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Twinkletoes 02-03-2009 11:38 AM

Special memories of Special People
My father is dying of lymphoma. It will be a blessing when he passes. Meanwhile, I sit here and think of how he was in better times.

I'll miss the way he'd put his hand on my knee when I sat down beside him. He'd give it a squeeze and say, "I sure do love you honey." :hug:

And when it was time for dessert, he'd always say, "Just give me half a dish." Once I literally cut a Cool Whip container in half before I served his half-scoop of ice cream! :D

I'll always be trained to turn my head when I hear a loud, sharp whistle. I've tried and tried to whistle like that, but I just didn't inherit the "whistle gene", lol. ;)

Please feel free to share your fondest memories of the people you miss most.

Kitty 02-03-2009 11:58 AM

Good thread, Twink!

My Dad used to always take my hand the minute he saw me and put his other hand over it and pat it a couple of times. I miss that so much.

My Mom had the sweetest most loving heart of anyone I've ever met. I miss her laugh so much. She had a way of making anyone feel welcome. I miss her tomato sandwiches and sweet tea out on the picnic table on a warm Spring afternoon.

My sister left us much, much too soon. She was only ten years older than me. I used to pick up the phone and call her and she'd always say "I was just thinking about you!" What I wouldn't give to be able to hear those words over the telephone line again. :(

My DH......gosh, I just miss everything about him. I believe the thing I miss most is the feeling of security I got from him. He was always "there". Always taking care of everything. I have so many fond memories of him that it'd be hard to pick just one. I guess my fondest memories are the times he'd let me sleep in on the weekends and I'd wake to the sound of the lawnmower and weedeater going strong in the yard. I'd look out the window and see him riding around the yard on his "tractor". When the boys were much younger one of them would be on his lap sometimes. Such simple, unexciting memories but they're etched in my mind forever.

SandyC 02-03-2009 12:40 PM

I miss my grandma and her infectious laugh. I miss how she taught me to cook and how I looked forward to her fried pies when I'd visit. I miss how she'd make me laugh and we'd take rides, just rides, nothing more and talk and talk. I miss how she helped raise me to be who I am today. I miss her dancing, singing and playing the guitar. I miss singing gospel songs all the way home from a gospel singing with her. I'll Fly Away and The Old Rugged Cross we're favorites. I even miss the last song she told me she loved and we laughed over it, I Like My Women A Little On The Trashy Side. lol

Thanks for this thread. :hug:

sabimax 02-03-2009 06:49 PM

Thanks for this thread too, well I have shared some of the great things I recall of my sister, best she called me her little Raroo...why cause when she taught me my name (she was 10 years older) I said Raroo for Sarah... so she has always called me her Raroo.

hugsss all, sarah

Jan4you 02-07-2009 12:20 PM

Hugs to you all~!
Gosh what a wonderful spiritually empowering.

When you mentioned that special touch..remember.. IF you are a believer..those that pass CAN and WILL make their presence known.. in a dream..or through smell.. technical equipment..whatever..they may just give you one of their "special touches"

I know.. my parents spirit is SO ALIVE and functioning..that they are VERY present in a relationship with me.. and my dear husband..who just passed 1.5 years ago.. he helps me.

I just remind them.. that when they say such things as "it will be ok.. or.. "you'll be ok".. I tell them.. "Easy for YOU to say.. you're in heaven.. and I am stuck here" LOL LOL

Be well..

Warmly, Jan

ali12 02-13-2009 09:50 AM

What a beautiful thread, thank you so much for starting this Twinks - i'm sure it will help many people!:hug:

As most of you probably already know, my grandfather passed away in November 2008 and it is still SO hard for me and REALLY upsetting! It doesn't feel like he has been gone 3 months and strangely, it feels as though he is still here but I guess it is just wishful thinking unfortunately although a few days after my grandad passed away, everything in my bedroom started moving and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow of a person ... it really freaked me out so I went to my mum as I was really scared and my nanan said she had a similar experience also as all of the doors keep opening on their own in her house. My dad also said that when he has been taking our dog, Jack a walk, he has seen my grandads shadow stood feeding the ducks which is where he used to take me when I was a baby. No-one else has mentioned any strange experiences other than me, my dad and my nanan and we were the people that my grandad was closest to and still to this day, I think it was my grandad coming to say farwell before he left to pass to the other side and to let us know that he will always be here, even though we can't see him!

