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markjens 11-08-2012 04:29 PM

SCS medical trial (Nevro) is scheduled
Well, I promised to keep you informed. My surgery for the first step of my medical trial with the Nevro Senza is scheduled for Friday, November 16th. I will keep the device on the belt exterior to my body for 12 days, and my second surgery will be on the 28th. If this hasn't been brought up here before, for the Nevro installation, the leads are anchored in their permanent position from the start (with the addition of extensions to reach outside the body), so rather than being an office visit, it is an outpatient type surgery at the hospital. Mine are being installed early Friday morning, and they said that I'd likely leave the hospital before lunch. The second surgery is to either implant the pulse generator or remove the leads (In case the device did not function for me.) The second surgery takes about the same amount of time, and again I am home that afternoon. The device cannot be turned on for seven days after implantation because the FDA is concerned that the warmth of the device while in operation might create an area suitable for infection. So, I'll be a week without help after my second surgery. I am both incredibly excited and trying my best to be cautious in my optimism. It is hard though after going for 12 years without any hope at all.


Rrae 11-08-2012 04:37 PM

Oh how I'll be praying for you Mark! How very exciting that things are moving right along for you. I know you've waited an eternity for a chance at this relief.

Please keep us posted every step of the way!


anon21816 11-09-2012 09:55 AM

Thats great news Mark....we will all be thinking of you on those days and hopefully you will get the relief and put you out of the pain and misery you have had for the past 12 years :)

Mark56 11-12-2012 12:30 AM

Not Exactly a Railroad Story
BUT there is a light at the end of your tunnel, and it is the illumination which comes from the other opening, NOT the advancing headlight beam of an approaching locomotive. Yes, there is often a time lapse in awaiting activation of the permanently implanted device after implant. For whatever reason, whether fear of infection, or waiting out the abatement of surgical pain to give better perception to the new stimulus of the stim, that delay is not unusual.

I waited two weeks post implant surgery to receive the go ahead to start up the stim. Two weeks. It seemed a long time, but in retrospect it has faded to inconsequential haze, for the Grand Good Wonderful FEEL of the Stim has so given life Back to me, I can scarce recall specifically how I felt moment by moment waiting for two weeks to pass me by.

The whomping cool thing is developing the realization of effect stim has on your pain profile WHILE the Trial phase is underway. Just as you would roll through the controls prior to lift off in any aircraft you ever flew, you will be as though sitting in that last moment preflight phase before rpms come up once you have the Trial underway. Take that remote and put it through the paces as your rep schools you. With due care, live life during the Trial so you can take note of the benefits and detriments in varying situations. Note with a grin the other posts where a Trial is producing a "gonna go out tomorrow to a birthday party" effort to test the device under stress of life. Give it a go.

Prayin for you here that twelve years may soon begin to fade to history as your future is written one day at a time while you mark steps forward.

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