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Consider 08-16-2015 07:46 PM

How can I even live again like this?
Hello ladies,

Right now I am dealing with a huge problem. All I feel is burning on my inner labia and vaginal opening, plus some twinges of itch. It hurts more when I sit or when rubbed or touched.

The pain first started after having sex with my significant other, who I love more than anything. It ended with me being in pain from feeling randomly dry and well, the next day I thought I had a yeast infection. I started treating the problem with Monistat (bad idea) and then came home to getting more yeast meds (helped but didn't work fully).

I switched doctors later on, and he diagnosed me with a bacterial infection. I thought this was my godsend, but surely I was wrong. I was prescribed Lotrisone (should be called fire cream) along with Flagyl for 2 days. DID NOT WORK.

Went on vacation to Canada, and the doctors all diagnosed me with yeast except for one, who again thought this was a bacterial infection. Feel a bit better, had sex again. Cycle starts all over again. Took antibiotics Flagyl with a weird reaction, sick to my stomach and anxious, and my pain has doubled. It's the second week on it and no improvement has been found.

My vagina still feels raw, with burning sensation, and it hurts to sit. It really hurts to sit and the vestibule just hurts badly. I don't know what to do anymore, I am totally depressed because of this. My quality of life has diminished and my 25th birthday, ruined.

Wiix 08-16-2015 08:16 PM

Sounds like whoever you had sex with keeps passing it back to you. He should be checked by a doctor.

DejaVu 08-16-2015 08:19 PM

Hope You Feel Better Soon!
Hi Consider,

Sounds like you have been through a lot with this.

Are the doctors diagnosing the infection actually culturing and making slides (to examine under a microscope) to determine the cause of infection?

You might also think about any lubricants and/or condoms, or anything else having contact with your body. (No need to respond out loud here.) Many people have adverse reactions to the many products available on the market.

Flagyl is a very potent drug. Many experience side-effects when taking Flagyl.

You could try oral probiotics. The oral probiotics will not interfere with an exam or a culture. Oral probiotics are something gynecologists have suggested to their clients for the past 20 years. Yet, please also return to your doctor for further work-up. While probiotics many help with a part of the issue, it's not an adequate approach for you at this time. You need further medical help.

I am reticent to make any other suggestions, as it's unclear what's going on and it's important your doctor do an exam and obtain a culture.

I'd suggest seeing one gynecologist and returning/calling when the treatment does not work out. By sticking with one, the doctor can work through diagnostic differentials/possibilities.

Don't let this go, as your pelvic health may suffer longer effects/complications, depending upon the cause.

As Wiix has mentioned, it's also possible your partner may need to be checked out by a physician or at a clinic, as well.


Consider 08-16-2015 10:50 PM

I would agree that I definitely need cultured, a full and I mean FULL panel, not just yeast or BV. I need Trich, Strep B and a full Yeast panel.

I would also like to say my boyfriend is currently being treating for something he might not even have, it was a just in case thing. I do feel bad for him, and our issue, (my issue for him is his issue according to him, he is sad for me).

I just feel so wrong right now and I wish there was more help. I am also considering a psych as well for the anxiety that comes with this, it's horrible.

I don't know if I said it before but I have red, raw patches on the labia, it hurts so bad! :(

DejaVu 08-18-2015 09:38 PM

Self-Compassion is Helpful
Hi Consider,

I am very sorry for your pain, both physical and emotional pain. :hug:

It's great your boyfriend is supportive and is also being checked out/treated. :)
Teamwork is great! :)

Anxiety is normal when we don't know what's going on and we are in pain or limited in functioning... and on top of all that, we are concerned about how this may be affecting our significant other.

That said, you know yourself best and if you feel you may benefit from a psychologist or therapist and have access, please move forward with this.

You had written, "I feel so wrong right now..."
I am not sure of what you had meant by this; yet, I'd encourage you to show yourself lots of compassion.

I hope you have seen, or will soon see, a GYN to follow-up.


Consider 08-20-2015 10:40 PM

Well, I've been diagnosed with Vulvodynia. Makes sense, due to my recent history with TBI/PCS/Occipital Neuralgia. Unfortunately, this diagnosis is leading me to my psychiatrist anyway.

My psychiatrist has been with me since my TBI when anxiety was crippling, and luckily he'll know about vulvodynia and will prescribe me the amitrypline that I need during this current time.

The pain is immense, mostly when I sit, and as far as the doctor says, it looks normal, but things aren't normal as he says or else I wouldn't be in his office. He prescribed me a steroid cream for the meantime and removed my IUD to prevent further complications.

He gave me an understanding of what vulvodynia was, as well as treatment plan and that this pain is normal due to faulty pain signals.

I am now convinced that I will heal now, and I need to take one day at a time, even if it kills me.

DejaVu 08-21-2015 10:03 AM

Self-Compassion during this Challenging Time
Hi Consider,

Congratulations on getting this sorted out.
I am sorry you face yet another challenge.

Vulvodynia is known to be very painful and very frustrating.
I have known of women recovering well. :)

I hope the steroidal cream is being used as a temporary measure.
Steroids can eventually cause skin thinning and may cause other changes with prolonged use.

Often, an anesthetic (lidocaine) or other pain-relieving topicals are prescribed.

Lots of good information here:

Sounds like you are very comfortable with your psychiatrist. :)
Vulvodynia can be quite a challenge. You are facing other challenges, as well.

Learning to take life one day at a time can be a challenge, for sure.
It's one of the most helpful lessons I've learned for managing life's ongoing challenges. :)

I hope you continue to make strides toward full recovery.
Self-compassion may be very helpful to a less stressful healing experience.


mary jane 05-28-2017 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Consider (Post 1164613)
Well, I've been diagnosed with Vulvodynia. Makes sense, due to my recent history with TBI/PCS/Occipital Neuralgia. Unfortunately, this diagnosis is leading me to my psychiatrist anyway.

My psychiatrist has been with me since my TBI when anxiety was crippling, and luckily he'll know about vulvodynia and will prescribe me the amitrypline that I need during this current time.

The pain is immense, mostly when I sit, and as far as the doctor says, it looks normal, but things aren't normal as he says or else I wouldn't be in his office. He prescribed me a steroid cream for the meantime and removed my IUD to prevent further complications.

He gave me an understanding of what vulvodynia was, as well as treatment plan and that this pain is normal due to faulty pain signals.

I am now convinced that I will heal now, and I need to take one day at a time, even if it kills me.

Hey, I have this too.. I went on ami and lyrica some time ago and then was able to go off them for 1 year and 4 months with no symptoms whatsoever.... I have it again now and back on meds... How have you evolved? I think mine is form years of severe anxiety and stress

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