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MMbells 01-20-2007 01:06 PM

Can TN be triggered by surgery?
Hello, I'm a new member and glad I found this site. I have been able to get more information by reading the various posts than I have by asking my doctor (neurosurgeon). For several years I have suffered with burning pain in my shoulder blade. My c/5 c/6 and c/7 were compressed (car accident). I chose to have surgery since I am a very active person and the pain was interferring with my daily life, I am the sole provider of my family and therefore I must work. I have a great job but I have to commute 50 miles one way. These factors contributed to my decision for surgery even though the doctor only gave me a 50/50 chance of the surgery relieving my pain. I had the surgery on December 5, 2006 and recovered within 2 weeks. I was back to work and in full swing in 3 weeks. The burning seems to have subsided although I have encountered other areas of pain. This is where my question comes in. Approximately 2 weeks after surgery I noticed that everytime I touched my face (under my left eye by my nose in the checkbone area) it would send like electrical shocks that seemed to travel to the back of my head. When I went to the neurosurgeon for my follow up he indicated I have developed TN. He told me it was not due to the surgery. I have a hard time believing this and find it very ironic that I developed this problem after the surgery. From what I have read about TN, it appears that I have a mild form. I do not suffer from intense pain unless I touch the trigger point. The questions I have are: Can TN be triggered by neck surgery? Does pain increase the longer you have TN? Any information anyone has would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!

Jomar 01-20-2007 02:13 PM

Welcome to the forum -and Hello,

What was the surgery that you had? a fusion or ? C spine?
It might help with finding answers.
Weekends are sometime a little bit slower- so I did some searches that might help.

I did do a Google image search - so you can see where the nerve travels-

and cervical spine images also-

nice to meet you.

LisaL-TOS 01-20-2007 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by MMbells (Post 61385)
Hello, I'm a new member and glad I found this site. I have been able to get more information by reading the various posts than I have by asking my doctor (neurosurgeon). For several years I have suffered with burning pain in my shoulder blade. My c/5 c/6 and c/7 were compressed (car accident). I chose to have surgery since I am a very active person and the pain was interferring with my daily life, I am the sole provider of my family and therefore I must work. I have a great job but I have to commute 50 miles one way. These factors contributed to my decision for surgery even though the doctor only gave me a 50/50 chance of the surgery relieving my pain. I had the surgery on December 5, 2006 and recovered within 2 weeks. I was back to work and in full swing in 3 weeks. The burning seems to have subsided although I have encountered other areas of pain. This is where my question comes in. Approximately 2 weeks after surgery I noticed that everytime I touched my face (under my left eye by my nose in the checkbone area) it would send like electrical shocks that seemed to travel to the back of my head. When I went to the neurosurgeon for my follow up he indicated I have developed TN. He told me it was not due to the surgery. I have a hard time believing this and find it very ironic that I developed this problem after the surgery. From what I have read about TN, it appears that I have a mild form. I do not suffer from intense pain unless I touch the trigger point. The questions I have are: Can TN be triggered by neck surgery? Does pain increase the longer you have TN? Any information anyone has would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!


Hi MMBell, Sorry you are having this discomfort. I am not an expert in "anything" but I too have suffered similar. My bout started with dental work and it was dental work that was the start of my five years of misery.

The first thing I would do is talk to your doctor to see if he can recommend a neurologist that can thoroughly evaluate you. If you truly have Classic TN, a trial of Tegrotol is a very good diagostic tool. With this med you must be monitored often as there are side effects but most people do get relief or good relief with this medication. Normally, this med will not work well with A-Typical TN which some docs call Atypical Facial Neuralgia. There are other meds available also that are good diagnostic tools.

TN can start secondary to trauma/surgical procedures but usually the trauma/surgery is higher up, i.e. dental, plastic facial surgery, Sinus surgery and one lady I know got this from a biopsy of her lower lip.

I am adding a link for a Facial Pain Survey you may be interested in.

Again, talk with your physician. I wish you well.

MMbells 01-20-2007 07:33 PM

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide me with this information.

MMbells 01-20-2007 07:46 PM

My surgery was a fusion, 2 levels.

