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12stargate 08-14-2013 11:30 AM

PD and sex
Here is what is uo for me today.
This was posted on facebook this morning
Could we have a conversation on this subject?
Enjoy your day:)

reverett123 08-14-2013 03:54 PM

JIM?!??!!! :eek: What are you doing here!! :D

OK. Let's get serious here. Let's not try to cover our embarassment with cheap jokes. (Did you ever notice that you can move the letters in "emarassment" around and get "bareass"? Can you guess what I'm wearing?:D Nope, guess again?

"Young man ! Sit down and shut up! This is serious so act like it or I'm going rap something with this ruler and its not going to be your knuckle!"


But all good things must end. So let us talk about sex. You remember sex? Back in the days before PD made you so disgusting that you can't even stand to masturbate? I know. I know. You can still sit down and manage. :p

I have a question. What kind of universe gives me a disease that, with all its medications and side effects and full frontal effects and so on, sets my chemistry to a slow boil and convinces me that I am the Goddesses gift to Her daughters. Even when I can't stand up or control my orifices? And the womenfolk have their own problems?

And what I really want more than anything else in the whole damned world is to hold and be held as Life slips away and Day into Night. But, because that often (OK. More than often) leads to making little animal noises together they hide in the jungle until he goes back to sleep...:confused::(


Originally Posted by 12stargate (Post 1007157)
Here is what is uo for me today.
This was posted on facebook this morning
Could we have a conversation on this subject?
Enjoy your day:)

NorCalGal 08-14-2013 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by 12stargate (Post 1007157)
Here is what is uo for me today.
This was posted on facebook this morning
Could we have a conversation on this subject?
Enjoy your day:)

What are we talking about here? From what I've heard and read on this forum the meds cause obsessive compulsive sex behavior in some causing one guy to say "even too much for me" I don't like to brag :o but I'm having the best sex of my whole life and cautiously fear the reduction of my doses after DBS surgery.

Bob Dawson 08-14-2013 04:29 PM

Isiaha 4 said
Reverette123 finds the center of it:
..."And what I really want more than anything else in the whole damned world is to hold and be held as Life slips away and Day into Night..."

Isaiah IV confirms:

the greatest thing
you will ever learn
is just to love
and be loved
in return

reverett123 08-14-2013 06:29 PM

And a good Southern Baptist shout of Amen, Brother Bob!!!

Now, before anyone starts, under the UN Charter, Section 205, it is clearly stated that as a member of a recognized ethnic group that I can make fun of Southern Baptists and no one can stop me. Except the Admin, of course. But then I can sue and we can all move into that group housing that we dream of from time to time. And we can take DocJohn with us since it would be his money. :D )

But, back to whatever I was talking about before I was so rudely interupted. Oh yeah! Southern Baptists! With the possible exception of Catholics, is there any other group that is so afraid that they will sin that they go to church three times each week??? For 15 bloody years, in my case? It was a small town, people! There wasn't that much sin to be had! Heck, we had to book the Devil three months in advance. It was like Sana Claus except that a lump of coal was a good thing. :D

OK, I'm going to bring this meeting back to order by telling a dirty joke. At least if thee is such. It took a pretty sick mind to first link those two into a single phrase. But anyway-

Why do Southern Baptists refuse to make love standing up?
<Now, in your best Ed Mcahon: "I don't know. Why do Southern Baptits refuse to make love standing up?>
Because they are afraid that it will lead to dancing!!!!!!!:D:D:eek:

So far, in this one post, I have successfully broken two of the three legs of the Politically Correct Hostess's Guide to Entertaining Without Offending. That is, I have brought up sex and religon. Thank goodness that I stopped short of politics or we would have reached critical mass. Although it is pretty hard to find anything to laugh about in that area.

Oh, alright. I will try for the triple crown. And I will do it by highlighting the last bit of honor, humility, hope, and honesty left in the world of power and evil that passes for politics these days. The last bit of a real man who led us while the arrogant media meisters openly scoffed at him and at us. For daring to believe that there was more than money and competition and lies governing our world. A man whose only "sin" was innocence.

President James Earl Carter, Southern Baptist Minister, a Southern Gentleman in the best since of the term, and a gentle man all around, two weeks ago was in Atlanta speaking to an international group called the Atlantic Bridge. In the course of that speech, and to a room totally devoid of reporters, a former President of the United States openly acknowledged that our democracy is dead. The only reason that we know that is due to the act that the hometown Atlanta Journal produced a transcript from a recording. Not one US newspaper bothered to note what I consider to be one of the most historic events in my lifetime.

