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bmxbobby2004 05-26-2013 10:58 PM

Concussion and Post Concussion Symptoms HELP
Hello Everyone,

I suffered a concussion on 5/5/13. This is my first concussion. I was severely intoxicated when it occurred and unfortunately do not remember anything about the incident because I had too much to drink. What can I say, it was Cinco de Mayo!

Anyways, my friends said that I passed out because of drinking too much and while they were trying to help move me accidentally dropped me on my head. They said it was about 6 to 12 inches above the ground. They also said it was the tip top of my head that hit.

The next day I woke up and thought I had a really bad hangover. My ears were ringing, confused, and tired. Days went by and my symptoms peaked 2 days later with sever headaches, fogginess, inability to retain new information (I would read a paragraph and just be confused about what I read), dizziness, ear ringing. Oh and I had an oral exam in spanish about 5 days after the incident, when I was reciting the information I felt as if my head was going to explode. The sides of my head extending from my temple all the way to the side of my head behind my ear felt like they had a bunch of pressure on it.

My symptoms improved a lot in those first 10 days. I felt almost 100% okay, but I hit my head on an open cabinet (not that hard) but woke up the next day feeling a little more out of it than the day before. It has now been 3 weeks since cinco de mayo, when I suffered a concussion and symptoms are still present.

I do not have headaches anymore. I do not have any fogginess either. I now feel like I am suffering from that same pressure I feel in the sides of my head. I also feel extremely tired from studying a couple hours. I also feel as if I am not retaining as much information when I study. I also feel nausea randomly some days (not every day). And sometimes randomly the room feels as if it did a 360 rotation real quick.

I am 22 years old in college and about to graduate in 1 month. I unfortunately have 4 more years of school left. I will be starting medical school in august and need to be better by then and ready to study my butt of for the next few years. Since this incident, I stopped drinking and make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I also take a super B complex everyday and take about 10 grams of fish oils a day.

Someone please help. Doctor originally told me that he would be surprised if the symptoms lasted more than a week after the incident. Then revised it to a month after the incident. He also said if it persists for 2 months, then I should see a neurologist. Should I be going to a neurologist now?

thank you for the help everyone. it is truly appreciated

Su seb 05-27-2013 06:35 AM

Your symptoms sound familiar. Yes, I think it's time to see a neurologist. But, I would say, choose wisely. Do your research and try to find docs in your area that have experience in the field.

Also, if you are having any vision problems, make an appt with a neuro ophthalmologist. Sometimes it can take months to get in.

Watch the videos that are recommended on the board. Understanding the symptoms can be very helpful.

Good luck

Su seb

poetrymom 05-27-2013 06:49 AM

Hello Bmx,

Sorry about your accident.

Check out the vitamin thread at the top and start healing your injured brain from the inside out. Also, the nutrition piece of healing is important so limit caffeine or cut it off if you can, and no alcohol.

Sadly, no one can tell you the day, the hour, the month, the moment you will feel better. Any doctor that promises a timeline is just plain WRONG. You are now in what I call the Zen of medical problems. You will heal when you do and not sooner. The sooner you can accept that and really rest, you will start to get better, but it's not a short road.

Western medicine can chart the progress of broken bones, pregnancy, and many other things, but the brain is different. There is a saying with all of this too. "Once you have seen one brain injury, that's just it. You've only seen one brain injury."

So for now, rest your brain. Limit screens, including your computer, TV, etc. Reading, as you might find, is taxing. Don't read much. Listen to audio books, or classical music. Avoid stressful news stories. Your brain needs rest, rest, and more rest.

The resources that helped me the most so far are the book BrainLash by Gail Denton, the youtube video series, You Look Great, this discussion board, and God's grace teaching me the real meaning of patience.

I wish you luck in finding good medical dox who will listen, and understand and help you.

Wishing you peace.


Lightrail11 05-27-2013 02:02 PM

Your concussion was relatively recent and I would expect that you will see improvement, but I also agree with Su seb, better to be on the safe side and see a neurologist for an evaluation.

rmschaver 05-27-2013 04:47 PM

BMX think of it this way. 1 to 6 weeks concussion. 6 to 12 weeks bad concussion. More than 12 weeks, Post Concussion Syndrome. You are relatively early in your recovery. I would not indulge in any parting for a few weeks. Try to get lots of rest, water and a good diet intake. Take it easy and one step at a time.

P.S. Next time you plan on partying to the point of passing out, bring a football helmet.

bmxbobby2004 05-27-2013 06:21 PM

Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it. I was reading a bit on the forum and realized that there are 2 types of headaches: migraines and tension headaches.

I initially had horrible migraines but those went away after a few days but the tension headaches have not subsided. Has anyone had tension headaches? if so, how do you deal with them and is there anything you take to help?

My tension headaches are brought on my reading if that helps

thank you again for the help. It is much appreciated.

NormaW 05-27-2013 08:40 PM

Vision Headaches

I get my headaches (I think not confirmed) from my post traumatic vision syndrome and Vision mid-line shift syndrome. I can not watch t.v.,. read or be on the computer for any length of time without get nauseas, headaches and dizzy. My eyes also get sore and burn. If I overdo it, I can be in bed for a day or two really not feeling well. I also get a type of headache which is like pins and needles on the top of my head. The ones I think I get from my vision are in my temples and I feel like I have a solid block across the front of my forehead. You may need to have your vision checked by a neuro opthomologist. I have had a headache for 15 months. I am waiting for the days it goes, I am thinking it will get better with the vision therapy I am currently undergoing.

It is pretty early days so it may be hard to figure out what is going.

Good luck and take it easy. Try not to read, watch t.v. or go on the computer much. I limit my day to about 45 minutes computer and 2 hours of t.v. However at the being I spent 12 weeks doing nothing at all, no t.v., no reading, no physical activity. I listened to the radio (talk) most days.

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