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Alan53 10-15-2008 01:37 PM

new to Arthritis
Hi i'm new to this forum i was diagnosed with MG 2 months ago then last month had burning pain in my knees could'nt go up or down the stairs without being in pain even when laying in bed the knees throb.
Dr says its Arthritis and just take painkillers.
I walked 2 miles without any problems but struggle out of chairs

mistiis 10-16-2008 12:54 AM

Hi alan...sorry you are having problems with those knees. Kind of makes it hard to sleep, doesn't it? And going up and down stairs, yeah, it hurts. There is some good information about trying to deal with arthritis. I don't know very much about MG. So I don't know if that would make a difference in how you treat your arthritis. But, it is nice to see you here. I don't come in here everyday as I deal with other problems and visit some of the other forums. I try to make it a point to come by here every couple of days or so. I have a problem with one knee. I think it is due to an old injury. I have found that injuries can set up an arthritic process. Take care, maybe we can share some ideas. :hug:

Alan53 10-16-2008 09:11 AM

Hi mistiis
I was suprised when my Dr said its Arthritis i really thought he was wrong tho so now i must try and learn about it . I'm still learning my way round the computer since joining N.Tark its given me confidence any idea's would be great !!!!!
good luck with your health problems:)
take care Alan:cool:

mistiis 10-17-2008 08:57 AM

Hi alan, I am sending some (((big hugs)))...your way. I am moving kind of fast this morning, but I wanted you to know that I am here for you. You might want to check out the forum on vitamins and supplements when you get a chance. There is some good information there. I am checking out some of the information on the inflamation diet. There are different kinds of arthritis. Do you know which type you have? Have they sent you to a physical therapist? There are some things that you can do to protect your knees. I have been reading up on MG. Please make sure you get enough rest and know that we are here for you. You take care too!:wink::hug:

Alan53 10-17-2008 11:07 AM

Hi Mistiis
Dr said to wait till i see my neuro' next month which i guess is best, so it may take time to find out whats gone wrong with the knees they are not swollen or painful to touch,
will look in to the vitamin and supplement forum i'm okay with the pain for now my MG is only double vision and fatiuge i think i worried myself to much got to 55 always worked hard never ill.
thanks for the hugs and all the help:hug:
have a fun weekend Alan:)

mistiis 10-20-2008 10:16 AM

Hi Alan! I hope things are going well for you. Yeah, it is really hard when you have been so healthy all you life to be diagnosed with something like Mg, and then the arthritis. You got a double header. The vision problem can be very disorienting. The fatigue thing is something I can really relate to. I deal with Fibrobyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome. It can be very frustrating, to say the least. Worry, stress, and anxiety can exacerbate all of it. I hope you can find some ways to relax, and feed the spirit. I know you have to be careful. In my last post I meant to write anti-infammatory diet. Sorry about that, I was really in a hurry. Keep us posted, and take care! :hug:

Alan53 10-21-2008 12:36 PM

Hi Mistiis
hope you find those answers your looking for i looked up fibromyagia thats quite a struggle but must make you strong dealing with it.......oh i pushed myself to much walking and been paying for it so now its plenty of rests.
had a lower back operation23 years ago made me take care of my health well try funny thats when my neck started to go wrong but its something you get use to never realised how stupid our bodys are fancy attacking itself
have a good week keep in touch Alan:grouphug:

mistiis 10-27-2008 06:22 PM

(((alan)))...sorry it has taken me so long to get back. I Hope you got the rest you needed. Yes, we have amazing bodies, but it does make one wonder what went wrong when it attacks itself. I do believe that struggles can make us strong, but it can make some people bitter. I hope it does not do that to me. And you seem to bear up well too. I like your cheerful attitude, and I think that can help. I have written a little story about struggle. When I am up to it I am going to post it in my biography. I will let you know so you can access it, if you want to. Hope to hear from you soon...sending you lots of see your Neuro soon, right?...take care :)

Alan53 10-28-2008 02:49 PM

Hi Mistiis
Lovely to hear from you hope your okay take as long as you need to. See you help me and at times what you go thro must be difercult but you keep pluging away..............

I would love to read your story Mistiis!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you won't be bitter cos you care to much .:hug:
my head worrys to much i had some breathing problems and knew i mustn't panic and i did it !! knees are bearable and i'm so very happy really my daughter who lives in Australia is flying back for 2 weeks I haven't seen my Jenni in 2 years
do i miss her yea but she's happy so i'm happy for her
keep smiling Alan:D

mistiis 10-31-2008 10:11 AM

(((alan)))...I am so excited for you!!!!! Rest up so you will be ready to spend lots of time with her. Two years is a long time to have to wait. But, yes, we are happy when our children are, wherever they decide they need to go. How wonderful that she is coming home to visit. You are so very brave to overcome worry, and panic, especially when breathing is involved. That can be really scary. Good for you!! I am feeling some better. I found something that works good for sleep. Today is Halloween and my daughter is planning a big party, and I am trying to help her. I know you will be smiling with Jenni at your side. Take care! I love your pic. :) :hug:

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