia in my feet.

I have seen people talk about itching when coming off Lyrica but my Dr. doesn't believe that can be a withdrawl symptom. But whenever I try to wean off Lyrica the itching is unbearable. So I'm just trying to find out if anyone here has weaned off Lyrica, had itching with it, and how long it lasted before the itching stops. I've seen some say the itching lasts up to a month or more.

Now we are considering putting me on Topamax so I can wean off Lyrica. Its all so difficult to do.

Dr. Smith 12-23-2011 01:12 PM

I weaned off of it several years ago. I don't recall the exact dosage off the top of my head, but it was high enough that I did have to taper down over a month or so. If I had any itching, I probably would have taken an antihistamine first-off.


Sophie_ 01-11-2012 07:59 PM

Hi Rose
Hi Rose,
I take 600mg of Lyrica every day, 300mg twice daily for nerve pain in my back. I definitely suffer from terribly itching because of this drug. My GP prescribed some antihistamine for me to take every day and it has made a huge difference to the itching and I could get this itching anywhere especially on my legs.

I hope this helps

Take care

S :):hug:

PinkPlatypus 04-13-2012 08:34 PM

Withdrawal Itching
Hi Y'all,

I am coming off of Lyrica - I know I look for info on other people experiencing the same thing, when I experience something, so just putting a little blurb as I experience the really severe stuff. I am coming off b/c I had 95%+ of the side effects to include really bad edema all over - was on 225m twice a day. Started ~ Jan 2011-Apr 2012.

Not taking the 2nd dose on my 1st day immediatly resulted in lots of peeing & the edema getting much much better (edema to the point of CHF).

Then 24 + hours of nuclear hot flashes w/ profuse sweating.

Then/now into EXTREME itching (OMFG) had to finally leave work early & have just been trying to get thru w/ the use of generic benadryl. Can't stand clothes to touch, especially the seams - I have just been trying to get myself into sleep to make it through - so far it has been around 36 hrs. A bit after this started I also had some trembling/shaking & some nausea - chewable Bonine helped w/ the nausea (a staple in my "kit" I always carry - works great on public transporation too).

Cool air has helped sooth the itching some, but it really is insane & all over - even in the areas you would not want to itch in public, that is if you could stand the clothes.

Also using some Valerian Root to help sooth things & I love using therapeutic essential oils - Vervain & Patchouli calm me so I am using those at pulse points & I specifially like putting two drop of Vervain on the bottom of each foot & speading it out all over.

Anything to not have to put any of the Lyrica back in my system. I really needed to come strait off b/c of the severity & progressive nature of my side effects & finally figuring out they were side effects after they had been going on quite some time vice it being symtpoms of FMS / CFS.

The literature will tell you that it is recommended that you taper & I have consulted w/ my doc...for me it is really necessary just to get it out of my system. I recently came off of Cymbalta - due to side effects - it actually was causing pain & a host of other issues. I really did not have discomfort. I only immediately started to feel better.

Now, I don't want to poo poo on any med b/c some really great meds, such as prednisone, have really awful side effects, but when you need them the good out weighs the bad at that point.

Just remember it is your body, do your own research, you are your own best advocate, consult with your doctor, and do what is right for you - not anyone else.

My cats say they really hope this is over soon b/c I am driving them freakin bananas & besides I have to work to bring home their food. Taking a day of leave without pay - can't really afford to do that, but certainly can't go to work in this condition either.

Oops, almost forgot - also taking some broken cell wall Chlorella to help detox.

As things progress I will jump back on a thread & post an update so when people seach they can at least see another person's experience.

My other Rx: Synthroid alternate 110mcg/112mcg (just got labs - good #), Prilosec, NSAID - Voltaren, night time 1mg Klonopin for all over body twiches - this dosage has never raised in over 1.5 years - not for sleep just to stop the random muscle twitching so I can sleep (mult limb movements verified by sleep study). Also take a variety of well researched supplements that are right for my situation.


rose_thorn98 06-14-2012 05:45 PM

Update on Lyrica & Itching
I wanted to give an update on the itching & Lyrica.

I weaned off Lyrica over 4 weeks from 300 mg. a day. It was extremely difficult. My itching and all over burning skin got much worse during those 4 weeks and then continued to stay there for about a month after I was completely off the stuff. But then eventually the itching began to get better and slowly over a few months it has almost gone completely. I'd day that now, 6 months after I began to wean off it my itching is 95 % better. I really only have it a few days a month.

