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Jen29 06-12-2010 06:55 PM

Hi everyone,:(

I have been suffering from severe insomnia for the last maybe 16 weeks now. It could be going on longer now, I don't really know. I know it's been since at least March. I get about 2 hours of sleep a night, and that is on a good night. I had a sleep test and was told I have moderate sleep apneea. I use the machine, but i have found it doesn't make a differece. I know it takes a while to get used to, and it's only been 3 weeks.

I do see a sleep specialist now, and my pdoc will not help me whatsoever with medication to help me sleep because he says you have a specialist now that's not my job. I know he doesn't know what to do with the issue of my sleep anymore, but to be like that really ****** me off.
Anyways, I am on many medications.

i have medical problems as well as a very bad back. I am on some psych medications and no sleeping meds because my pdoc says i have to wait to see the insomnia specialist i see and I don't see him until the 24th of this month.

I am on for psych meds, Nardil, which was changed somewhat on Friday to see if that could be the problem, Neurontin, Requip for Restless leg syndrom,, Depakote and valium when needed.
See I told you I take a lot of medications. I don't know if you know this but Nardil is a MAOI and so I am very litmited to what I can and can't take while on that. I have been on pretty much every SSRI out there so they decided to try this.

I just am so tired, and I am doing what am supposed to be doing according to my sleep specialist, and she is now wanting me to see an insomnia specialist, which i know what he is going to say, but am going to go anyways. I live in a small appartment with my dad and step-mom so when i am up all night i am in my room all night. There isn't anywhere for me to go, my dad sleeps in the living room and my step-mom in the other room, yeah weird family and has been for years.

Thanks for listening,

DiMarie 06-12-2010 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jen29 (Post 663947)
Hi everyone,:(

I have been suffering from severe insomnia for the last maybe 16 weeks now. It could be going on longer now, I don't really know. I know it's been since at least March. I get about 2 hours of sleep a night, and that is on a good night. I had a sleep test and was told I have moderate sleep apneea. I use the machine, but i have found it doesn't make a differece. I know it takes a while to get used to, and it's only been 3 weeks.

I am on for psych meds, Nardil, which was changed somewhat on Friday to see if that could be the problem, Neurontin, Requip for Restless leg syndrom,, Depakote and valium when needed.
See I told you I take a lot of medications. I don't know if you know this but Nardil is a MAOI and so I am very litmited to what I can and can't take while on that. I have been on pretty much every SSRI out there so they decided to try this.
Thanks for listening,

Jen sorry to hear about the sleeplessness. This is a frustrating problem. Do you think you can time it to a med change, dose, or new combination.
When I started the Lexapro I started at 10 mg and had terrible insomnia. Then I read others that had the issue, and a side effect noted about it.

I reduced the dose to half and every other day the first few days to get the long half life reduced in my system. Sometimes just treating a new symtom with new meds is not the answer but compounds the symptoms.

Have you been on the neurontin very long, did they add a new med along the way?

Just a thought, but I know that often many meds are used, especially with the back injury, etc, but I have a distrust for doctors that readily perscribe a med, often from a pitch from the pharma comp rep, especially for off the gen use....

Why the neurontin? nerve pain?
I am sorry for all this insomnia, chronic pain, and sleep issues. I hope that soon there is someone that can get to the bottom of things,
Sometimes we all need a Dr. House in our life.

Jen29 06-12-2010 11:14 PM

I was put on neurontin in January when having severe migranes. Also that's when I started the nardil. On friday I saw my pdoc and we degreased the Nardil to 2 in morning and 2 at night...i was taking 2 in morning, 2 in afternoon and 1 at night. I don't know, I really have no faith in anything working at this point.

The only new meds that I have been added are pain meds and that was way after the insomnia began. I was doing so well with all the not sleeping for the first 2 months, like i could handle the maybe 1 hours a night to 2 hours a night sleeping, but now when i go to a doc. for help and they are telling me i can't/wont help you it is frusterating and makes me think what's the point, if a doc. won't help then who is going to help?

