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daniella 01-09-2008 07:24 PM

Glucose?Holistic doc?
I know people have glucose issues. What is normal? Mine used to be 79 or lower in my blood work and now it is up to 113. Is this ok. I am trying to solve some of my own issues since the docs I see are making no connections. Has anyone seen a holistic doc? I have an apt with one tomorrow not by choice.My mom wants me to. I need a break cause I have been going to 2 docs a week with my eye infection that will not get better and then leg pain and other health concerns like my dizzy and breathing. Also I know someone here has sjogrens and a lot of my issues seem to be leading to something like that. I am going to go to a reumo that a good friend here suggested. I am assuming there are different treatment for this or really is there none?I just went to a new internist yes another one on Mon which was another looser doc to add to my bunch. I am going to write a book and dedicate to all the flunkie docs I have seen. I know there are some great ones like my pediatrician growing up. She was amazing. I know many here are into the supplements so hopefully I will have some natural stuff to add here if I get feedback from him. Its an 80 minute apt which is 10 times longer then most of mine. Thanks

Silverlady 01-09-2008 08:21 PM

To have Sjogren's diagnosed, a rheumatologist is the likely specialist for you. There is treatment for it.. and you are so young, I'd like to see you get treatment right away if you can.

A holistic doctor might be able to direct you to a good specialist, but I'm not sure.

The eye infection that isn't getting better, the neuropathic pain, does look likely for you. If you want a doctor experienced in diagnosing Sjogren's, contact the Sjogren's foundation.

They may be able to tell you of doctor that are located in the area where you are living.

Good luck to you,

dahlek 01-09-2008 09:17 PM

I'd be leary of holistic diabetes people myself...
I'd get the thorough once-over for thyroid testing by a good endocrinologist and soon? Usually, and from what you are saying you either have Type 2 Diabetes or pre-diabetes.. I do know that is a good beginner's site. I'm wading thru it myself as my DH is Type 2... Endocrinologist specialise in thyroid and diabetes issues and they do not mess around-they know what tests to do and what to do about it all.

Type 2 and Pre-D are both usually controlled by diet, meds and exercises, plus a few other coping things. Some folks are actually able to get off meds, and get improved relief from PN as a result of some diabetes programs.
If you can see either a diabetes certified counselor or a certified nutritionist they can do heaps to help you work out programs to get the sugar thing in control. I only know this because my DH developed diabetic PN after I'd gotten my own immune PN... I do believe I got a 'bit' more understanding about the pain etc...and at my urging [A lot!?]...he got treatment. He is really really improving...but he too has what I call FUSSY FEET!
Rule these issues out totally before you go outside the 'norm'. There is a good doc out there waiting for just you! Hugs! - j

PS I do hope that the eye infection gets under control soon! Please let me/us know.

Brian 01-09-2008 09:49 PM

To check your blood sugars
I would ask my GP for a 3 -5 hour Glucose Tolerance test, that will provide your doc with the proper information they need.
good luck
Brian :)

dahlek 01-09-2008 10:58 PM

I agree totally
Tho having been thru the whole menu of 'hours' one can go thru the test...and imput from many here and elsewhere...I would push for the 5 hour one.
Somehow, overall? It seems much more definitive. - Good luck? - j

daniella 01-09-2008 11:14 PM

Thanks I am going to ask for this fasting one cause I have heard from others to do this. The internist I saw said it was fine but it seems like a big jump from 79 to 113 unless wrong. The other few were 79 but that was 6 months ago.I went to the endo at that time too and she offered little other then I have osteoporosis. My thyroid is good.I don't have huge hopes in this holistic doc and its not for the glucos but my leg pain and other issue which he think is fibro. My mom wants me to cause my gramps sees him and has had benefits.As for sjogrens I am going to go to a reumo. None of the docs have felt I should cause I have had auto immune testing already but after all the other docs I have been to I might as well.Thanks again

glenntaj 01-10-2008 07:06 AM

That is a big jump in blood glucose readings--
--but those "one shot" blood glucose levels are notoriously unreliable; they are affected greatly by what you've eaten, when you've eaten it, how much exercise you've gotten lately, stress, meds . . .

I second (or is it third?) the recommendation to get a long-term glucose tolerance test, with fasting glucose/insulin levels drawwn before you drink the sugary concoction and then at half-hour intervals afterwards. Not only are the gross readings important, but the insulin/glucose patterns, the rise and fall over time, are also illuminating as to just what may be going on.

daniella 01-10-2008 11:09 AM

I am going to for sure. I had one of those tests 10 years ago but I was a teen then. I should of asked at the docs last week. You would think one of these docs I have seen would of ordered one with all my issues. Who knows anymore. I am finding out I am the one who has to ask for meds or tests sometimes. With out you guys I would have no idea. Also to be honestmy candy intake and I know I said I was going to try to do better is still through the roof. I do see a nutritionist but may have to go to a different one cause my needs are different now then before and I think a different approach may be good. I think they should have nutritionist who specialize in pain. Maybe if I ever get better that could be my career instead of nursing.A million thanks

shiney sue 01-10-2008 01:19 PM

Hi honey I'm been doing this since i was 19,they did 5 hr, glu. test fo years,
now it was and pain ,but I feel more correct. 113 is fine,but I agree with Glenn, Brian,and,J . As for your eye I agree with Billye..My oldest son suffered
with eye infections for years. But he believes Holl.Dr's and no more eye
infection's. He's very heathy ,lucky him,and I hope it stays that way.
Good luck to all.Sue 01-10-2008 01:20 PM

An A1C blood test is much better than a glucose test. The AIC will give information on the "average" level " for a period of time, rather than the instant reading of glucose.

A holistic doctor may be able to give you a program to beat diabetes without having to resort to prescrition medication or insulin.

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