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-   -   Hello~! I badly need an idiots guide to everything gluten and food allergy possible. (

KTM5665 09-25-2006 07:30 PM

Hello~! I badly need an idiots guide to everything gluten and food allergy possible.
:D My 5.5 yr old son, with a mito disease had his Ige's come back 4 times higher then normal. we decided to rather then test from a normal standpoint since he defies everything normal( all the family does, long story) and it doenst appear that he is allergic to anything envirnmental in nature i.e. cats, dog, trees etc...Im leaning towards food...or things out of the ordinary. One known thing he had a narly reaction to as an infant was his pertussis vaccine. twice.

so...he is a large bread and mac and cheese conniseur. can ya'll enlighten me on the aBC's of gluten and food allergies? I need the idiots guide to what and how they need to test. My ped is going to order the test, and refer to the specialty center here in our state to save time! TIA! Alicia:D

KimS 09-25-2006 08:06 PM

I'm not really rock solid with my 'testing' knowledge. All the research I did was a couple of years ago and everything seemed to be qualified with a 'but is not always very accurate'... so we never went that route. I'm sure that someone will come in and tell you what all the tests are and they will do a better job than I ever could.

However, I did want to pop in to say that our family did a COMPLETE elimination diet (whether they seemed healthy or not - they all did it). We were SHOCKED at how the 'normal' people were clearly having reactions to foods... in particular - me. :o :eek:

I had horrible headaches, practically daily for my whole life, joint pains, muscle knots, etc. etc. -- all went away when we went gf. I have had the pinprick testing done (once when I was a teenager and then again when I was around 38). They showed nothing. When I was 38 I asked the allergist if these reactions were in my head. He said no, he didn't think so because they are common food reactions but are considered 'sensitivities' and do not show up on testing.

So, now if we suspect a food, I don't consider getting anyone tested, we just eliminate that food and make sure to do it VERY WELL - down to molecules... which means we eliminate that food from the house completely. It just makes my life - as the cook - a lot easier as it is less worrisome. The only exception I make is that I will by some cream for coffee and tea if we're having company... but then we don't consume it and the company takes the cream home with them.

By the way, I have 3 children and 3 chickens... and I love your signature... couldn't be truer! :D

diamondheart 09-25-2006 09:01 PM

I believe there are those more knowledgeable than I am here, but here's a start. The biggies for food allergies are gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, and corn. When in doubt, cut all those out. I don't know what order to cut them out it if you didn't want to do it all at once. Citrus and garlic can sometimes be problems. Some people have problems with some vegetables. The key is to rotate foods if you suspect that. I believe meat and rice rarely are problems, but there sometimes can be contamination issues from the other allergens with both if you are really sensitive.

The Gluten File has lots of information on Diagnostic Tests and Food Allergies.

I think you could drive yourself crazy trying to decide which test to do and which lab to use. It's great if your doctor will order the tests you want, but I think it's also helpful to have a doctor who knows what to do already - I know, easier said than done, but you gotta start somewhere.

I think you can also drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what to eat. I know I have, and it takes time to learn what foods have gluten, dairy, soy, and corn, the 4 biggies, which are in every American processed food, medication, and body care product, it seems. Everyone is different, so you have to do your own detective work as to what works for your son and what doesn't.

The bigger question is what is causing the food intolerances, so you'll want to try to get to the bottom of that. Possible problems are:

1) Genetics, in the case of gluten sensitivity/celiac disease and lactose intolerance.
2) Use of NSAIDs.
3) Use of antibiotics. Probiotics can help reestablish intestinal flora.
4) Intestinal pathogens, including parasites, bacteria, or Candida (you can test for those).
5) Heavy metal toxicity.

What else? GMOs? Viruses? Vaccinations? I don't know that it's really all been quantified. I guess I would first find out which foods I am reacting to, and cut those out. Then, try to figure out what is causing all the food intolerances so the cause of the intestinal damage can be dealt with.

You could check out this thread on stories of how other people were able to heal their gut:

Also, check out the links to the "Our Journey's to Gluten Free" from the old Braintalk. You might get some ideas from that as well, or at least encouragement.


mistofviolets 09-25-2006 09:31 PM

Definately click on the "Diagnostic Tests" in the post above...and ask for the full celiac panel ASAP (before changing his diet) If he is in public schools, you may need the firm "celiac" diagnosis as a back up to protect him. (Its good that your dr asked you to look into it...mine talked me into less than I wanted and then ran the wrong gene test, :rolleyes: )

Once that testing is done you can decide whether or not to follow up on further testing, or skip to an elimination diet.

I do want to ask, just out of curiosity, did he react to the pertussis or the tetanus component? Did you try the dT shot without the aP? (Its usually given as DTaP) I'm asking because multiple family members react to the Tetanus portion of the vaccine. Its exceedingly rare. My reaction involves partial paralysis...scary. I didn't let dd get that far ;) Anyways...I was just wondering if I've "bumped" into another member of the theoretical population.

VRDAMEN-UK 07-20-2009 07:14 PM

Foods /Gluten allergies - tollerances

Can I suggest that your child gets tested for the following bug as I thought for the last 4 years I was yeast / gluten tollerant turns I did my own research int my painful condition and turned out I was spot I gave up yeast /wheat rye mile tea coffee everything except meat as in Chicken / Turkey and pork and chips still broke out in a skin condition IE usual athletes foot rash exzema psorisses usaul medical problems thought to be related to food.Turns out four years ago went to spain on Holiday caught a bug in my stomach which does not allow me to consume anyhting sugar / starchy products the bug is called Helicobacter Pylori - I have had every test done being allery tests to tollerance tests all came back with nickel /zinc wheat severe sugar/ severe yeast usual signs what the medical proffession dont tell you that this bug mimmics food tollerances and destriys the stomach lining but can make the body not digest foods through the normal processs , now this might not be the case hear but ask your Doctor to do a test just to rule out if the child is gluten tollerant I can provide the info if required

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