Anyways, am just not in a good position right now, I am so tired, and I can't sleep, I know i will be up in 2 hours anyways, so what's the point, that's basically how it has become here for me, so would rather get no sleep than any at all.

Thanks, Jen

Mari 06-13-2010 10:34 AM

Dear Jen,

Originally Posted by Jen29 (Post 664069)
so would rather get no sleep than any at all.

I'm thinking about the Nardil because its side effects are listed as insomnia. I know that the Nardil did not cause the insomnia, but it might be contributing to the problem. The Emsam patch (also an MAOi) has fewer side effects than the the oral medication, but it costs quite a bit on some insurance plans.

I'm also thinking that you might benefit from a bipolar or an a-typical anti-pschiotic med in addition to the Depakote all ready on board. If so, an atypical anti-psychotic like Seroquel or whatever you and your pdoc talk, about could help.

I hesitant to ask this because I don't like to make changes to my plans, but are there any of your meds that you could lower or go off in the future?

When your physical state gets better, it will be easier to see what is what. I think often conditions kind of blend in together for treatment and the docs have difficulties.
For people who have only one condition, the docs seem to be able to prescribe fine most of the time. For more than one condition, they have a harder time.

I wear a sleep mask for apnea too and I don't feel any better when I wear it. I do wear it because the docs said I needed it -- so I cooperate.


Jen29 06-13-2010 01:27 PM

nice of you to check on meds, i am not bi-polar. so i don't take the typical meds that someone with bi-polar would take.

right now i don't even care. am sorry for those who put time into reading my posts.


Mari 06-13-2010 02:05 PM

Dear Jen,
I'm very sorry.
I know that you are not bipolar.

The docs borrow medications from this and that disorder to try to help their patients -- therefore many folks are familiar with other folks' meds.

I hope that your new specialist can help you sleep.


Jen29 06-13-2010 02:11 PM

no i am sorry, i am not doing well right now.
I can barley walk and I can't sleep and it's so frusterating. I went to the store and bought some sleep medication. i know i am probably not even supposed to take it, but it doesn't say can't take with MAOI so am going to take some tonight.
I am just overwhelmed and and can only take so much more of not sleeping.
I am sorry.

waves 06-13-2010 05:15 PM

Hello Jen

i am so sorry you are going through this sleepless ordeal!

what is the OTC sleep aid that you are going to try tonight?

i am a bit surprised actually - because many OTC sleep aids are 1st generation antihistamines which do interact with MAOIs... sounds like you found something different ... i'm curious - i hope you don't mind my asking.

anyway i hope it helps.

i hope the insomnia specialist can figure out how to help you in a more permanent sense, and does so, quickly.

take care :hug:

~ waves ~

Jen29 06-13-2010 06:09 PM

The medication is called Rest Simply with the active ingredient Diphenhydramine HCL which I guess is benedryl. I did read the box before I bought it because usually it says not to take if using a MAOI, but this didn't. The last time I took benedryl I almost passed out. i don't know what to do. At this point I don't care, and then maybe it will just make me sick. i plan on taking 2 along with my many meds I take at night so hopefully can sleep longer than 2 hours. don't know what to do.


waves 06-13-2010 06:29 PM

Dear Jen,

it sounds like you have already figured this out, since you know the active ingredient... just in case...

diphenhydramine DOES indeed interact with MAOIs ... the problem is not just that the MAOI will cause increased sedation but overall central nervous system depression will be magnified... this includes risk of respiratory failure. :( we don't want that!!!!

i am really surprised it is not on the box or on a leaflet somewhere... this is usually a "do not take if you have taken a MAOI w/in x time period" type drug... :(

please, if you don't want to talk to the doc i understand, but at very least talk to the pharmacist about it first. :o

i am very concerned here. :hug:

~ waves ~

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