Jebbyfur 01-20-2007 07:54 PM

I am no expert, but I too started to suffer from Tn both after surgery and after dental work. I truly believe that classic tn is due to compression of the trigeminal nerve, that is why the MVD surgery is a success to those who have Classic TN. Now if it is ATN, which I also suffer from, the causes are harder to find, only theories are used. I had 6 endoscopic sinus surgeries. After the first 2, I developed osteomyletis in my sinus, therefore the other 4 surgeries to cure and debried the tisues. Now, After my first 2 surgeries, I noticed numbness and head pain. I attributed it to the sinuses. It became something I suffered with silently. Then after the last sinus surgery, I had a few good months. Around 3 months later, I started with the head pain.Went to dentist, thought was teeth not really, Had Ct of sinus ,it was clear. Said to check with dentist cause teeth had pain also. Went back to dentist he did root canal of tender tooth causse I insisted. Then sent to endontist cause couldn't find extra root. Decided to pull cause root canal failed. Back to ENT, he started on neurontin sent to Neurologist. Been battiling for almost two years. I do not believe dental work caused TN or ATN. I believe it was already there and it just brought it to the surface because symptoms were more clear. Shooting and dull pain in face and head. I've met with the NS who reccomends MVD becuse I do suffer from classic TN. He also believes my ENT is concerned he may have clipped the nerve in the surgeries. I believe it was the first ENT that caused all of my problems being the infection in the bone, the TN and ATN. Therefore , I am a hard case to solve. I am researching all I can about this disease, because jumping into brain surgery, whether MVD, neurotransmiters, etc all have many risks to them. I am dragging my feet, trying to let the meds work. I have had 6 surgeries to my head, and I have developed side effects that were not there before. The next kinds of surgeries to my head carry bigger risks, that I don't think I am willing to take as of yet. Back, neck, and brain surgeries are very risky, because of the spinal column and fluid. Hell I have numbness from abdominal surgery 25 years ago. I also had adhesions and bowel attachment then. What I am saying is anything is possible that is why you sign all those papers before a surgery. No one can tell you what side effects you will suffer, because the variables are not constant. Hell the doc could have had too much coffee, a fight with his wife or other, a bad drive in to work etc. Then look at the anestisiologists, scrub nurse, recovery room nurse, etc. I had a morphine allergy on my history,I told them this cause I hate the drug cause I vomit immediatley and refuse to take it anymore. When I woke up from my last surgery, I was gagging. I said what did you give me? the nurse said morphine. I said look at my file. He said oh the doc prescribed it. I said hello. Change it please. Everyone can make mistakes. and anything can happen. Could you have gotten TN during the last surgery, absolutley. Some one could have dropped you on your head you would'nt know. Can you prove it. Doubtful. Get to a neurologist, try the meds, see what works. If it's classic TN it will respond to certain meds, if it isn't it might respond to others. Educate yourself. Find a doc that you are comfortable with and who takes the time to explain and answer your questions. I like doctors who are honest about how others could have made mistakes. Not those who protect. I could care less if they worry about what they say. I am paying them to help me find solutions for my illness. You need to be proactive and your own advocate. No one but you know what you are feeling and how much pain you are in. I guess I am ranting because I am so angry I have this disease, and it is progressing. Read all the sticy's, go to the TNA website. Come back hear and ask as many questions as you like. Those before us have the real answers you are looking for and will respond as soon as they can. Welcome, you have joined our elite club. Sorry for the reason, but I am sure you will get faster answers here than anywhere else. Feel free to send as many messages as you like. Thanks for your ear, as I thank all my new friends :grouphug: here. The understanding you will find here has been a blessing to me. Jen:D

mjacobs22 03-18-2008 09:30 PM

Hi, I also had surgery the last of December 2008 and my pain started a few weeks after the surgery. Mine affects the ear and back of the throat. Mine was Corpal Tunnel surgery and couldn't get it deadened and went ahead and done the surgery. Very Painful and nothing I could do but take it, so I was wondering if it could of been from the surgery. Of course the doctor wouldn't admit it. Makes you wonder.
I'm going to see a Naturopath Doctor as can't handle the pain medicine they have me on. Has anyone used a Naturopath Doctor for Neuralgia? I am going to see if they can help me.


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