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bozena115 02-26-2010 02:26 PM

Why so terrible pains after eating food?
Hello again,

Although there is nobody here to give me answer I can write anyway.

As I wrote I have pains since very long time. I had some painkillers they did help me for few years but now I have nothing more.
My pains are worse after the food. The pain starts in the right jaw bone, goes direct to the right eye and to the right ear. I had so many doctors visits and so many examinations and don't know what to do next.
Lately Nephrologists found November 30th, 2009 that I have chronic kidney disease. Beside that since January 2009 I have high blood pressure: 180/120. My weight is bellow 60 kg and I am 165 cm tall. It is long time ago, that I was fat for only 2 years and no more.
What is strange in my case, my haemoglobin is so high coming almost to the top (now 148). My doctor told me that is good for me to have such a good blood. I am not sure as I had always haemoglobin 120 and a bit more.

I can suffer all but can't suffer steady bite in the right eye.
Beside all pains my face is changed as that is not me.

Is anybody in the world to have the same pains as I have?


mrsD 02-26-2010 02:31 PM

It is not normal to have such high iron readings.

There is an inherited condition called hemochromatosis, which is also called iron overload disease.

You should be tested for this.
(it can kill you if not treated)

bozena115 02-26-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 626558)
It is not normal to have such high iron readings.
There is an inherited condition called hemochromatosis, which is also called iron overload disease.
You should be tested for this.
(it can kill you if not treated)


Thank you for comment.
Few months ago I told my doctor to look my haemoglobin (I think, iron is something else. They do that only if I ask for the control of iron). He has laughed and told me I should be lucky to have it.

I have seen now for November 30th, 2009 when I was by nephrologists:
haemoglobin - 149 (the limit is 153)
iron - 12,8 (9,00 - 30,40)
PE - PTH: 180 (10 - 65,90)

It is true that I had pseudo ephedrine hydrochloride for four years (from abroad) for decongestion of my nose mucus membrane. It is also good for peripheral circulation of the head. I have blocked head circulation (outside).

Now, I have nothing more and have terrible pains.


Jomar 02-26-2010 03:38 PM

So the pain is in your face?
In the jaw, eye & ear?

You might read on this forum link and see if it sounds like it applies.
Trigeminal Neuralgia {TN} forum-

bozena115 02-27-2010 06:59 AM

Hi Jo*mar,

Thank you for that.
I was there writing about my case. I have atypical trigeminal neuralgia, where should be found the cause. Many doctors told me it is all from the neck muscle: my sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia. My TN is not short (in few seconds and then is over) but hurts always. Many people in different Forums wrote that my neuralgia looks like occipital neuralgia.

I have got explanation from one neurologist (chiropractic) that neck muscle is pressing on the nerve (occipital) going into sinusitis and from the sinusitis I have TN (atypical). I have lost years to find where from I have sinusitis. Now I need next 20 years to find out why my neck and scapula muscle are always in tension. My new female doctor (pain therapist) told me, that muscle tension can come from anywhere. It means I am on the start again.
I went last few weeks to get blockade of TN 1 (infra-orbital) and suprascapular n. Tuesday, February 23rd I was there and blood pressure was too high. She told me, she can't give me injection because it is too dangerous (pills to low BP didn't help). After I will have lower BP, I should call her to get this time blockade of occipital neuralgia.
I have got so many injections; it is wonder I came through all of that.

I have tried to go to some medical research centre (in UK) but Ministry for health here didn't allow me. I told them, how come they had money to pay my four times drinking sleeping pills (in neighbour countries) when I was in Psychiatric clinics? To talk with them has no sense, although I pay additional health insurance, means we need here double insurance.

To pay alone, I have no more money. I have spent a fortune for different private therapies and doctors to be able for a work. When there was nothing to help, I have left all: the job, the place and have moved, 60 km away. After that has begun the really agony and still is with me.


bozena115 02-27-2010 07:16 AM

Here I have links about ATN: ATN can occur in any age as in my case, with 16,5 years.

Tegretol doesn't help me at all. It makes pains worse. The only medicine good for me is Rivotril pills. They help in the evening for better sleep. Beside them I take one Naproxen and one Sanval (sleeping pill).
I have seen in Spain, 2004 they have Rivotril drops and they help during the day as well. I am not in Spain now.


(Broken Wings) 02-28-2010 08:10 AM

Welcome to NT

So sorry you're dealing with all that.

It does help to write. We're here for you.

bozena115 03-04-2010 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by (Broken Wings) (Post 627128)
Welcome to NT
So sorry you're dealing with all that.
It does help to write. We're here for you.

Hello BW,

That is very kind from you.

