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judymoody 10-23-2008 08:36 PM

Which digestive enzymes???
I am relatively new to this website, and need some direction/information from you all- I am a 53 yr. old woman, had gall bladder removed five years ago, and am 9 weeks out from a Cipro dx, from which I have residual tingling, my PCP feels it is anxiety related as well - (3 jobs, and 2 moves across the country- in the last 3 years, so-prolonged stress) and digestive issues (worse since Cipro)- I'm thinking IBS, but my PCP isn't too concerned because my blood work looks "wonderful", heartburn, stomach pain and some GERD. Meds include compounded est., prog., test. and Xanax 2.5 for anxiety and sleep. Supplements include 3-6-9, Vitamin E(Solgar 400 IU with lots of D's, chelated calcium/magnesium, B-12 Methyl 1000 mcg day, B complex 100mg a day, Good Belly probiotics, and vitamin C every now and then. I want to stay away from Prilosec and other acid blocking agents. I recall reading something about digestive enzymes, but know there are different formulations- how do you know which ones to buy? Falling apart after 50? Any suggestions, insight, or information about putting the pieces back together again would be truly appreciated! Thank you!

mistiis 10-24-2008 12:31 PM

Hi Judymoody...I am stuck using Prilosec right now, and would like to get off of it. So I understand your not wanting to take them. My sister was on Tagament for a while. She had a really bad case of reflux. She started digestive enzymes a while back, and also made some changes in her diet. She no longer has to take the Tagament, and swears by the enzymes. I was visiting her during the summer, and asked her about her enzymes and which ones she was using. She told me that she just picks up whatever she can find at a health food store. She does not stick to any one brand. She is very happy with the results, and also believes that they help her with the pain she has from scoliosis. If you would like to know which brand she is taking right now I will call or e-mail her and ask. I haven't started them myself yet. I hope more people will come in and give you some more experiences. I will check back now and then to see if you want to know which brand she is using. When I asked her about brand, she didn't reccommend any specific one at the time that I was visiting her. I hear you about the falling apart issue. I am about your age, so I can relate. Take care...:hug:

mrsD 10-25-2008 10:47 AM

this can be a complex choice....
It depends on what is going on with you.

If your GI upsets are due to low acid, which then messes up protein breakdown in the stomach, then taking Betaine and
an enzyme that has proteases in it may help.

Gall bladder issues may be slow movement of the bile, sluggish etc. Taurine, an amino acid, at 1000 mg/day may help this.
It improves bile flow.

This enzyme product was the best I could find at one time.
I used it for a few months for my GI issues about 3 yrs ago:
They helped, but in my case the problem was a fructose intolerance and by removing fructose from my diet, the gas and other nasty symptoms went away.
This product almost compares to RX enzymes given to people with pancreatic disease or cystic fibrosis. It has some other things added, like the oxbile extract (for people with no gall bladder), and bromelain etc. This product is available from

The Cipro problem is another thing. I have a thread about damage to nerves by Cipro and how to get better from that:

I think you could reduce the B-complex to 50mg size. 100mg is pushing it, for the B6 content.

I have found with aging I have to do Beano when I have vegetables now, and Lactaid for ice cream. I use Lactaid milk with 50% extra calcium for my milk now. I have lactase high dose fast dissolve tablets for non-Lactaid milk or ice cream, and I carry them in my purse.

Milk never used to bother me, but now it is beginning to.
I cannot tolerate gas, since I have a birth defect that is twisted intestines. I will have an obstruction if I don't watch the gas issue, carefully. So I keep simethicone on hand just in case.

Not every enzyme product will work for everyone. I think people are very unique when the GI system starts to malfunction. So some trial and error is to be expected.

If you have constipation, with sluggish bile flow, there is an herb called Yerba Mate, that can help this. It is basically a tea, very popular in S. America. I use the organic one (unsmoked and safer) by EcoTeas. (you can find them easily online). There is a capsule form called Green Mate, which is more convenient, by Jarrow. I find this very helpful when my gall bladder acts up.
There are studies on PubMed about Yerba, that are very positive as well.
This product is far stronger than green tea in antioxidants. And it is a Godsend for some GI problems.
It will mildly improve constipation without cramping or diarrhea, and also if you take it every day,
will improve mood to some extent! Some doctors now even recommend it. So Google it a bit, and please only choose the GREEN unsmoked variety. Time has shown that smoking to dry the herb, destroys many of its benefits. Some S.American countries use this tea instead of coffee, and some very heavily. I found one capsule of Green Mate or 1 teabag size serving of the tea to be sufficient for my needs. Many stores still do not carry the tea, so I order online with EcoTeas directly.

judymoody 10-25-2008 02:00 PM

once again- many, many thanks
I am making my supplement list and checking it twice . . . your knowledge and willingness to share is unmatched. You are a jewell!

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