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tshadow 10-03-2006 09:57 AM

Hi All
Removed - see new post.

bettertoser 10-03-2006 01:16 PM

Totally INAPPROPRIATE post for this forum and else where.
Do you really think this is something that needs to be seen by others? Funny how you say, "I won't tag all, but just the worst" WHY? You could have just mentioned he was from your state and that it was disgusting but you posted links to the filth. Most get sick just hearing it on TV & don't need to read the details. You need to rethink your post. If you feel the need to post stuff like this, maybe find some sleazy site to do it on.

This place didn't take long to regress did it. Can't imagine this is how you gain respect or friends.

As per agreement by one of the Mods, I have taken out parts of my post. But it's important to know others just won't stand for posts like the one that was made. VERY inappropriate. Thank you Mod for helping to make this a "clean" place.

Jomar 10-03-2006 01:16 PM

Tam are you feelling alright??

Your post is rather disjointed -
please check back in and let us know if you are OK.


Phillipe 10-03-2006 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by bettertoser (Post 19047)
Do you really think this is something that needs to be seen by others? Funny how you say, "I won't tag all, but just the worst" WHY? You could have just mentioned he was from your state and that it was disgusting but you posted links to the filth. Most get sick just hearing it on TV & don't need to read the details. But I guess there are "some" that need to read this filth for whatever reason. These are for the most UNDERAGE children he did this too. Is anyone that reads this and posts links to this any better then the guy who sent the emails in the first place?? :mad: You need to rethink your post. If you feel the need to post stuff like this, maybe find some sleazy site to do it on.
This place didn't take long to regress did it. Can't imagine this is how you gain respect or friends.

I read TShawdow's post and wondered where the Mods were? I see Mod Curious came to the rescue. I agree with bettertoser as this was so unappropriate. Being in pain does not give a person the green light for this garbage.

bettertoser 10-03-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Phillipe (Post 19315)
I read TShawdow's post and wondered where the Mods were? I see Mod Curious came to the rescue. I agree with bettertoser as this was so unappropriate. Being in pain does not give a person the green light for this garbage.

Yes I agree. The one Mod at least saw that it had no place here or anywhere for that matter and did the right thing fast! You go Mod!!

I can't imagine what would make one think anyone would want to read what this guy did. It's sick at best. Hopefully this won't happen again.

DiMarie 10-03-2006 11:11 PM

Tam I am worried

Originally Posted by bettertoser (Post 19337)
Yes I agree. The one Mod at least saw that it had no place here or anywhere for that matter and did the right thing fast! You go Mod!!

Tam, I am worried about you. I didn';t see the whole post but get the jest of your mind, body and soul being overwhelmed with pain. Not sure what the inflection of pain was but my prayers are with you.
We have been family here and support each other...our chronic onging disabilities make us vaunerable and we use the strength of family here to pull our boots back on.
Tam, My prayers are with you to just take baby steps to get back into some type of life.

Phillipe, I pray that you never go to the place where pain takes us to. All you had to do was leave the thread unread.

As for Toser, your inference to "at least ONEmoderator comment;" this is not the purpose of the support of this forum. That is an community administrative issue. Make you comments off post to a moderator if you feel there is a moderator problem, not in the middle of someone's cry for help.

redjpwranglergirl 10-03-2006 11:33 PM

I'm not making any complaints against the mods because I think they're doing a good job on here, but I read what was posted earlier and garbage is garbage- no matter how you look at it. And pain is no excuse for posting it. We all have pain at one time or another and some are in constant pain and you don't see them posting this kind of stuff. I've been in severe pain for the last 3 days and have no pain medication for it but I don't take leave of my senses and post cr#$.....A cry for help..nonsense....If anybody needs help or support, all they need to do is ask for it and I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to give it. Or friends from the forum can be called for support. Bt2 is a different forum from what we've been used to and it appears to me that it encourages everybody to have an opinion and to voice it freely so I don't think that anybody has a right to chastise others for voicing theirs, then expect to voice their own freely- that would be a double standard. It's also a little hard to leave a thread unread when it's not marked OT or "warning" or anything like that and you've already gotten into the worst part of it. As I said, this is not OBT and hopefully it's not going to turn into a place where people "run" to the mods whenever they don't like what someone else says. And like it or not, bettertoser has as much right to post his/her opinion as the rest of us do. With bt2, there appears to be "a new sheriff in town"....And what "flew" over at OBT, might not fly here....

DiMarie 10-03-2006 11:45 PM

Perhaps that is why the moderators have to be anonymous. If we see a person editing our post that is too close to the family, one could get upset at them. Then if we don't see their name edit the post we think they did not care....

Jomar 10-04-2006 01:13 AM

Community Guidelines link.

the first few paragraphs-

[Forums Mission Statement

The purpose of our Community is simple -- it's devoted to support for health, neurological, mental health and related issues. In that vein, you should be civil and treat others as you expect to be treated here.

Specific Terms of Use for these Forums

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not those of the administrators, moderators or Webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence they will not be held liable.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.]

Please read in full by clicking the link and if any questions feel free to contact docjohn or kimmydawn.

redjpwranglergirl 10-04-2006 01:22 AM

Thanks Jo for making it clear that sexually- oriented posts won't be tolerated here.

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