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AintSoBad 11-14-2009 04:16 PM

Kind of "funny story"/ Legalize Pot?
I went to my doctor this past week, and surprise!
(I think this is the way of the future)...
Urine Testing!
My ins. will pay for it (yes!), and the doc gets out of some liability, (yes!), and he also probably makes a little profit. All great, works good for me!

I signed off, but, I didn't really need to go....
So, I waited a while, now, you gotta "tinkle" in this little plastic vial. Great!
(I get it in there how?)

Even tho I waited, I got completely "shy".
Nobody was watching, although I noticed a little "thermometer" on the side of the vial..... OK, I wasn't about to cheat. BUT!

I'm not givin' anyone away here, it was my decision, in my apt building, I was doing wash in the basement, and this other guy who is very disabled, came in, and we got talking and, he goes here, try this.
And, he light what I thought was a cigarette, it wasn't!
It was a joint.
I took it, and took what I'd guess you'd call a puff, or whatever.
cough cough, I have Never smoked in my life. That's me, trying to be "cool".
Yea. Great!

What could I do now? (back to the docs),
I tinkled.
Then, the rsd broke me out in a sweat, I'm trying to read a magazine, and I'm dripping from my face onto the page... gross.
I go in to see the doc.
I have a brain injury. I cannot lie, because I can't, I could never remember! It's too hard to lie!
I just out and told him!
His response?
Not quoting, but something like, They oughta legalize it!
I almost fell outta my chair, and tinkled my pants!

And, you know what?
I agree, I get no pain relief, but if anyone does.
It should be legal!
Collect taxes, rather than pay police, to chase this drug down.
That way, whoever does take advantage, will know they're getting a pure product!
(I would hope).

That's all for now.

I gotta tinkle...


SandyS 11-14-2009 04:32 PM

Ok you're funny!


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 589630)
I went to my doctor this past week, and surprise!
(I think this is the way of the future)...
Urine Testing!
My ins. will pay for it (yes!), and the doc gets out of some liability, (yes!), and he also probably makes a little profit. All great, works good for me!

I signed off, but, I didn't really need to go....
So, I waited a while, now, you gotta "tinkle" in this little plastic vial. Great!
(I get it in there how?)

Even tho I waited, I got completely "shy".
Nobody was watching, although I noticed a little "thermometer" on the side of the vial..... OK, I wasn't about to cheat. BUT!

I'm not givin' anyone away here, it was my decision, in my apt building, I was doing wash in the basement, and this other guy who is very disabled, came in, and we got talking and, he goes here, try this.
And, he light what I thought was a cigarette, it wasn't!
It was a joint.
I took it, and took what I'd guess you'd call a puff, or whatever.
cough cough, I have Never smoked in my life. That's me, trying to be "cool".
Yea. Great!

What could I do now? (back to the docs),
I tinkled.
Then, the rsd broke me out in a sweat, I'm trying to read a magazine, and I'm dripping from my face onto the page... gross.
I go in to see the doc.
I have a brain injury. I cannot lie, because I can't, I could never remember! It's too hard to lie!
I just out and told him!
His response?
Not quoting, but something like, They oughta legalize it!
I almost fell outta my chair, and tinkled my pants!

And, you know what?
I agree, I get no pain relief, but if anyone does.
It should be legal!
Collect taxes, rather than pay police, to chase this drug down.
That way, whoever does take advantage, will know they're getting a pure product!
(I would hope).

That's all for now.

I gotta tinkle...


AintSoBad 11-14-2009 05:45 PM


I kinda feel funny.........???


Sandel 11-15-2009 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 589630)
I went to my doctor this past week, and surprise!
(I think this is the way of the future)...
Urine Testing!
My ins. will pay for it (yes!), and the doc gets out of some liability, (yes!), and he also probably makes a little profit. All great, works good for me!

I signed off, but, I didn't really need to go....
So, I waited a while, now, you gotta "tinkle" in this little plastic vial. Great!
(I get it in there how?)

Even tho I waited, I got completely "shy".
Nobody was watching, although I noticed a little "thermometer" on the side of the vial..... OK, I wasn't about to cheat. BUT!