Not a day goes by where I don't think or miss my grandad. Losing him was one of the worst things I have ever had to do in my life and I don't think I will ever get over it fully. People say that it heals in time but I think it is just that we learn to cope with it better and remember the good times not the bad times.

I will never forget when I used to go to my nanan and grandads house and my grandad used to always be sat in his chair, with a card on his lap watching the shopping channel, QVC! He used to LOVE crafting and it gave him something to focus on and he used to always be showing me the cards that he made and making me watch all of his crafting channels ... it used to be pretty annoying at times as you couldn't go into their house without talking about crafting but I miss it SO much now and my grandad had a huge impact on me and used to help me make cards to try and take the mind off all of my pain!!!

I'll never forget when me and my nanan and grandad used to go away for a weekend on a small mini Vacation to a little rental house that we have on the seaside. We hadn't been for 2 years because of me being ill and I really wish I could have gone now just for one final time! My nanans already said that she will take me but it wont be the same without my grandad.

I'll never forget going to my grandads at Christmas. He used to decorate the house all over the place and it used to drive my nanan mad as everytime anyone talked, some novelty Christmas toy would set off and make a funny noise LOL. My grandad was a big baby at heart and all of the children used to love him and decorating the house made him feel happy and like he was doing something nice, not only for him but for other people!!!

I'll never forget the one time the lady accross the road from my grandad tried to get him to take off his cap. My grandad used to have this hat and it used to have a massive hole in it but he would never take it off!! He loved that hat more than anything and everyone used to try and get it off him but he would have non of it lol.

I'll never forget when he got a mobility scooter and he used to drive my nanan crazy with it - he always wanted to travel miles on it and my nanan didn't have a scooter so she had to walk everywhere bless her! Just before he died, he promised me that he would take me out in my electric wheelchair to get me out of the house and I wish I could have done that with him more than anything in the entire World!

There are lots of other happy memories that I have of my grandad but they are still too painful to think about at the moment although I am trying to think about them without crying ... it's hard but hopefully i'll get there one day. I have tears in my eyes after typing this post as it is still really painful remembering the happy memories but I am SO happy that I got to share these memories with my grandad and I will never, ever forget them for as long as I live. I only knew my grandad for 13 years but those years were the happiest of my life and he was the best grandad anyone could ever wish for - I really wish he could have been with us for a lot longer time and have got to see me grow up more, have my kids etc etc. Yes we had our differences, who doesn't but he was always there when I needed him the most and I wish I could have said all of the things I wanted to say before he passed away.

R.I.P Grandad - not a day or minute goes by where I don't think about you and I hope I can make you as proud as you made me. You were the best grandad in the entire world and I am so lucky to have gotten to know you and be able to call you my grandad.

Miss you forever but one day we will be re-united again!

Thanks again Twink for starting this post - it helps me get things out and i'm sure it does others!:hug:

GmaSue 03-01-2009 05:50 PM

You died of breast cancer in 1982 and a light has been off in that room of my heart ever since. You were the personification of Light and Beauty and Love. I will always celebrate your birthday, April 11 more than my own.

In 12 days, it will be 1 year since you died. You wanted to make it to 100, and you almost did, even with a bad heart since age 17. You lived to be 98 and it seems like a whole bunch of generations went with you. Who else knows that Uncle Floyd liked to kiss a baby's foot-and that Auntie used to knit bandages for the soldiers every day for hours for decades. There was always a war somewhere that could use wraps. And who else knows me the way you did. You were always my number one fan.

:hug:2 Brothers: I never knew you, but that doesn't mean I don't wish I had.

:hug:Grandmas & Grandpas: Never knew you either, but always missed you. And that is one reason I try to be a wonderful grandma.

:hug:Adalissa, Johnetta and many other special little babies and kids: I was your nurse, but you were all my teachers. One of the greatest lessons you showed everyone was how to look right past the pain and suffering and take a bite out of life anyway.

My old self: Finally learning to let it go and celebrate the new me. There's that excellent quote about not wanting to let go until the universe apologizes for the injustice of it all-I will look for it and come back and add it.

Thanks for this thread, Twink! We should pin it.

Buffheart 03-03-2009 12:36 AM

I miss my "Punkle" Jame calling me Chicklet. It'll be 5 years in a few days

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