We have fallen into a nest of vipers who kill their own in Manhattan Towers by the thousands and babes in the arms of the desert. Where the most powerful snakes in the nest employ the youth on the darkened street to rob you so that the billions of dollars can be tucked away into the darkness of the most powerful banks on the Earth. The media is not silent. No, it is far worse. There is no media like we knew. Walter Cronkite was a hero! It is true. Whatever skeletons may have lain in his closet, he returned from a boots-on-the-ground visit to Viet Nam and was appalled at what he saw. And he came back and told the US viewers the truth. And the President of the United States, at the time rightly considered the most powerful on the planet, turned to a friend and said, "If I've lost Cronkite, then I've lost the war." He announced his decision not to seek re-election shortly thereafter.

The point being that I am feeling the weariness that comes from being sentient and friends and family don't want to hear. I have no mouth and I must scream.

For those of you who stayed to the end, I must apologize. Hang onto your ticket stubs and I will redeem them with "special" jokes tomorrow.



Originally Posted by Bob Dawson (Post 1007210)
Reverette123 finds the center of it:
..."And what I really want more than anything else in the whole damned world is to hold and be held as Life slips away and Day into Night..."

Isaiah IV confirms:

the greatest thing
you will ever learn
is just to love
and be loved
in return

Tupelo3 08-14-2013 07:31 PM

Rick and Bob, your comments and prose written above are so meaningful, emotional and even mystical. On any other topic I would say "please continue". However, this thread, started by 12stargate's question, is about sex! I find NorCalGal's reply must more interesting....:winky:

reverett123 08-14-2013 09:22 PM

Special joke premium
I promised a special premium joke to make up for careening around cyberspace when I was supposed to be thinking about sex. Rather than go back into that sordid thread and upset the continuim there, I am going to start this space for it.

Here is your very own "Offend any group with a tasteless joke"
It is very simple. Just fill in the name of the group that you wish to offend! Even people like you can do it. To make sure that someone like you doesn't screw it up, we are going to single out a terrorist group that is in league with the Illuminati and secretly is attempting to overthrow the US - the Shriner.

(Note for our British friends, we suggest that you use either Nigel Farage or the EU as is appropriate.) So here we go....

There was this Old Boy down in Texas who was drilling for oil when disaster truck and the drilling rig burst into flames. <Editor- Don't worry about the use of the term "Old Boy" as it is a term of endearment. And as for "Texas", you can't insult them. Their hide is too thick,>

The Old Wildcatter tried everything that he knew to put out the blazing well. Some of the best in the business tried to extinguish the inferno, but all failed. Getting desperate, the Old Texan finally let it be known that a million dollars would be paid to whomever could put out the fire.

The Old Driller was standing by his truck watching a fortune going up in thick black smoke when, off in the distance, he could see a light brown cloud being thrown into the air behind a speeding pickup truck. As the truck drew nearer, he could make out a dozen or so men in it. Then it flashed by the old man just as the driver locked the brakes down and slid to a stop right in the middle of the roaring blaze.

Without hesitation, a crowd of SHRINERS lept from the truck and, using everything they could grab hold of, began beating madly at the flames. So furiously did the SHRINERS attack that within minutes the fire was out.

The old Texan was overcome with gratitude and immediately wrote out a check for a million dollars and took it over to the head SHRINER and began expressing his gratitude in no uncertain terms. A little later the old man asked the SHRINER, "That's a lot of money for a man like you. If you don't mind my asking, what are you going to do with it?"

To which the younger man replied, "Well, the first thing that I am going to do is to get them blamed brakes fixed!":D


Originally Posted by Tupelo3 (Post 1007236)
Rick and Bob, your comments and prose written above are so meaningful, emotional and even mystical. On any other topic I would say "please continue". However, this thread, started by 12stargate's question, is about sex! I find NorCalGal's reply must more interesting....:winky:

reverett123 08-14-2013 09:27 PM

Or at least I thought that I was starting a new thread
My apologies. I really thought that I was. I will think about sex for the rest of the night. I promise. :)

stevem53 08-14-2013 10:44 PM

If Rodney Dangerfield was still alive, I think this is what he would have said about sex and pd..........

I'll tell ya what..I'm ok now, but I had a rough time last week..I went to see my Dr..You know my Dr..Dr Vinny Goombots..Ya..I told him I've been slowing down lately..He told me I have Parkinsons Disease..I sez, Parkinsons Disease??..What do we do about that?..What about my sex life?..So my Doc sez, take three of these yellow pills every day, and you'll be fine..Ya right!!!..Everything takes so long to do these days..The other night my wife wanted to make love with me..By the time it took to get my clothes off, she had a headache!!..Then, wood turns into sawdust *sigh*

No respect, I tell ya!!..I never get no respect!!

Bogusia 08-15-2013 02:54 AM

Since the Michael J. Fox Foundation has awarded $1.1 million for an international clinical trial vetting the potential of a nicotine skin patch to modify the progression of Parkinson's disease, I can just imagine an episode on Michael new TV series where he starts the sex scene by putting the “Slow Hand” song on and ending it by putting a nicotine patch on instead of lighting a cigarette. What happens in between I will leave to everyone’s imagination.:D

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