I'm not givin' anyone away here, it was my decision, in my apt building, I was doing wash in the basement, and this other guy who is very disabled, came in, and we got talking and, he goes here, try this.
And, he light what I thought was a cigarette, it wasn't!
It was a joint.
I took it, and took what I'd guess you'd call a puff, or whatever.
cough cough, I have Never smoked in my life. That's me, trying to be "cool".
Yea. Great!

What could I do now? (back to the docs),
I tinkled.
Then, the rsd broke me out in a sweat, I'm trying to read a magazine, and I'm dripping from my face onto the page... gross.
I go in to see the doc.
I have a brain injury. I cannot lie, because I can't, I could never remember! It's too hard to lie!
I just out and told him!
His response?
Not quoting, but something like, They oughta legalize it!
I almost fell outta my chair, and tinkled my pants!

And, you know what?
I agree, I get no pain relief, but if anyone does.
It should be legal!
Collect taxes, rather than pay police, to chase this drug down.
That way, whoever does take advantage, will know they're getting a pure product!
(I would hope).

That's all for now.

I gotta tinkle...


It definatly helps my pain levels.. expecialy the sensitivitys to clothing and breezes.. allodynia and I can move more freely, less frozen up or spastic I guess.. and I have a bit more of an appetite when I need to.. ohh and it's great for nausia too.. way worth it got my weight back to normal.
Pain levels are lower depressions way better, I sleep better too but it is expensive, because.. well because it is illegal.

I notice that the AMA has softened and has decided to finaly add/put their aproval onto putting cannibus into a schedule 5 drug so it can be studied more readily by clinical trials etc.. bout time too.. thought it'd be legal before they surendered to common sense.. schedule 6 that it is now in is the heaviest drug adiction warning there is, and thats just rediculous.

Be well,

Mslday 11-16-2009 08:54 PM

Perhaps a little less fun but you could always try the prescriptions of THC derivatives if you feel they would have any benefit for you and not get into trouble with authorities over illegal drugs. Nabilone which is a synthetic cannabinoid with therapeutic use as an antiemetic and as an adjunct analgesic for neuropathic pain. It's also marketed under the name of Cesamet.

The other alternative is a drug called Sativex.

I tried both but felt that the side effects for me outweighed any benefits.

Wish you all well.


AintSoBad 11-17-2009 02:34 PM

Thanks MsL,

With my Tbi, I'd rather not induce the side effects either!


Sandel 11-17-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mslday (Post 590381)
Perhaps a little less fun but you could always try the prescriptions of THC derivatives if you feel they would have any benefit for you and not get into trouble with authorities over illegal drugs. Nabilone which is a synthetic cannabinoid with therapeutic use as an antiemetic and as an adjunct analgesic for neuropathic pain. It's also marketed under the name of Cesamet.

The other alternative is a drug called Sativex.

I tried both but felt that the side effects for me outweighed any benefits.

Wish you all well.


I tried the nabalone and it helped the pain and nausia but WCB put a stop to paying for it and it is an expensive medicine :(

Sativex is suposto work well too accordingto a few RSD friends I have talked to but the taste aparently is just terrible.. I wonder if they do that on purpose?.. it is a spray that you spray under the toung I believe (but don't quote me on that)

There is a thing called a "vaporizor" that turns the organtic cannibus medicine into a gaseous vapor so that it is easier on the lungs.. aparently it is then far safer to inhale in way smaller doses.

Also remember that cannibus (sp?) is like any other med and has many varietys or brands that do many diffrent things.. this is why it need to be studdied and perscribed for medicinal purposes.. one type makes you sleepy one type makes you enegetic.. one type relieves pain ect.

Jimking 11-17-2009 06:49 PM

If it relieves RSD pain and side effects and if it costs too much pick up gardening as a hobby. :D

mellowguy 11-17-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 589630)
I went to my doctor this past week, and surprise!
(I think this is the way of the future)...
Urine Testing!
My ins. will pay for it (yes!), and the doc gets out of some liability, (yes!), and he also probably makes a little profit. All great, works good for me!

I signed off, but, I didn't really need to go....
So, I waited a while, now, you gotta "tinkle" in this little plastic vial. Great!
(I get it in there how?)

