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FlyFishin Momma 04-07-2008 05:53 AM

Another Accident.....
This time it wasn't in my pants nor in my rig (thats what hillbilies call thier auto)

This time it was bad. I am only able to type with my right hand right now so please excuse the errors.

Tim and I were moving Jacob the colt to his new home. A field with another mare and filly. We moved him fine and then we were going to move his pen. I dont know if ya'll know what gate panels are? You have maybe seen them in some of the pics of the colt I have posted. (they were red)

They are 12 foot long and lil taller then me. I dont even have a clue what they weight but its all I can do to carry one.

Any way we had them loaded in the back of our stock trailer standing up side by side and we hauled them to the field.

I would climb up into the trailer and slide them out to Tim who was carrying them and setting them up as we went along. Then I would go move the truck up and we would unload some more.

Well.....after moving a few times there were 10 panels left in the trailer. I got in and pulled the first one away from the stack, and all off a sudden they ALL shifted happend so dang fast I didnt harldy know how to react.

I automatically threw my arms out in front of me as to catch them and kinda hiked my left leg up to kinda help support them....
Tim said the weight was about 800 or more pounds......They all 10 slammed into me and slammed me into the side of the stock trailer.
My left arm was wedged and jammed into the panels and they were up against my throat pinning me against the wall.....The 2 good things was first I must have turneed my head a lil when I saw it comming for my face because it had me by the right side of the neck instead of the front of my throat (THANK GOD) and the 2ns thing was Tim was right there.

However he had a panel in his hands and was trying to throw it down and trying to get up into the back of the trailer and get behind he panels and move them off of me. He kept slipping off the back.....he was screaming and neary crying and I was about to pass out.....I have NEVER been so scared in my life......I thought they were going to smash my throat and I was going to die.....I was already having trouble breathing by the time he got them off of me....

Needless to say I am sore as all get out today. NO I didnt go to any dr or er....I refused....didnt wanna have to pay the bills. Tim begged me.....but I just came t the house and got on the couch and Tim and sis propped ice packs everywhere I hurt. I popped a few pain pills and just rode the pain out.

I am going to the chiro today. He will do xrays for $75 compared to the hundreds the hospital would have charged. I am not so sure I didnt crack a rib and maybe my elbow. It was wedged between the panels and smashed into the trailer wall (also metal).....I have at least one broken finger...and many many brusies....

I have a new found respect for those of you whom cant move well due to MS sx. THIS SUCKS..... I cant even put my hair in pony tail by myself, wipe my butt, put on clothes or socks very easily......let aone eat, cook or drive.....
I will have to drive myself in to the chiro today but I can use my right arm just cant turn my neck much.
I will just take my time and if folks dont like it they can go around me.....

I am sorry I missed your bday Char.....just glad I got to celebrate it with you when you were here. This is the first day I have been able to sit and use the computer.....

Please pray there are no cracked or broken bones.....and that the brusies go away soon....Looks like Tim beat the tar outta me...and THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN

I will update when I can.....

You can kinda tell what the gates look like by this pic....didnt feel like looking through them all to find a good one......

It took me half hour just to type this silly thing as it was....

Jodylee 04-07-2008 06:06 AM

Oh FFM!! You must've been terrified!! I'm unbelievably glad Tim was there for you!! Prayers and many hugs are headed your way!! I really hope nothings broken. Get better soon!!

Koala77 04-07-2008 06:11 AM

OM Gosh. That's just awful! :hug:

It's a wonder you weren't hurt worse than you were after what you described, and it sounds like you really might need those XRays done when you see the chiro. I daresay there's not a lot that can be done for broken ribs, but a broken elbow is a whole different thing.


I will have to drive myself in to the chiro today but I can use my right arm just cant turn my neck much. I will just take my time and if folks dont like it they can go around me.....

Oh dear...... Isn't that rather dangerous attempting to drive to the chiro when you're in pain and everything doesn't work right. Please be careful. Is there no-one who can drive you? I'll be worried now, until we hear that you got home safely!

You're dead right about what it feels like when we're suddenly not able to do the things we take so much for granted. It sure does suck!


...THIS SUCKS..... I cant even put my hair in pony tail by myself, wipe my butt, put on clothes or socks very easily......let aone eat, cook or drive.....
I broke 4 ribs all at once in one of my many falls, and DH had to do all those things for me. It was hard enough trying to breathe, let alone take care of myself.

You're in my thoughts Kay. I hope that no major damage has been done, and your aches, pains and bruises mend soon. :hug:

tante 04-07-2008 06:31 AM

OM goodness, how horribly, horribly scarey! I started to get that "shivery' feeling reading your post, knowing something awful was about to happen. I can not imagine what you were feeling.

I hope that nothing, other than the one finger which is bad enough, has been broken, and that no internal organs have been bruised.

Gentle hugs sent your way.

soxmom 04-07-2008 06:49 AM

Oh Kay, I know this will sound crazy..... but I think you are lucky to be
alive. Im so sorry this happened:(.........I wish I lived close as I would
take you to the doctor.

You take it easy today and let us know what the xrays say. You
are in my thoughts.:hug:


DAY1 04-07-2008 07:08 AM


Girl, just reading that scared the crud out of me. I'm sure you and tim were scared out of your minds.

Chirpractor is not going to be able to take care of your broken finger.
I'm wondering if he/she will take one look at you and send you to the ER.

Does Sissy drive? Could she drive you to the doc?
She could miss a day of school, right?

If I could blink and be there, I'd drive you myself.

Please let us know what they say.

Please Please, take care of Kay.


hollym 04-07-2008 07:10 AM

OMG! That is terrible. I do hope you didn't break anything. Keep us posted.

Twinkletoes 04-07-2008 07:39 AM

Awwwww, Kay, that's just awful!!!!

So glad you had DH there to save you from your terrible predicament.

:Bow: You are tougher than nails, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get yourself to a doc. Chiros can only do so much.

Please take care of yourself -- you are loved! :circlelove:

Kitty 04-07-2008 07:39 AM

Oh, Kay, this is terrible!! I was horrified while reading it - I can only imagine how scared you were as it was actually happening! :eek:

Please be careful today - it's hard to drive with only one working hand (been there - done that!!).

Please keep us posted on what the doc tells you. I'm SO sorry this happened to you....

DM 04-07-2008 07:40 AM

OMG!! How awful. I've had broken ribs and they are murder. please be careful driving and let us know when you can, how your'e doing.

I think "someone" was looking out for you, even tho you got banged up bad, your'e still here. For that, we can be thankful.


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