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clay_elder 06-28-2013 05:36 AM

Diabetic Neuropathy
Hello. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008. Neuropathy has been giving me hell the last few months. I've seen a podiatrist & a neurologist she referred me to. My left foot has felt abt 50% asleep for 2 months. My neurologist says I need an EMG nerve test done,but won't do it cause I'm 460lbs. My feet aren't 100% numb. My big toes kinda are,but not completely. I already can't stand more than 5 minutes,cause of my back. Sooooo,can't walk for exercise. I'm stumped. I'm 41 & have already had one heart attack. I was 565lbs on December 1st 2012,& 450lbs on February 1st. All the neurologist has done is increase my Gabapentin..twice. I now take 900mg 3xdaily. Abt 3 months ago my feet were dark on top & on my toes,and felt like someone poured boiling water on em. Now this. I'm abt ready to give up. My blood sugars are always 70-120. Any suggestions?

Hopeless 06-28-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by clay_elder (Post 995688)
Hello. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008. Neuropathy has been giving me hell the last few months. I've seen a podiatrist & a neurologist she referred me to. My left foot has felt abt 50% asleep for 2 months. My neurologist says I need an EMG nerve test done,but won't do it cause I'm 460lbs. My feet aren't 100% numb. My big toes kinda are,but not completely. I already can't stand more than 5 minutes,cause of my back. Sooooo,can't walk for exercise. I'm stumped. I'm 41 & have already had one heart attack. I was 565lbs on December 1st 2012,& 450lbs on February 1st. All the neurologist has done is increase my Gabapentin..twice. I now take 900mg 3xdaily. Abt 3 months ago my feet were dark on top & on my toes,and felt like someone poured boiling water on em. Now this. I'm abt ready to give up. My blood sugars are always 70-120. Any suggestions?

I do not understand your reason for not having the NCS/EMG. What does your weight have to do with it? Your results may be more difficult to obtain during the test itself due to your weight but ??? Have you ever had one done? Congrats on your prior weight loss. Keep going as it really will help. You mentioned your BS levels but not your A1C levels. Do you know what they are? How often are you testing? Your neuropathy is painful but can be improved. You need to do all you can before you reach the need for amputation. Keep us informed. We are here for you. This comment sounds harsh but it is not meant that way. I am just VERY concerned for you.

Brian 06-28-2013 05:43 PM

Hi, those sugars are they fasting ones or tested one to two hours after a meal ?
Also are you on Metformin ? as it can deplete B12 levels which are crucial for nerve health.
As far as exercise goes, you could try walking in a swimming pool as it is non weight bearing, just walk up and down the lanes of the pool when it is very quite, I used to go very early in the morning [ hardly anyone there ].

R- lipoic acid at 100 mg per day should help with the burning feeling, may take a few weeks though to see any improvements.
Be very carefull of any low sugars as this can damage the same as high sugar levels.
all the best
Brian :)

mrsD 06-28-2013 07:44 PM

Welcome to NeuroTalk:

It seems you are in a very difficult place right now.

Diabetes + heart attack history means statins for cholesterol.
Are you taking one of these drugs? With your complex situation, statins would be a "given". These drugs deplete you
would need to supplement that aggressively. (Qunol brand now is more absorbable and affordable, at Costco and WalMart.). 100mg of this new type or 300mg of the oil type daily.

Statins do cause nerve damage... but you probably will not be able to change them, if you are taking them now.

Obese people, often are very low in Vit D. So I would get that tested ASAP and if you are low, use D3 and not the RX D2 that doctors continue to give. (it doesn't work). D3 supplements are over the counter in most pharmacies, online, and even grocery stores now.
Also get your B12 checked. This can get low as Brian suggested if you use metformin. And it can get low from acid blocking drugs, or just "because".

Diabetics lose magnesium in the urine, so using a topical form or taking a quality supplement may be helpful. I really like the new Morton's Epsom lotion, and use it every day. It has lowered my high blood pressure, and helps with my foot when it swells.
It is available on Amazon and at your local WalMart in the first aid section. Apply a quarter's diameter once a day to the tops of your feet and up your ankles.

These are the Big Three things that many people get low on and that when low affect the sensory nerves.

There are other things for diabetics to use as well, but fixing these first often will do quite a bit in the beginning.

Losing 100 or so pounds so quickly, is difficult on your body. So do be careful, and make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids. There is a condition nicknamed "slimmers paralysis", which happens when people lose weight too fast. This is a result of limiting fats in the diet, and Omega-3s are critical for the nerves. Make sure you are taking some Omega-3 supplements like fish oil, or krill oil daily. The EPA and DHA in fish oils, repair nerve membranes and the myelin of axons.

MelodyL 06-28-2013 08:28 PM

Hi Clay:

My name is Melody. I want to congratulate you on your weight loss. I am also a type 2. I take 5000 of Methyl B-12 every day (on an empty stomach). I am free of any neuropathy symptoms. Of course I watch what I eat. Please do continue to try and get some exercise. I know it's hard.

The walking in the water is a great way to get some cardio exercise in. We don't want you getting another heart attack. The others have asked some good questions and as usual Mrs. D gave you valuable information.

Please keep posting. We do care. Are you on any insulin?