I have again some news from my doctor and new blood tests.
Yesterday early in the morning I was sick (at 3:00 am) and all my food for the last four days came out. I was on toilette about one and half hour. After that I have called my doctor and told him what happened. He told me, when I am ready I should come and visit him (only 5 minutes from the place, I live). I came there at 11:00 am and had to wait until 2:00 pm. He has always too many patients. He told me, I might have problems with my appendix and has sent me to the hospital with ambulance, direct to the surgery. As I study all anatomy I forgot about this part. In my head came one man, 30 years old (years ago) who died by operation of appendix. They made X-rays of my abdomen and my lungs. They took my blood. Beside all I had infusion. All has last from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm. I don't know what for I had infusion.
On the end nothing was wrong, but blood tests are very strange.

Haematological investigation:

Eritrocites - 5,60 (4,1 - 5,1)
Haemoglobin - 163 (123 - 153) it goes higher and higher
Haematokrit - 0,501 (0,350 - 0,470)

Biochemical investigation:

Urea - 7,2 (2,5 - 6,4)
Creatinine - 87 (45 - 84)
Potassium - 4,9 (3,5 - 4,8)
CRP - 17,8 (0,00 - 3,5).

About blood: I drink milk in the morning with honey. Is that wrong or what could be wrong?

I am always sleepy and my nose mucus membrane is swollen and makes pressure into eyes. As I have to eat very slight food, I don't know anymore, what food I should eat?
There is all mucus membrane infected. From the bottom (large intestine) until top of the sinusitis! It makes me very sleepy and helpless.

My question: why adrenalin and tablets with pseudo-ephedrine do help me?

With regards,

jeremywildcat 03-07-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by bozena115 (Post 626555)
Hello again,

Although there is nobody here to give me answer I can write anyway.

As I wrote I have pains since very long time. I had some painkillers they did help me for few years but now I have nothing more.
My pains are worse after the food. The pain starts in the right jaw bone, goes direct to the right eye and to the right ear. I had so many doctors visits and so many examinations and don't know what to do next.
Lately Nephrologists found November 30th, 2009 that I have chronic kidney disease. Beside that since January 2009 I have high blood pressure: 180/120. My weight is bellow 60 kg and I am 165 cm tall. It is long time ago, that I was fat for only 2 years and no more.
What is strange in my case, my haemoglobin is so high coming almost to the top (now 148). My doctor told me that is good for me to have such a good blood. I am not sure as I had always haemoglobin 120 and a bit more.

I can suffer all but can't suffer steady bite in the right eye.
Beside all pains my face is changed as that is not me.

Is anybody in the world to have the same pains as I have?


Are you still on this forum? It seems not a lot of people have written recently. Yes, I have the same pain as you except on both sides of my face. I have been diagnosed with Trigeminol and Occipital neuralgia. They put me on Neurontin, Klonipan, Lyrica, and Amexociphan (sp?- for TN). The meds helped at first but the pain just continues to get worse and worse in my face.

One doc. told me that means something neurologically is wrong. They are checking my blood for a variety of things right now. That change in your blood could be a good hint as to what's going on. Any change that dramatic is a signal you need to find a doc that cares about you enough to invest their time into researching and asking around in their network.

Anything new since your post? Do any painkillers help? I can't believe how excruciating the pain is.

bozena115 03-08-2010 04:53 AM


Nothing is new. I am still arguing with my doctors. They don't know what to do with me. All those changes with my blood don't bother them. Again: I should be glad to have such a good blood. Strange is: I don't eat very much; the only thing could give me better blood is the milk (2,5 dcl) with honey: in the morning.
What helps me in the night: Clonazepam (Rivotril) 2 mg, 1-1,5; Naprosyn - 1 and 1 pill for better sleeping.
During the day there is nothing except pseudo-ephedrine hydrochloride tablets from UK. As I can't get them anymore (I have some saved) I don't know, how all will go on.

I was told that all my pains: sinusitis and 2 Neuralgia's are from neck muscle. Nobody knows where from comes tension of neck muscle: on the right side. There is something wrong with my muscles and all pains up in the face are reflex pains (come from somewhere else).

I have two things:
1. The first problems came with my sinusitis and eyes pains (it comes from the occipital bone - there is some ticker bone). Even on the Atlas (first vertebra) is some 3 cm areal sclerosis. That could be from the very first day, when I went to Secondary school by train (16,5 years old). That there is also ATN, I knew 8,5 years later when I was in Germany and one Neurologist gave me just one shot (injection) into right neck side. All my pains were over. For five years. After I came back my pains came back, too. Since then I am suffering again, almost all the time.
2. The second came with neck muscle pain (it is always very hard)
I have asked my doctor, did he have somebody like me? He said NO! Believe me; since I am looking for the cause, nobody knew that there is ATN. Even, Neurologists didn't know.
More doctors before told me, I have blocked back head and spine circulation. One woman from alternative medicine told me, my spine is blocked and therefore I have all those problems. I have been by many chiropractors and they did help me with few vertebras. I had pains in the spine about 3-4 years and now have only on L1.


p.s. I will be still here, but have moved my details. In the fact is not important who I am but what pains do I have.

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