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Curious 10-04-2006 02:17 PM

meet your monkey mod
i thought i would add my intro here. i waited cuz, if you threw rocks...i was gonna scram. :p nah..y'all are a good group and i'm no stranger to pain. i don't have TOS. but here i am:

so what's there to know? a man in a yellow hat found me....


i'm a 42 yr young wife, mom of 4 ages 26, 23, 17 and 12. bubbamonkey is the only boy...he's 17. lil'monkey is 12 and is my angel. the only survivor of triplets and almost died due to gangrene as an infant. it effected her hemengioma she has since had major surgery to remove. i'm also meme to 5 yr old grandmonkey, who i am hopefully at the tail end of getting custody.

hubby and i own a health club. we have both been in the biz since our 20's. my education is in that field. since grandmonkey came, i have home officed most of the time. we recently opened a new facility and i was there round the clock. having him there in the nursery wasn't working for us. so i can be here off and on most of the time.:D

when i was 12 i was injured when a boy pulled a chair out from under me and i hit my tailbone on a cement floor. long story, but i was paralyzed. i thank my father for his intervention. he was told i would never walk..let alone have children. i have spondylolisthesis. mine is progressive. i have lived with pain since my injury. the last 2 years have been worse. i am now showing signs of nerve damage.

stemming from my injury i have migraines and insomnia. i can't stay in the same position very long. also why i am a multi-tasker. hyper. lol.

my father has parkinsons. that is how i found the bt1 site. my mother is in poor health. there have been times during the last few years that i was also their full time caregiver. as of right now, they are able to manage without daily help from me. they live over and hour away.

i am creative person. i love to paint, draw, create with metal, sew, invent recipes. i have even won some baking contests. lol. i have been known to paint murals on my walls. ( yes i have pictures )

blech..i hope this was ok. any questions about me or da monkeys...feel free to ask. you can throw brownies. :p

LisaM 10-04-2006 02:42 PM

what about bananas? LOL! What's the story behind the custody and your grandmonkey?

Nice to meet you. I'm Lisa, I'm 29 more than a few times over, and have had bi-lateral TOS and RSD combination for about 6 years now. Had TOS surgery in December of 2005, not knowing I had rsd until just prior to the surgery. At that time I hadn't researched what RSD was, and went ahead with the surgery...which exacerbated the RSD and made it worse. My surgery was only on the right side...and did help with the TOS pain. But, the TOS pain is STILL on the left side..and the RSD is worse on the right (surgical) side than on the left (non-surgical) side. Somehow I wound up with some pretty mean bursitis in that right shoulder as well. I call it my personal weather vane, as I can always tell when it will rain.

With the help of a good pain doc, I've gotten to where i'm pretty well controlled, and my pain is more at a 6 or so most days. I can handle that much easier than i can handle the 9's I was having before. he's awesome, and I hope he never moves! If he does, I'm moving too!

I have a 15 yo son who drives me bonkers with the teen tude, and a WONDERFUL SO who would go to the ends of the earth for me (and who is pretty darned hot, too, if you ask me!). I love them both. Oh, and we have 5 furry babies also...of the canine variety...that we all adore.

Nice to meet you curious coffee monkey grand mommy health woman! WHEW! LOL!


Curious 10-04-2006 03:01 PM

howdy lisa,

we have had grandmonkey most of his life. for his first 8 months and off and on until a little over 2 years ago when his mother dropped him off while i was doing laundry. he and i came out of the laundry room and heard her car pull away.:confused:

this christmas will be 2 years since he has seen her. he doesn't remember her.

the custody has been a pain because i didn't file abandonment on her right away. now we can't do that or the state will take him from US. dumb huh? she moves around, so trying to have her served has been impossible. we are also dealing with the issue of trying to find his bio father, so we don't have to hire an attorney adlitem ( sp) for him.

dawn3063 10-04-2006 04:11 PM

Hi Curious...
Nice to meet you.. Sounds like your grandmonkey has Great Grandparents.. :) Best of luck to you with all the legal jargan...
Dawn ;)

beth 10-04-2006 07:39 PM

Mod responsibilities!! LOL!

Nice to meetcha! But what's this about US throwin' brownies??? :confused:
Surely as our mod YOU are responsible for keeping us supplied with all forms of choccies and coffee? I prefer Belgian chocolate, but Dove milk chocolate will do in a pinch, LOVE a good mocha latte, but in donuts I prefer Bavarian creme. ;)

Welcome aboard!! Please don't throw anything at us (we all know what monkeys tend to throw) :eek: LOL!

((hugs)), beth

Curious 10-04-2006 08:10 PM

:eek: peanuts?

lol :p

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