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Porkette 03-29-2011 06:47 PM

Food Dyes Leading to Seizures
Hi Folks,

I wanted to let you know that I saw on the NBC news on March 29th that food dyes are effecting people with ADHD so I just went on line and checked it out to see if food dyes could cause seizures and sure enough the food colors red, yellow and blue can trigger seizures for people. I also spoke to my pharmacist to find out if it was safe to color my hair to get rid of the gray and he told me that depending on the chemicals in the hair coloring it could cause seizures. To get more info. on this go to google and type in: "Food dyes causing seizures" and you will find a lot of info. Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


Porkette 04-03-2011 04:39 PM

Hi Folks,

Check out this website and go to food triggers to get info. on food dyes and sz.

Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!


CallieGirl 05-03-2011 05:19 PM

Interesting! For the last number of years I have avoided candy that is dyed red because it doesn't make me feel good...lately I've been feeling the same way about blue and purple candies (Easter was recently, lol!) I'm wondering if it's due to my epilepsy! Thanks for the info.

luvmyboy 05-03-2011 11:30 PM

very interesting. My son just had his first seizure the day after easter. Scared me to no end.He was playing with and eating eggs that were dyed red. I'm wondering if this had anything to do with him having a seizure.

Porkette 05-05-2011 03:34 PM

Hi Folks,

You are correct it could be the dye that is causing the sz. but it could also be to much sugar from the candy. To many carbs. and starch foods can trigger sz. for many people, also diet soda or anything with nutra sweet (aspartame) as well as other sugar substitutes can cause more electrical activity in a persons brain and trigger sz. I found this out yrs. ago after eating to many sweets and having diet soda. I wish all of you only the best of luck and May God Bless You!


angelatx 10-16-2014 10:01 AM

Just wow!!!
My son was born in September 2009. It seems after he turned one he started doing these weird jerky movements while making sounds with them. I mentioned them so many times to his dr. Finally she listened and sent us to a Pediatric Neurologist and not knowing all that I know now we was excited to have an appointment quickly with a p.a.. In April of 2012 She ordered an EEG. The tests came back he was having seizure activity. I was holding him during the test and I coughed a few times. My husband accused me of making my son sick and that he was on medicine for seizures because of me. I have been so torn up about this. I was so frustrated with this P.A and the dr we never ever met or ever was in the same room as my child. Never even touched my child. Yet she said he was having seizures. As the year passed he was having aggressive issues and I studied about red dye and took him off. He did great. He stopped his what ever he was doing the aggression went away. I found a new neuro for him. I LOVE this dr. He played with my son on the floor for over 30 minutes and just watched him and talked with him and us. He ordered a 24 hour EEG. It came back my son was not having seizures. We took him off his seizure medicine in June of 2013. A few months ago I discovered a laundry detergent for sensitive skin and was tired of having clothes that did not smell fresh. I started using it. He is having constipation issues we took him the a GI and he wanted him off of milk so I put him on chocolate almond milk. He wouldn't drink regular. He had his birthday and I made chocolate lego men. Many colors. I had put the dye thing in the back since I was hopeful and trusting he had out grown it. Then yesterday happened. I pick him up from his class and his teacher is really worried. She couldn't reach my son. She would say his name over and over again before he would respond. My hit a little girl and can not remember doing it. I was so sick to my stomach. Was the blank stare seizures back? I cried. I checked myself and told myself ok we have to figure this out. What is going on. Then I just typed into Google. Can food dyes cause seizures. MY WORLD CAME TO A STOP! Oh my gosh. I did not make my kid sick. Everything that I read is him. I TRUELY believe that the dyes are causing him to act this way. I am washing all his clothes, bedding towels, my bedding. EVERYTHING! There goes his milk and vitamins. I pray this is what it is. Hopefully in a few days he will be sleeping again. His sleep walking will calm down. He will be back to normal. I pray I never forget what dyes do to him!

Porkette 10-16-2014 07:52 PM

Hi angelatx,
I'm so sorry to hear that your son started to have seizures (sz.) again. My advice to you is to have your son see an Epileptologist (Dr. who specializes in epilepsy) I have found that these Drs. can pinpoint the cause of a sz. and find out what are the best meds to take with the least side effects and I've had epilepsy for 42 yrs. You can usually find these Drs. at a big hospital or a University hospital.
It sounds like the neuro needs to do a special e.e.g. on your son to see if certain colors may be triggering sz. for him. I had one done and they flashed different color lights and this is when I found that I was photosensitive meaning certain colors were triggering sz. for me. Try putting your son on Vitamin B12 500 mcg. once a day this has greatly reduced my sz. because the B12 helps calm the nerves down. Also cut your son back on the carbs and starch foods and keep him away from anything with nutra sweet in it because that can sometimes trigger sz. because nutra sweet causes more electrical activity in the brain. Also if your son uses a cell phone that can also trigger a sz. for some people because they may be sensitive to the radio frequency that the cell phone uses. I found this out when a lot of people around me were using cell phones at work all at the same time and then I started to have sz.
Another thing Drs. are studying right now is the electronic smart boards teachers have in the classroom the brightness on the board along with the radio frequency is causing sz. in some students. I wish you and your family only the best of luck and May God Bless All of You!


Darlene 10-16-2014 11:52 PM

Nice to meet you!!

:Wave-Hello: Hello and welcome, happy to see you have come to be with us, it a great place to be. As you can see we have a great number and caring fellow members here, where you have find a supportive and relaxing place. Have fun looking into the different forums. Our shoulders are here for support in many ways.

I agree with Sue on what she has said. One other thing to do is watch out for bright flashing lights like a theater. Just make sure he turns his head and closes his eye.

Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :smileypray:

Darlene :hug:

Kitt 10-17-2014 09:06 AM

Welcome angelatx. :Tip-Hat:

gdsjoy 06-15-2015 05:17 AM

Did my son have a seizure caused by food dyes?
Last week my son started acting weird, not making any sense and doing some very odd things. We decided to take him to Children's Mercy and while there he couldn't answer simple questions like what grade is he going into, and does he have brothers. They kept him for 3 days. About 6 hours after getting him started on an IV, where he was needing to urinate every 20 minutes... he was back to himself. All of the toxicalogy tests came back clean, so they decided it wasn't something he had ingested. I asked if it could have been food dyes. We have been off of food dyes and sugar for about six months, but decided to ease off of the restrictions a little for VBS. He had skittles and a bomb pop, although, he did not eat any of his red skitttles. The doctor who saw him doesn't believe the food dyes could have anything to do with this. Although, the tech that ran his EEG said it was common to see food dyes be the cause of seizures where he used to work in New York City. The doctors' best guesses are that he had a a seizure and that's why he acted that way. My son can't remember that day. He recalls a few dreams that are similar to things that happened, but to him they were dreams. How do I find a doctor that acknowledges that the toxic dyes can cause this type of thing? But not someone who is just going to say that is what happened without digging into it. And does this sound like a seizure to you guys? Especially one caused by food dyes?

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