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Peg24 01-04-2008 10:10 PM

Hey Ladies,

I am having a problem and I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice.

About 10 years ago I had a partial hysterectomy(uterus removed).

For the last two days I have been having what feels like bad cramps, and of coarse since cramps happen when the uterus contracts (and I don't have one), what could this be?

I know I have been going thru menopause for quite awhile now, so I don't know if maybe that has something to do with it.

Anyone heard of this problem or experienced it before?



Curious 01-04-2008 10:15 PM

:hug: peg, you might have a bladder infection.

the bladder can also spasm.

when they remove a uterus, it leaves a void. the bladder can shift and be in it's place. you would feel the spasm or cramp in that area.

not a fun topic, but have noticed if your bladder has "fallen"? it's called bladder prolaspe. here is some info and syptoms:

Peg24 01-05-2008 10:36 AM

Hi Curious,

Thanks so much for this info.

If I am still feeling this way come Monday, I will contact the Dr.

Looking on the internet, I see I also have all the symptoms of having a cyst on the ovary.

I also have low back pain and I have some crazy weight gain in the last month. I thought it was due to the Holiday eating, but may not be.

I will let you know how things go come Monday.


Curious 01-05-2008 02:08 PM

:hug: rest and snuggle with that baby.

sending prayers.

Jomar 01-05-2008 02:46 PM

I think your right to get it checked esp if it continues or gets worse- mi sis in law and niece both had ovarian cysts rupture - and they said it hurt bad!!..
It also could be something else and best to check for that too.

Peg24 01-25-2008 01:35 PM

Ok Ladies,

Here is an update and to just remind everyone once again how our Health Care System just stinks!!!! (sorry, need to vent).

My cramps have gotten worse, along with low back pain and just feeling bloated. Some days it just makes me feel plain rotten.

Went today to see a doctor. She is a family practioner that is in the same building as my family doctor.

She didn't do much examining, but just pushing around on my stomach and then tells me, its most likley just gas pains and told me to take a stool softner. I thought I was going to come unclued.

I think she saw the distress written all over my face, so you then said....well, if it will make you feel better, we can do a pelvic untrasound. Make me feel better????

Ladies, after doing some reading about my symptoms on the internet, I discovered them to be symptoms of ovarian cysts or even early symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Are doctors crazy or just plain lazy. You would think with all the law suits against doctors these days, they would not cut corners.

Anyways, that is the latest. I have the ultrasound on Tuesday.


Jomar 01-25-2008 05:24 PM

I think it's just plain laziness:(.
Often it seems they don't really want to invest the time or care in listening to all your {or anyones} symptoms, to make a good dx or tx.

I think lack of good "customer service" is a big problem in most service industries anymore.

On the plus side- once in awhile you find a real good place-
I think daughter and I found a really good Drs office last year- yeah!
The office has on site blood testing , EKG, bone scan, Xray, PT & gym with Nautilus equipment..
They have a $50,000 spine care machine too- daughter got to use it a few times.:cool:

Kathi49 01-30-2008 10:03 AM


I am going to go with what Curious has stated. I had a total hysterectomy about 8 years ago. To make a long story short I have a cystocele and rectocele and it CAN cause the bladder to spasm. I have been graded out as a Grade 1; which basically surgery or repairs warranted yet. So, I do pelvic floor PT which has helped considerably. Just a thought and I hope your ultrasound turns out okay. :)

Curious 01-30-2008 10:24 AM

((((((peggy))))))) :hug:

update when you can.

i would be very upset with the way you were treated, but i'm glad you are getting further testing. did they not take a urine sample or a blood test?

my dr's head nurse ticked me off really bad one time. i'm not a when i have pain or a's valid.

you are the boss. you hire the dr. you and your insurance pay them.


tovaxin_lab_rat 01-31-2008 06:17 PM

Hey Peg

I just saw this and I was thinking ovarian cysts right off the bat since that's what happened to me.

I had a partial hysto when I was 34 and the doc left my right ovary so I wouldn't have to go through menopause early.

About 11 years later, I started having cramping and lot of abdominal pain. Since I didn't have my appendix anymore, it was either bladder or ovary related.

My gyn did an ultrasound and bingo! I had several large cysts on my right ovary! Surgery immediately!

I hope you told that doc YES to the ultrasound.

If not, call that doc back and tell her yes...and don't delay! This is nothing to fool around with!

Hugs to you Peg and I hope you get relief quickly. I was living on Naprosyn and/or Motrin to help relieve the pain.

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