Thanks much


Dr. Smith 06-28-2013 11:30 PM

Hi Clay,

There are some exercise routines for folks in wheelchairs, or with bad backs, that can be done from seated positions. Mostly stretching, they can help keep muscles and metabolism working while the weight continues to come off.

seated exercise routines

Congrats on the weight loss -- hang in there -- one day at a time.

Best wishes,


clay_elder 06-29-2013 02:20 AM

Omg. Thank you,everyone. I'm on 2000mg Metformin daily,Januvia,Neurontin,lantus,pravastatin,prilose c (BAAAAAAD gerd/acid reflux),Cymbalta,synthroid,lopid,metroprolol,chant ix,Plavix,isosorbide,325 mg aspirin, enalapril,& I think that's it. I'm in a small town,in rural SW Minnesota. No car. It's 60 miles to the nearest decent health care. I'm scared! This disease really sucks. My last a1c from a few months ago was 5.5. Shocked my doctor. I suffer from chronic pain in my back,from a 1990 injury,& there's no pain mgmt nearby. It's an hr away & I have no way to go that far monthly. I'm out of food till Monday. Have nothing. I'm really concerned abt my sugars after no food for 2 days. Am I in danger? Y'all are sooooooo sweet for actually replying to this teddybear. Thank you all so much. I'm crying. Stupid neurologist said she won't do the emg cause of my obesity. That's Mankato Clinic. I pray Mayo will help me Wednesday,cause life's getting too hard :-(

mrsD 06-29-2013 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by clay_elder (Post 995942)
Omg. Thank you,everyone. I'm on 2000mg Metformin daily,Januvia,Neurontin,lantus,pravastatin,prilosec (BAAAAAAD gerd/acid reflux),Cymbalta,synthroid,lopid,metroprolol,chant ix,Plavix,isosorbide,325 mg aspirin, enalapril,& I think that's it. I'm in a small town,in rural SW Minnesota. No car. It's 60 miles to the nearest decent health care. I'm scared! This disease really sucks. My last a1c from a few months ago was 5.5. Shocked my doctor. I suffer from chronic pain in my back,from a 1990 injury,& there's no pain mgmt nearby. It's an hr away & I have no way to go that far monthly. I'm out of food till Monday. Have nothing. I'm really concerned abt my sugars after no food for 2 days. Am I in danger? Y'all are sooooooo sweet for actually replying to this teddybear. Thank you all so much. I'm crying. Stupid neurologist said she won't do the emg cause of my obesity. That's Mankato Clinic. I pray Mayo will help me Wednesday,cause life's getting too hard :-(

As I suspected, your meds can be causing alot of problems for you.
Acid blocking drugs like Prilosec, cause low B12 and also low magnesium. And diabetics lose magnesium daily besides.

Since you cannot get to a doctor, buy some methylcobalamin, the active form of B12 online. iherb and Amazon have it very affordably. 5mg daily on an empty stomach... I'd start that ASAP. You can also get the Epsom lotion by Morton's on Amazon as well in the same order.

Locally WalMart has the Epsom lotion, and also Walgreen's has the special B12 methylcobalamin.

Both of these interventions are easy and safe to do, so I wouldn't wait for stubborn doctors and since you are stuck with poor transpo, you need to be proactive in this.

Here are the Amazon links:

This is a new and very motivating B12 video....made by medical doctors trying to educate their peers:

And this is my B12 thread with all the details about this crucial

This is the Qunol at Amazon (it is a 4 month supply) at one capsule a day.
Statins (your pravastatin) block the enzymes in the liver that make your own need to replace that. Over time low CoQ-10 affects muscle functions including the heart.

Please get started now, and continue your successful weight loss
work. ;)

edit to add.... Lopid and pravastatin together are a serious drug interaction.. I'd discuss this with your doctor:,1929-1242
Because of this serious potential, Lopid is not much used today.
Your pharmacy should have consulted with you and flagged this

clay_elder 06-30-2013 12:00 AM

I can't thank you enough. I'm showing this to the Dr I'm seeing at Mayo Wednesday! Much luv your way,MrsD

mrsD 06-30-2013 09:20 AM

Good luck at Mayo...

Not many of our PNers have much good to say about them.
Mayo is very conservative and mostly anti-supplement OTC etc.

They will test you alot and tell you what the results show hopefully. I'd suggest getting copies of everything. One poster here in the past had POTS and was not told, by Mayo after her testing. But when she requested copies of all her testing, she found that diagnosis in them.

Their B12 ranges in their B12 testing are still the old outdated
format. So get that number specifically.(you need to be above 400pg/ml) An MMA test to go with it would be helpful too since you are getting many tests.
Get Vit D tested too. The RX version to treat low D is not effective in humans and doctors still prescribe it. So bring your numbers here and I will give you a suggestion for D3 OTC alternatives.

Make sure they test you for amyloidosis...and full blood work for immune globulins etc.

Since you are fasting, and dieting strenuously, it would be a good idea to have vitamin levels measured, and also all minerals/electrolytes.

I don't think it is wise to fast for days, as you have said here while using oral antidiabetic medications and insulin. You should ask your doctor to advise you on a minimum caloric intake for your medications to work properly. Otherwise you risk low blood sugars, and lows can damage nerves.

Don't take any vitamin or mineral product before testing. Best to be several days off of them if you use any.

Good luck at Mayo...I hope you find some answers there to help you.

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