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tkrik 02-19-2012 07:15 PM

How Would You Describe Your Numbness?
Describing numbness is hard sometimes. For the past couple of days my hands, well actually parts of my hands, feel what I describe as numb. But I don't know if that's the right word to describe it. I have patches that don't feel like they are there, or cold, or slightly tingling. Or maybe it's not tingling just vibrations. Just not quite like a vibration. It's a weird sensation and I'm having a tough time describing it. It's annoying.

Of course, this morning I woke up and couldn't walk well at all. Extremely wobbly legs and needing to use the walls to walk. Needless to say, I may be heading in to a flare. So I sat here and thought how the heck do I describe my hands if, and that's a big if, I call the neuro. And then I thought, how do you all describe your numbness. Lack of sensation? Tingling? Can't feel textures? Hot? Cold? I can be numb but not feel any tingling. I just don't feel anything and I get it a lot in my rib cage with the hug, which is most of the time. This is slightly different and I'm having a hard time putting words to it.

Kitty 02-19-2012 07:57 PM

Ughh....I have a hard time trying to explain my sensations, too. Only another MSer would know what I mean.

I've been having a really hard time walking, too. I hope it's not a flare but it very well could be. My left leg is giving me such a hard time lately. It's so difficult to explain just what it feels like. I have an appointment this Friday with my Neuro so I've been making notes so I'll remember what I want to talk about.

Be careful. I've almost fallen several times. I've slowed down so much. It takes me forever just to get from one end of the house to the other. :rolleyes: Don't know what my hurry is....I'm just used to moving at a slightly faster pace. I feel like a snail. :o

tkrik 02-19-2012 08:02 PM

It is hard to describe. And, I think you are right . . .only an MSer would understand what you are talking about.

Hope your leg starts feeling better soon!:hug:

Blessings2You 02-19-2012 08:22 PM

One of my first symptoms was a patch of numbness in the area of my upper right lip and cheek. It was true numbness, like I'd had a shot of novocaine.

The numbness I experience in my leg is nothing like that. I only call it numbness because I can't think of a better word for it. It feels like my leg is starting to "go to sleep", but just the flesh part. Or like my skin is stretched tight over swelling, but when I look down, of course there's no swelling. Or as though I'm wearing tight stockings or leggings.

I hate the feeling. It isn't really pain, but it's wicked uncomfortable.

FinLady 02-19-2012 08:30 PM

I've had the numbness that tingles like it's fallen asleep. Mostly it's a loss of sensation, like someone has put my feeling of touch on "mute". Either that or Copperfield has somehow made that piece of body seem to disappear even though I can still see it! :eek:

The whole hot/cold sensation loss can be annoying. I've burnt myself a few times and never even knew it until the pain started in a minute or two later. But the happy trade off is being able to hide an ice cube in my hand before dumping it down the hubby's back without him realizing I'm even palming one. :D

So I totally understand the frustration trying to describe the different types, and trying to figure out when an increase in its intensity is worh a call to the doc. Hope it calms down soon. :hug::hug:

SallyC 02-19-2012 09:29 PM

My numbness is pretty constant now. It does change in intensity due to weather changes etc... Weakness is my biggest enemy. It's like a catch 22, numbness makes me weaker and weakness makes me feel more numb.:eek:

I seem to feel numbness deeper than the tips of the fingers or deeper than skin deep.:confused: It doesn't hurt. But feels like I am always in an out of body experience. Not out of mind, because, I know I'm there, but don't feel entirely there. Did that make sense?

tkrik 02-19-2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 853531)
My numbness is pretty constant now. It does change in intensity due to weather changes etc... Weakness is my biggest enemy. It's like a catch 22, numbness makes me weaker and weakness makes me feel more numb.:eek:

I seem to feel numbness deeper than the tips of the fingers or deeper than skin deep.:confused: It doesn't hurt. But feels like I am always in an out of body experience. Not out of mind, because, I know I'm there, but don't feel entirely there. Did that make sense?

Huh?:confused::confused::confused::D I know what you mean. :D It's like that part of your body is completely missing. Like I have chunks on my hand missing. Every now and then they feel like a burn almost. There is no burn there but that is what it feels like at times.

Jenn - I have burnt my arm so many times. Plus, I can't tell how hot water is with my left hand. I can definitely feel pin pricks and things like that, just can't feel temperatures.

Debbie D 02-20-2012 03:38 PM

I started this journey with numb toes. It feels as if, for instance, when I would rub my toes against DH's leg, I would ask him why he was wearing socks to bed...he wasn't. That's the way it feels to me.
I still get pain in the numb parts, mainly neuropathic in nature. But it is a weird feeling...numb, but not really...

karilann 02-20-2012 04:00 PM

I think you are talking about what they refer to as "altered sensation". I used to describe the feeling as "numb" but it actually was not. I like to say it feels like my leg is wearing a rubber glove. I feel it, but the total natural sensation is missing.

Lynn 02-21-2012 03:14 AM

I often get that 'glove' sensation on my hands - lack of feeling, cant' distinguish heat or texture.

I also get a funny feeling in my leg/s (mostly left) that feels like it has been wrapped in constrictive bandages. In my left foot, I can't tell the difference between sharp and blunt - although I am aware of pressure.

It is also my left calf that is stiff and hurting when I walking lately.

Funny, most of my stuff happens on my left side to a greater degree. Even my vision has remained much worse in my left eye, and that is the one that still has nystagmus and double vision.

Irritating though, because I am VERY left-handed! Does it tend to hit your dominant side harder?????



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