Even tho I waited, I got completely "shy".
Nobody was watching, although I noticed a little "thermometer" on the side of the vial..... OK, I wasn't about to cheat. BUT!

I'm not givin' anyone away here, it was my decision, in my apt building, I was doing wash in the basement, and this other guy who is very disabled, came in, and we got talking and, he goes here, try this.
And, he light what I thought was a cigarette, it wasn't!
It was a joint.
I took it, and took what I'd guess you'd call a puff, or whatever.
cough cough, I have Never smoked in my life. That's me, trying to be "cool".
Yea. Great!

What could I do now? (back to the docs),
I tinkled.
Then, the rsd broke me out in a sweat, I'm trying to read a magazine, and I'm dripping from my face onto the page... gross.
I go in to see the doc.
I have a brain injury. I cannot lie, because I can't, I could never remember! It's too hard to lie!
I just out and told him!
His response?
Not quoting, but something like, They oughta legalize it!
I almost fell outta my chair, and tinkled my pants!

And, you know what?
I agree, I get no pain relief, but if anyone does.
It should be legal!
Collect taxes, rather than pay police, to chase this drug down.
That way, whoever does take advantage, will know they're getting a pure product!
(I would hope).

That's all for now.

I gotta tinkle...


Well,,Pete, I did post awhile back about how I researched medical marijuana by going to google and search for medical marijuana and found that 14 states now legalize it for a variety of medical issues. The first state was Oregon in 1997 and has raised over $180 million in tax revenues. My state N.Y. is only 1 vote away from the state senate to become the 15th state. Our Gov, has publicly stated that he will sign the bill upon it being placed on his desk. My Neurologist has told me he will sign up with the state to become an authorized physician to prescribe it and will do so for my issue (CRPS).
2 states have legalized ofr the general public and not just for medical reasons,
Ohio and Oklahoma. I have been on an entire array of opiate pain killers for over 14 yrs, and have found very little or no relief. But, 1 cigarette (joint) gives me instant relief like no other pain med has ever done. Its all about money. Once the states have figured out a way to tax it,,they all will legalize it. It is a matter of time. If anyone doubts this opinion,,just Google "Medical marijuana" and see for yourself. It explains how much a person can posess and for what ailments fall under the guidlines for prescription. each state is different. You will be surprised. We can all only hope that there is relief for us and someone will finally admit to the need. Thanks for your post..good luck and have a pain free day,,, mellowguy

loretta 11-18-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 589630)
I went to my doctor this past week, and surprise!
(I think this is the way of the future)...
Urine Testing!
My ins. will pay for it (yes!), and the doc gets out of some liability, (yes!), and he also probably makes a little profit. All great, works good for me!

I signed off, but, I didn't really need to go....
So, I waited a while, now, you gotta "tinkle" in this little plastic vial. Great!
(I get it in there how?)

Even tho I waited, I got completely "shy".
Nobody was watching, although I noticed a little "thermometer" on the side of the vial..... OK, I wasn't about to cheat. BUT!

I'm not givin' anyone away here, it was my decision, in my apt building, I was doing wash in the basement, and this other guy who is very disabled, came in, and we got talking and, he goes here, try this.
And, he light what I thought was a cigarette, it wasn't!
It was a joint.
I took it, and took what I'd guess you'd call a puff, or whatever.
cough cough, I have Never smoked in my life. That's me, trying to be "cool".
Yea. Great!

What could I do now? (back to the docs),
I tinkled.
Then, the rsd broke me out in a sweat, I'm trying to read a magazine, and I'm dripping from my face onto the page... gross.
I go in to see the doc.
I have a brain injury. I cannot lie, because I can't, I could never remember! It's too hard to lie!
I just out and told him!
His response?
Not quoting, but something like, They oughta legalize it!
I almost fell outta my chair, and tinkled my pants!

And, you know what?
I agree, I get no pain relief, but if anyone does.
It should be legal!
Collect taxes, rather than pay police, to chase this drug down.
That way, whoever does take advantage, will know they're getting a pure product!
(I would hope).

That's all for now.

I gotta tinkle...


Hey Pete,
You are just too funny. I don't smoke either, just read within a week, Colorado passed a law for legalizing marijuana. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Take care, loretta

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