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Swilson 05-30-2012 11:35 PM

Help for daughter
Hopefully this wont get long but i am going to tell my story to see if anyone has any relation. Ok in march my 11 yr old started telling me every so often her feet were numb and she was dizzy. My daughters diet consists 96 percent of carbs since kindergarten when she decided she wasnt eating meat. Everuthing she told me i associated with that.

Well in april i thought when she almost fell thati should take her in ( should also mention she is a cheerleader that does alot of tumbling) well the doc office said go to hospital in which they did labs ekg and ct scan and found an arachnoid cyst. Her doc ordered mri and said the cyst wouldnt cause any problems and referred us to neurosurgeon that said the same thing. Said he would recheck in yr to mske surr no bigger growth.

Well flash forward two weeks and on a fun day at school they went to park. Daughter calls and said her feet kerp going out and feel weird and she fell. I went out there and stayed with her with our puppy and then picked her up later and she was crying when she got in cat she said her foot felt dead when she sat and hurtd to stand on and she took off her sock and her ankle was swollen. So off we go to doctor all the while i could tell it was really bothering her.

We got to doctors and while in office waiting for doctor she was getting in more pain all the sudden she let out a scream and her whole leg stiffened so i ho to door to gey help and she starts having a major seizure and falls off exam table into floor before i can get back to her and continues for four minutes. They call 911.
After the seizure she jumps up and says im good now. Ambulance takes us to er and while there she said her leg was still hurting and then starts having another small one under a minute and ten min later the same thing. They gave her adivan in iv and sent us home with diavan rectal incase.
Her doc sent us to neurologist neirologist said he felt like it was because of cyst but wanted to do eeg. He started her on trylamptil (sp) and then last week we went to eeg. He called two days later and said stop her meds because eeg didnt show epilepsy activity and he felt like it may ne stress. So to come in( today) then her doc calls me yesyetday and said he got eeg report from neuro and it was normal and he thinks they are pseudo seizures and so today we go in and neuro said eeg didnt show epilepsy but showed slowing waves in right and left frontal lobes independantlly which may represent focal neuronal dysfunctional in the left and rigt temporal regon independabtly.

I have no idea what that means. So then he said he wants to try to trigger one in office and has her lay down while he puts pressure in the back part of her head neck. Why did he do this. It didnt trigger one but scared her to death. Then he said he wanted to schedule a video monitered eeg overnight athospital. Which idk when it will be. I am so lost dobt know what is going on or what to think.

Porkette 05-31-2012 06:04 AM

Hi Swilson,

Welcome to the forum! From the info that you have given here it sounds like the cyst may be causing your daughters seizures. The neuro. can do an e.e.g. but that won't always show any damage or activity in the brain because sometimes the activity that's causing the seizures is to deep for an e.e.g. to show. Also your daughter is at the age of puberty and this is another thing that can cause seizures do to hormones changing.
You should get your daught to see an Epileptologist (Dr. specializing in epilepys) and be sure you take her to an Epilepsy Center which are usually at University or big hospitals. I've had epilepsy for 40 yrs. and my seizures started on the right temporal lobe of the brain which is on the right side of the brain just above the ear and the left temporal lobe is in the same location only on the left side of the brain. The frontal lobe is where the forehead is.
Your daughter needs to cut out the carbs and starch foods because they will trigger seizures and tell her to start eating foods high in fats, this will build keytones in her body and the keytones help reduce the seizures.
Start keeping track of your daughter seizures by writing them down on a calendar be sure to write down what time they happen and a discription of the seizure. By doing this the Dr. may see a pattern in your daughters seizures. I personally don't feel that your daughter is having psuedo seizures meaning fake seizures I have a feeling this is all do to the cyst she has and that's probably the reason why she is having pain in her leg also. Get your daughter on vitamin B12 500 mcg. once a day, keep her off the cell phone because they have been proven to cause brain tumors, and keep her away from anything with nutra sweet in it because nutra sweet causes more electrical activity in the brain which can trigger seizures. I wish you and your daughter only the best and May God Bless the both of You!


Darlene 06-01-2012 02:53 AM

Nice to meet you!!

:Wave-Hello: Hello and welcome to NeuroTalk. Happy to see you have come to be with us. Here are a great number of dear friends to listen when you are in need of ears. Please let us know how we can help you out. You will find out we are supportive and relaxing place.

You have came the right place for some assistance with epilepsy. I myself have had epilepsy since I was 10 years old.

Looks as though Sue has given you some wonderful things to do for her. I will add for her to avoid being around bright flashing lights like in a theater. If you are watching a movie there closes your eyes to avoid the flashing.

Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :smileypray:

Darlene :hug:

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