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Jennifer 01-03-2007 11:00 AM

There is A GOD
There is a GOD, because if it wasn't for him giving the doctors the knowledge to save my life on that January day in 1984, than I wouldn't be here. I am a gift from him and so are you. I have congenital hydrocephalus and at birth only weighed 2lbs 2ozs, and GOD gave the doctors the courage and strength to save my life, and that is the reason I believe so strong in him now. I have a mild mental disability, but by looking at me you wouldn't be able to tell. I am biracial, adopted my a wonderful white Christian at birth, My biological mother's sister is raised me. She had two boys when she adopted me, and they love me, just like I am there sister. GOD does work miracles.


KathyM 01-03-2007 01:28 PM


Welcome to the forum. I have a biracial son your age. Yes, God DOES work miracles. :)

You obviously have a strong spirit as well. I'm so thankful the doctors gave it their all to save you. It's nice to know you have good people in your life now.

Chemar 01-04-2007 08:42 AM

Hi Jennifer :)

it is so good to see you here at the Sanctuary sharing the miracle of you :p


FloatingOcean 01-04-2007 10:32 AM

I am sorry that this has to be my first post ... a quick hello to everyone ....I mean nothing by this, seriously. But I have a question. Please take this serious because what I am about to say is my only experience with religion. I don`t really have a religion, I guess maybe because I do not beleive in faith. I beleive we all make our fate. Every action has a reaction. I did however use to beleive but anyway I will go ahead. I do not understand why people think that all good things come from god and anything bad comes from satan. I mean we do have free will. When don`t we take respondsabilities for our own actions? We are not running around down here on earth like pawns a game, are we? Because if we were what is the point? If someone does something nice for us/ or to us, why can`t we give that person credit? I mean, and again just me asking questions, the doctor who saved your life, well I am sure he has maybe lost a life or two, does that mean that god loves you more than maybe those ones that weren`t so lucky. I do not beleive in pre-destiny because at any given time someone dies, some a horrible death....I would imagine that if there was a god all things would be equal and everyone getting the same chances at things. :confused:
I tend to set my opinions aside on things so that I can see them more clearly, to maybe get a better understanding on the subject. So please do not take offense to this. It is simply from my own curiosity, why I ask these questions of you. Maybe I can better understand this.

Jennifer 01-04-2007 10:52 AM

Jennifer Person With Hydrocephalus
I am here to say that there is a GOD, and he is powerful, and if there wasn't a GOD what are we doing here today. It says in the book of GENESIS GOD created MAN which was ADAM and then he created WOMAN for MAN which was EVE. If there wasn't a GOD there wouldn't be us, How did we get here? We didn't just magically appear. GOD is REAL. Read the BIBLE and it will help.

Chemar 01-04-2007 11:26 AM

Hi Floating Ocean and welcome :)

you are certainly entitled to your views and opinion and we all respect that, and where perhaps we could discuss these things in depth elsewhere, there is a very definite rule here about us not "debating" over people's beliefs.

so, as Jennifer created this thread to express her faith and her belief, it is important for all of us to respect that and either not post here if we dont agree with her, or post something supportive if we do

this in no way means we dont acknowledge and respect your views, whether we agree with them or is just so that we abide by the guidelines that are in place for this forum, which is to share spiritual support and inspiration, but not to debate over religion or the lack thereof

thanks for understanding

AlmasDaddy 01-04-2007 01:38 PM

There is a god
Jennifer ,
miracles happen all around us. God knows us most intimately , he holds and guides us by his hand. Here are a couple of links I thought you might enjoy. :)

FloatingOcean 01-04-2007 04:39 PM

Sorry just asked a question didn`t relize it was going to upset anyone. I really wasn`t trying to debate... I was kinda looking for insight..I was previously diagnosed with Acute Myloidal Lukemia with a bleak prognosis...maybe I was looking for an answer, but never mind. Again, I apologize.

Sometimes I come across the wrong way.

Chemar 01-04-2007 06:36 PM

FloatingOcean really didnt come off wrong and I realise your intent is not to be offensive to anyone...:) I wish I could try to answer your questions here, but we need to abide by the guidelines for this forum

although we cant debate these things on the forums, I would be willing to chat via PM so please feel free to contact me

I also know of some very active spiritual focussed forums where debate and discussion on these things are welcomed! and can tell you about them if you are interested

check your PM:p

KathyM 01-04-2007 06:53 PM

FloatingOcean - Welcome to the forum :)

Here's the way I look at it. Some things in life are meant to be, and it's our job to navigate the course we've been given with as much grace and dignity as possible.

I used to work with pediatricians and neonatologists in a hospital. I know it was their expertise that saved Jennifer. BUT, it was God that brought it all together and made sure her treatment worked. There is obviously a reason for Jennifer being here with us - and she's just being thankful for her gift in this post.

If she had not survived, it was simply not meant to be - regardless of the expertise of the medical staff. It wouldn't mean that God loved her or her family any less.

I know what you mean about illness. I have a rare illness called familial amyloidosis. I had no idea the illness even existed until I was diagnosed at the age of 38. I'm losing the use of my arms/legs, organ function, and I'm going blind. The cherry on the top is there is no treatment or cure. :rolleyes:

People tried to blame my illness on Satan, but I consider it an insult cuz I inherited this disease from my mother. :p Seriously, my illness and the pain/loss I have to suffer is not because God hates me or Satan loves me. It's just the path I've been given in life - and it's MY job to remain faithful and try not to throw too many hissy fits.

I've had a hard life. When I look back on my life now, I see that God was with me every step of the way. Sometimes he gave me what I wanted, other times he gave me what I needed. I'd be a fool to turn away from him now during my greatest time of need.

I enjoy questions like yours. We have a rule against debating religion, but we're allowed to discuss God and life questions as long as we respect each other's views.

If you have any other questions, it might be best to start a new thread. That way we can keep the focus on your questions and not take anything away from Jennifer.

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