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momwhocares1 05-17-2013 09:30 PM

my son
Hi my son Ben has been post concussion state since last October 2012. He wa8s "headbanging" not once but may times. For months he did the computer, tv all that jazz. Then he tried to get out every now and then but everytime it threw him back in bed with eyes hurting, head sore and stiff neck.. well spring came and he wanted to get out there and started running, helped around the house a bit but during this time.. but as time went on he became delusional, anxious and almost mania. I was freaked and took him for a MRI which showed nothing! He's like spaced out all the time and delusional just within the past 2 may I didn't notice 3 months. He's only 18 and even won't go out of the house for he fears he's done nothing with his life after highschool and everyone will think he's a loser. I can barely find a doctor to listen to me. We've been to all the hospitals in our city even my place of work blows me off. I could really use some help. Thanks for listening.

Mark in Idaho 05-17-2013 11:55 PM


First, you son should be fine with the dosages unless he is stick skinny. I have been on it since I was 150 pounds. The B-12, B-50 Complex, D-3, a good multi, and Omega 3 fish oil should be your starting point.

Please tell us more about your son. Does he 'head bang' or is this your term for concussions and other head impacts ? Or has he participated in 'head butting' where guys smash their heads together as an act of male expression ? Does he have any other medical or mental health issues ?

His sense of being a loser can be tied to a schizoid personality disorder that is not uncommon for Post Concussion Disorder. Schizoid is when a person become reclusive and withdrawn. I think it is a defensive response to feeling overwhelmed by social settings and busy environments.

From what you have told us, we don't yet have much information to use to offer help.

My best to you.

momwhocares1 05-18-2013 04:41 AM


We do th d3 and the fish oils, I'll add the b's today. The "headbanging" is bending over and swinging (thrashing) your head back and forth to music. He did this many times. My son is adhd and is highly anxious or was before the concussion. He's been on medication all though his life but stop last year for he didn't like the side affects. He graduated high school last year and had a job at a restruant. Can you really be that delusional with post concussion? He walks around the house all spaced out I can't even have a conversation, he takes 4 to 6 showers a day, which I think he find soothing and his eye's and head still bother him, his legs sometimes tingle too. It had got better at one point but now it seems to be going down hill...delusions, spaced out, anxious,I'm really hoping I can find some help here I don't know where else to go.

Thanks again.

DFayesMom 05-18-2013 08:38 AM

Can you give a few examples? That would be helpful. Thanks! I hope we can help!

Mark in Idaho 05-18-2013 01:16 PM


My first suggestion is to get a NeuroPsychological Assessment done. This may help pinpoint his areas of dysfunction. There are many different injuries recorded from headbanging to 'music.'

Getting him out of the house to get him experiencing various environments may help you understand what he can and can't tolerate. It may help for him to get active with exercise to stimulate adrenaline. He may be adrenal insufficient.

Has he had blood work done ? Hormones including testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid , blood sugar, D3, B-12, folate, and others.

Tell us about his concussion. How did it happen ? What were his immediate symptoms ? Did any symptoms resolve ? What symptoms got worse ?

Check out what Dr Breggin has to say about ADHD drugs. Maybe he has some insights.

My best to you.

NormaW 05-19-2013 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by momwhocares1 (Post 984452)
Hi my son Ben has been post concussion state since last October 2012. He wa8s "headbanging" not once but may times. For months he did the computer, tv all that jazz. Then he tried to get out every now and then but everytime it threw him back in bed with eyes hurting, head sore and stiff neck.. well spring came and he wanted to get out there and started running, helped around the house a bit but during this time.. but as time went on he became delusional, anxious and almost mania. I was freaked and took him for a MRI which showed nothing! He's like spaced out all the time and delusional just within the past 2 may I didn't notice 3 months. He's only 18 and even won't go out of the house for he fears he's done nothing with his life after highschool and everyone will think he's a loser. I can barely find a doctor to listen to me. We've been to all the hospitals in our city even my place of work blows me off. I could really use some help. Thanks for listening.


I must admit to going around like a space cadet for months. I am now 14 months pcs and still can get pretty spaced out at times. I have 3 teenagers and know they don't have alot of common sense. Do you think he really understands his condition and the effects of what he does. If I watch too much t.v., I can be in bed for a day or two, completely out of it. I have a 16 year old (her birthday is today) with ADHD and she is a train wreck. There impulsivenss set them on the wrong path and they have more energy that they now what to do with. Just those 2 factors can adversely affect his recovery. It is really difficult at my age to do nothing, I listen to alot of talk radio. It sounds like he needs some expert help, which is alot easier said than done. It took me a year to find out I had post traumatic vision syndrome, everyone thought it was just pcs, I now have a strategy and therapy that is going to help. It is important that you deal with professionals that really understand brain injuries. I would suggest further follow-up with a neruo psychologist, occupational therapist (that deals with brain injuries, they don't all) and probably a physchologist to help him along. I am not sure what resources you have but there are often free ones if you dig deep enough. Good luck I know it can be heart wrenching to watch your child go through this......We are here for you.

momwhocares1 05-22-2013 04:18 PM

This past weekend he was having more delusions, social withdraw, anxiety and depression he ended up at the hospital inpatient mental health care unit. He's been put on some meds for the delusions, mood and sleep. I gotta ask again what the meds were one was Resperal and Lamotrigine. It helps make him focus alittle better but by the end of the day he's spaced and pacing the floors. I guess that the meds gotta build up in his system before they can really work. I did tell them he was mild post concussion and thank god I brought the paperwork from the hospital stating that. The Doc said he'd be there for a little bit for they gotta piece his history, moniter his meds, and observe his behavior. It makes me ill that you almost have to be a pretty well gone before you can get help with post concussions. Well anyway, he's in a good safe place and hopefully he'll get the help we've wanted.

I will keep you all posted. thanks for all the feedback we can use all support we can get!

DFayesMom 05-22-2013 06:18 PM

Prayers for you!
Please do keep us posted! I hope they are able to help your son!

Mark in Idaho 05-22-2013 06:52 PM


What resources do you have to get an intense assessment of his upper neck ? His neck stiffness is a legitimate concern. Have you ever tried to observe him sleeping ? Bad sleep cycling can cause all sorts of daytime problems. It sounds like he is sundowning. This means that he becomes more symptomatic as the day goes on.

momwhocares1 05-22-2013 07:03 PM

Hi Mark
Yeh he does complain about his neck too every now and then. I've bought in the past all sorts of pillows one with cooling gel in it too! It never seem to help.

My son is staying at the hospital and meeting with the neurolgist tommorrow, (2nd one) I'll mention the upperneck and see if they could check that too or if he knows who could do it.

He sundowning I think 'cause his meds wore off. He's just started them two days ago.

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