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PunkDizzle 03-13-2009 10:26 PM

I really need some HELP/advice.. (traveling)
man i am freaking out!!! i promised my best friend i would go to his wedding in FL in May... which is fine... except for 2 big things... i hate flying ( but xanax will make me not care) and i am so worried what do i do if i have a flare when i am down there... i want to believe i wont let MS ruin this for me... but it has now moved from the back of my mind to all i am thinking about with this dang trip... grrr....

any advice would help.. and i mean anything even if it is eat some fried chicken and shut up.. ;)

i know lots of ppl with MS travel but how do you all cope with it.. this will be my first trip after getting DXed that is more then a few hrs from home...

doydie 03-13-2009 11:20 PM

I refuse to let the 'what ifs' ruin my life. I got my dx in '99 and my neurologist said I had had it for about about 5 years. In that time I had taken a week long tour of the Grand Canyon. That gave me so much comfort to know that I did it when I had MS. Would I have gone if I had know about the MS? My husband probably wouldn't have let me!!!!! But we didn't know and had a good time.

My son in law is in the Guard and was shipping out to Iraq about 4 years ago. I am the closest thing he has to a Mom and he wanted me and his wife to be with them during their 3 day leave. Now how could I say no to that. It meant me getting my butt of the couch in southern Indiana and flying all the way to Philadelphia, do a lot of sight seeing and being absolutely exhausted but pleased and proud for my daughter and son in law at the end. And yes, I crashed when I got home but it was sure well worth it.

I see the glass half full while my DH sees it half empty. So I see this time with MS as an opportunity that I might not have had. I was able to take a week to go to Lexington, Ky to be with my other daughter when both my grandaughters were born. So for the second one I was the chief caregiver of the oldest one. I was VERY glad to get home but I also was very glad that God gave me the opportunity to go. As an RN in a very busy hsopital I know I never would have been able to do that without MS.

So go eat your fried chicken and start planning your trip!!!!

Oh, forgot to add stuff. Plan, plan, plan. If you need to rent a scooter, do so. Some people rent it at the destination so they don't have to bother with it on the plane. I took along my wheel chair and my daughter pushed me but that was exhausting for her. I'm sure most airports have assistacne for you, free of charge. You can make arrangements for that ahead of time so they are waiting for you. Get up and walk around on the plane if you can. If staying at a hotel get a goood bed. Take care of your self, eat well. I'm sure some of our seasoned travelers will chime in a little more.

Twinkletoes 03-13-2009 11:32 PM

When I'm anxious about something, I play the "What If" game. I imagine everything that could possibly go wrong, then figure out a plan for each scenario.

You might want to locate a pharmacy just in case you need some meds. Talk to your doc about how to obtain IVSM just in case you flare.

Make yourself a packing list in advance, then add to it every time you think of something else.
  • Meds
  • Underwear
  • Toothbrush
  • Socks
  • Tie

The more prepared you are, the easier it will be on you.

Good luck and have fun!

PunkDizzle 03-14-2009 12:01 AM

i know i should not let MS ruin my trip.. boy at this moment it is though.. i feel fine. i can move around ok.. but i do play the "what if" game alot... and i hate it.. my neuro is guessing i have had this since 1997-1999 (her best guess) so i was doing all kinds of stuff before i got a Dx ... i think it is just knowing now... is what is messing with me..

twink haha i pack like a man... underwear and a few shirts and meds.. everything else i buy when i get to where i am going then if i like it i ship it back to myself. kind of odd i know but if i cant fit it in a back pack its not coming with me.. and now with the way security is at the airports.. all i want to bring is clothes/meds.. i can pick up a toothbrush/deodorant. ect when i get there at a walmart or a $1 store or something..

ya know i wonder if my neuro would write me a RX for IVSM ... could i get it filled down there or would i have to be in my home state... and if i don't need it i can just toss it..

i keep thinking well if it happens here or when i am away from home the treatment is the same... IVSM... cuz really what else can they do for us.. makes me feel a little betting knowing that...

legzzalot 03-14-2009 12:25 AM

And what if you were hit by a bus on the way to the KFC? :D

I am with you on the "what if" game unfortunately so I can't be of much help there. Especially since I am on day 2.5 of 5 with the IVSM so everything is negative today.

Buy something ridiculous that you know you have absolutely no use for but you just have to have it. Ship it to yourself from FL the day you leave and it will be like Christmas when you get home.

Go have a good time. And keep your neuro on standby. It also helps to have the number of the local pharmacy in FL in case they do need to call you in something. Besides they say Vit D is the new reason/ cure all. Go get some sun, wash it down with something tropical and fruity and bring us poor schmucks some pictures!

Dejibo 03-14-2009 08:24 AM

Be a good scout, and be prepared. Since you are in PA, you are used to the cooler weather, and FLA tends to be warmer. Make sure you have cool scarves, and light weight clothes. A good hat is worth its weight in gold. Take some comfy shoes, and make sure you take steps to save energy. Rest when you can, and relax when you cant. When I am out in the FLA sun, I pack a light weight cooler bag, they make them out of fabric now, instead of that hard plastic. I pack a frozen wash cloth that is quite damp, and some frozen drinks. By the time I get too warm, I have something cold to drink. I have a nice icy wash cloth to drape around my neck or just wash my face.

I hope you go, and have a great time! just think how much it will boost your self esteem to get out there, and put your dancing shoes back on!

AfterMyNap 03-14-2009 09:22 AM

Just a cotton pickin' minute here! For the love of Pete!

Punk, it's just a few days out of your entire life! Just plan on it and plan on having a great time!

What if you have a terrific trip with no major issues at all?

What if your friends are just thrilled that you came?

What if you make the trip and realize that you really are capable of staying alive?

What if you get down there and just want to hang for a few extra days?

What if you just go expecting the best of everything and keep a positive, proactive attitude if you run into a dilemma?

Geez, the internet is everywhere, if you hit a snag whether medical or not, you'll be able to figure out what to do!

Since you "pack like a man", travel like a man and just wing it!

Have a blast and don't sweat it so much, dude, this is the only shot at this life you get, grab all the kicks you can!

SandyC 03-14-2009 10:57 AM

Don't stress it. When Jim and I travel he takes one day every other day to rest and do nothing. My family and friends have accepted that and so will yours if they are true friends.

Plan it that way and all will work itself out. If you flare, rest and let them deal with it. :hug:

azoyizes 03-14-2009 11:28 AM

Punk, go have yourself a good time.

It is entirely impossible to plan ahead for everything that could happen or could go wrong. :)

Have fun, rest when you need to rest, don't push yourself trying to keep up with everyone else--I've done that, and it isn't worth it.

I think the soft-sided cooler with the frozen drinks and washcloth is a good idea. Also, eating things like popsicles when you're hot cools you from the inside out and really helps.

So have fun, and be sure and keep us updated! :)

msarkie 03-14-2009 11:55 AM

It's normal to be a little apprehensive - I think we've all been there. The first time is kind of scary. But are you going to let some puny little disease keep you from taking a simple little trip that you really want to take? What are you most afraid of? Being sick or looking silly in front of your friends? I don't want to sound harsh, but I really have walked in those shoes.

Shortly after my dx, DH and I and our 2 yr old son went on a 7 day Alaska cruise. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I could have because I was too busy wishing I didn't have MS and could do the zipline instead of the tourbus. I was such a dumbbell! This past fall we went on a 2 week cruise from Istanbul to Barcelona, and I enjoyed every minute of it!

You CAN do this, if you want to! "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

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