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bizi 12-07-2014 05:38 PM

December, time for a new thread!
Getting ready to go to a music and merryment fundraiser. I will be the designated driver for my girl friend who never gets to drink escorted. So she is excited. there will be 3 houses on display, a trolley shuttling us from house to house with different set of music in each house. Hubby is playing jazz in one of the houses with a trio, chorus singers in another house and other musicians in the third house. Hubby got us complimentary tickets $75 dollars a piece because he is playing.
I am wearing a wine red with crushed black velvet trim shirt, fancy costume jewelry I am wearing a cotton undershirt that covers my chest as it is going to get a bit windy and I did not want to wear a coat so that put a damper on my elegant outfit. oh well. I am wearing black pants and brown shoe boots with a heel and very comfortable. WE will be there the 3 hours so I wanted to be comfortable.
I did not sleep well last night at all. So was tired this morning.(missed a shower) My girl friend and I went for a hike at the local park then to subway for lunch, I had the meatball marinara decadent and unknown meat content but delicious none the less), I came home and took a 2 hour nap. I feel much better.
I will pick her up shortly.
So far, I have had 4 AF days this month then one cider on the 5th then last night had 4 pints of cider so that was too much. Going to be AF tonight.
This really needs to be a better month than last month!
I will make it so.

Mari 12-07-2014 07:10 PM


Have a good time! :)

I love the description of your outfit. :D


bizi 12-07-2014 10:50 PM

Had a good time at the music and merriment fundraiser. It was fun talking and getting caught up with my girl friend. She looked "hot" and I told her so. That tickled her.:)
There was a ton of food there and I sampled most of it...(to be honest it was ok food). I am so full.
Hubbies band sounded good. The singers were jolly and the student horn quintet sounded like they needed to practice A LOT more. lol
All 3 homes were amazing!~
This fundraiser was a success. They raise monies for the school of music students scholarships. They are called "the friends of music". And this is their sole mission to raise monies for the students.
Jeff is out having a beer with a friend of his, don't know how late he will be.
I will take a look at the days work load for tomorrow and maybe do some paper work before bed.
Thank you for your support and for taking the time to read my thread.

Lara 12-07-2014 11:51 PM

It sounds as if you had a really enjoyable night bizi.
That's great to hear.


Mari 12-08-2014 02:35 AM

Oh, Bizi,

What a delightful evening. I am glad you had a good time.

The kids playing horns will be better next year --- with one more year of study under them.

Take care.


bizi 12-08-2014 10:38 AM

have not been sleeping well can't fall asleep till hours later than when I went to bed. have taken a couple of klonipin a few nights last week. should not do this as I may have to continue to do this to sleep. went back to my 1mg last night and could not sleep.
work today long day then my girlfriends student recital. she is a strings instructor. They are serving gumbo( dark thickish soup)afterward sounds yummy. jeff is working late so may just came late.
Can't remember if I told you that I had my mammo adn ultra sound screening last week. yuck the lotion was so cold and she just plopped it on my breast. brrrr!!!!!!! and then it took forever and hurt my shoulder and breast bone. hated it.That will be the last one of those that I will have done in a long time.
have a great day!

Mari 12-08-2014 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1111828)
Can't remember if I told you that I had my mammo adn ultra sound screening last week. yuck the lotion was so cold and she just plopped it on my breast. brrrr!!!!!!! and then it took forever and hurt my shoulder and breast bone. hated it.That will be the last one of those that I will have done in a long time.
have a great day!


Exercise early-ish in the day (Or late afternoon) helps with sleep.
So does some sunshine.
I hope that the sleep issue resolves. :heartthrob:

The mammo is not supposed to hurt like that ! :eek:
Sorry to hear about that.

I have never made gumbo but I remember watching some one make it . Most cooks make a roux (mixture of flour and oil to make it thick)
You have a delicious evening a head of you. :):):)


bizi 12-08-2014 10:27 PM

hi mari,
it was the breast ultra sound that hurt. I wanted to be sure that my insurance covered it. and that I got one this year as my clients wife got a clear mammogram then had the screening ultra sound and they found cancer. so just the mammo is not enough! she had surgery radiation and chemo.:(
here we have roux premade in a jar. it is like almost burnt flour and it thickens the gumbo. I like chicken and sausage best. Others prefer the seafood kind and others like the okra.
The kids concert was ok, they are beginning students.... the advanced class was enjoyable!
And the gumbo was spicy and hot so it was good. IT was served over rice.
again it was so good!!!:)

Mari 12-10-2014 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1111948)
hi mari,
it was the breast ultra sound that hurt. I wanted to be sure that my insurance covered it. and that I got one this year as my clients wife got a clear mammogram then had the screening ultra sound and they found cancer. so just the mammo is not enough! she had surgery radiation and chemo.:(
here we have roux premade in a jar. it is like almost burnt flour and it thickens the gumbo. I like chicken and sausage best. Others prefer the seafood kind and others like the okra.
The kids concert was ok, they are beginning students.... the advanced class was enjoyable!
And the gumbo was spicy and hot so it was good. IT was served over rice.
again it was so good!!!:)


Sorry about the Sono gram. I had two or three after they found mammos that were not clear or that showed something that they did not like.
The ultra sounds did not feel good but they did not exactly hurt. I could see what the tech was up to and recognized that it was necessary.

I like those gels -- nice and yucky . …had them on my feet too and at other times when there was an issue or other . . .
then I spend time getting it off at the clinic or when I get home.

It is very good that you are getting your stuff taken care of while you have decent insurance.
You are doing great taking care of yourself.


bizi 12-10-2014 08:45 AM

I think what hurt was the holding of my arm up and away with my shoulder stretched up and back as well. then the machine rested on my shoulder and breast least now I know what to expect. And it took 3 times the amount of time, I just felt sort of violated.
sorry done whining.
thanks for your support.

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