I also no longer have severe deep bone pain in my feet, knee joint pain, and swelling. The muscle twitches have improve also, by about 95% too. My fatigue has also gotten alot better now I'm off Lyrica.

I was put on Gabapentin for my Erythromelalgia and after 10 day I began with the itching and burning all over my body along with the muscle twitches. Dr. then switched me to Lyrica after being on Gabapentin for about a month. I continued to have the itching, burning skin and twitches. I saw 3 doctors over 1.5 years who all said that Lyrica was not causing my itching burning skin or twitches, that instead I had some kind of undiagnosed strange neuropathy that could not be confirmed by any testing.

Finally I decided to get off the stuff and see for myself if I'd get better, and I have gotten better. I found others online who also had same reaction as I did. They all say that their itching has either subsided or gotten a lot better, but like me, they said it took time, a long time. So if anyone out there is suspecting Lyrica or Gabapentin is causing itching you might be right.

It turns out that the FDA has gotten reports of this horrible side effect that it is rare. My Dr. has reported it to the FDA. Doctors don't always know about rare side effects so if you suspect you might be having one, contact the FDA!

Spiney95 06-24-2012 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by rose_thorn98 (Post 888908)
I wanted to give an update on the itching & Lyrica.

I weaned off Lyrica over 4 weeks from 300 mg. a day. It was extremely difficult. My itching and all over burning skin got much worse during those 4 weeks and then continued to stay there for about a month after I was completely off the stuff. But then eventually the itching began to get better and slowly over a few months it has almost gone completely. I'd day that now, 6 months after I began to wean off it my itching is 95 % better. I really only have it a few days a month.

I also no longer have severe deep bone pain in my feet, knee joint pain, and swelling. The muscle twitches have improve also, by about 95% too. My fatigue has also gotten alot better now I'm off Lyrica.

I was put on Gabapentin for my Erythromelalgia and after 10 day I began with the itching and burning all over my body along with the muscle twitches. Dr. then switched me to Lyrica after being on Gabapentin for about a month. I continued to have the itching, burning skin and twitches. I saw 3 doctors over 1.5 years who all said that Lyrica was not causing my itching burning skin or twitches, that instead I had some kind of undiagnosed strange neuropathy that could not be confirmed by any testing.

Finally I decided to get off the stuff and see for myself if I'd get better, and I have gotten better. I found others online who also had same reaction as I did. They all say that their itching has either subsided or gotten a lot better, but like me, they said it took time, a long time. So if anyone out there is suspecting Lyrica or Gabapentin is causing itching you might be right.

It turns out that the FDA has gotten reports of this horrible side effect that it is rare. My Dr. has reported it to the FDA. Doctors don't always know about rare side effects so if you suspect you might be having one, contact the FDA!

Now FDA reports that Lyrica is no more effective than its placebo. I'd love to know the true scoop on it's clinical trials. I can't believe it has remained on the market so long, given the well known (not uncommon) side effects. Now we suddenly are told it is no more effective than it's placebo.

I know Pain Man will want to dc the Lyrica at the next appt. This is going to be one long taper as I have had my Part D provider cut me off of it twice. The fight to get it back took six weeks both times and I was in full blown WD the entire time. I only take 75mg bid. That is insane but true. Long live Big Pharma.

SarahBorealis 09-29-2013 12:19 PM

I get ticklies all over. Not sure if that's the same as itchies. I keep having to touch every one of them to make it stop. It can be maddening!
Funny that I used to think the sweating was torture from menopause. I thought this for 5 years! Now that I'm slowly cutting out the lyrica it's getting less and less. And benedryl is working wonders for night time sweats!
All that animal testing, and none of them had sweat glands lol!
Lyrica works well for my pain, but the extra 50 pounds, the sweating, tickling, and probably general withdrawal symptoms while still on it finally convinced me to stop after 5 years. Well, really it's because my next refill is gonna cost me over $200...but the rest justifies this totally!

mary jane 01-23-2014 07:58 PM

I get a lot of itching from my amitriptyline 50 mg.
it's definitely the famed neuropathic itch that's going on. It is definitely a side effect

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