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doydie 12-02-2012 12:41 AM

Been on a diet
I think I started out my diet on Oct 18th. At least that was the day I had my doctors appointment when he said I had diabetes type 2. I was the one who urged him to tell me that since I thought it would MAKE me stick to a diet, or should I say a new life style. So with just some trying on my own I stopped my crazy meal plan which consisted of waking up at around 11 AM, get an orage diet soda and putting some orange juice in it and nursing that until supper time. It tasted good but wasn't enough. I would eat a 'healthy' supper. Healthy meaning in size!! So I finally got got diabetic assessment done and she told me some guidelines in watching carbs and calories and gave me my meter. Well that completely changed the way I ate. I still wake up around 11 but I eat 2 very healthy meals a day and at least 2 healthy snacks. I finally start my diabetic classes Dec 12th. I have lost 10 pounds so far. The last time I went on a diet I hit this plateau at about 10 pounds and couldn't go any further. I need to add excersice to my program and cut out so much of my 'healthy' frozen meals.We eat out 7 suppers a week and I think I have done a good job of selecting food odd of menus. I ask them to fix them in different ways, I ask for the nutritional content to help me decide. I even lost weight over Thanksgiving. But those Christmas stockings are going to be to overcome. My sister and I have agreed that we will stuff each others and put some good stuff in the, but all of the families buy their fair share of candy to put in the,. Plus I go to Logans Roadhouse and buy lots of peanuts. I think everyone in my family could stand to loose weight but I can't convince them of that. It has to be their own decision. So I guess I will buy candy and store it at someone elses house.

The only places I can see my weight loss so far is in my cheeks and feet. My feet is wonderful, it cuts down n the neuropathy and I can actually tie my shoes now. Before I had to leave them very loose. But my cheeks I'm not sure how to handle it. When I brush my teeth I see all these wrinkles and I don't know how to tighten up my skin

Erika 12-02-2012 12:47 AM

So Happy for you Doydie!
Those are quite the changes in such a short time; and to already have some tangible benefits is awesome. Well Done!

Personally, wrinkles mean only one thing to me...that gravity is real :).

With love, Erika

SallyC 12-02-2012 11:07 AM

Good going Doydie!!!:)

I try to keep my face fat, to avoid wrinkles..:D:p:D

doydie 12-02-2012 04:16 PM

The nursing home where my MIL lives had their annual open house today and they always have really good stuff to eat. So I made sure I had good protein for lunch and took one of my Nature Valley granola bars with me. It tastes like a really good oatmeal cookie. I also took a bran muffin but I didn't need that. I'm so proud of myself, I was able to sit with my husband who had a BIG peice of decadent looking cheesecake and a big brownie witth a lot of chocolate frosting and slowly eat my granola bar. My sister made these muffins with oat bran, banans and sugar free applesauce and splenda. They are really sweet and since I started my 'lifestyle' change I'm not used to eating sweet stuff at all. I took it in case I was really tempted but I didn't need it.

jprinz99 12-03-2012 08:28 AM

Congrats and keep it going as we like to have you around!

doydie 12-04-2012 12:14 AM

I was a bad girl tonight at Bob Evans. I had had a really good lunch that was low calorie and we spent most of the afternoon shopping so I thought it would be OK to splurge a little for supper. So at Bob Evans I order the senior turkey and dressing. i should have substituted the potatos for green beans but it sounded so good. I took half the dressing and potatos home and one piece of banana bread home and was going to take it to my MIL on Thursday. Well while I was watching TV that carry out in my frig just spoke to me and I heated it all up.:mad: So back to the diet tomorrow. I'm glad I did remember to take my Metformin though. It is SO HARD for me to remember that supper dose.

Blessings2You 12-04-2012 06:36 AM

You know what they say, Doydie, "Don't cry over spilt turkey". A goof-up doesn't mean the end. Back on the horse, and keep plugging. (Enough clichés for now :))


Erika 12-04-2012 08:56 AM


Believe it or not, this situation is actually a cause for celebration :). Recognizing that from this sort of experience we can gain increased awareness, rather than just chastising one's self for having done something 'wrong' is far more beneficial.

Now you know more about how triggers work and from there some strategies on how to avoid them in the future can come forward.
Although potatoes don't freeze well, in most cases, left overs can be promptly repackaged and frozen, which makes impulsive consumption less likely. Similarly if the left overs have been dedicated to another, letting them know straight away that the food has been set aside for them also it makes it less likely to become our next meal.

We are always going to be faced with overcoming habits when we begin something new; including dietary programs. Remaining aware with open curiosity of what we are doing and the thoughts that arise before, while doing them as well as after, rather than over analyzing or imputing a right or wrong about our actions in cases like this, encourages those observations to come forward as reminders when subsequent 'temptations' arise.

If we remain aware in this way, when such temptations arise again, another thought is likely to arise right along with it that says something like, "Oh, this desire is as temporary as the gratification that will come if I follow it; but long lasting contentment and gratification is just as possible if I don't follow it."
Then even if we do go for the short term gratification, at least we know that we chose to do that. In time, by remaining aware, we may also come to realize that going after short term gratification is like drinking salt water; the more we consume it, the more our thirst increases.

Such awareness acts to decrease attractions to short term gratification in favour of long term benefit. Thus, even when we transgress our intentions to follow a particular pattern of new behaviour, it can be seen as a positive thing; for we can say, "I've learned something new about myself and how the mind works; and that is strength rather than weakness."

Doydie, I celebrate your courage in self honesty, awareness and the dedication to improve your health :):hug:.

With love, Erika

doydie 12-04-2012 01:26 PM

Had a good, physically and emotionally warm lunch, 430 calories

SallyC 12-04-2012 01:53 PM

I had a good and bad cold lunch....Chocolate covered mini donuts and fruit..:D:p

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