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Suz91941 03-10-2008 03:46 PM

Spinal Fusion??
:confused:Hi everyone-

Could I pls get your take on spinal fusion for C3 - C5?

I have tried everything (acupuncture, PT, epidurals, neurotomy, medial branch blocks, and of course meds.) and nothing works. I am taking Vicodin for pain 1 every 4-6 hours and 2 before bedtime so I can sleep (which I'm not). I work fulltime and don't know how much longer I can stand the pain as I cannot concentrate on work. What a way to live! The only thing my Pain Mgmt Doc is offering is to do another neurotomy and I don't want to go through that one again. He thinks maybe it was incomplete. I am almost ready to have spinal fusion at this point but don't know if this would help my constant pain.


(Laminectony L4-L5, and Facet Joint Syndrome)

sugarboo 03-15-2008 06:03 AM

I share your pain...been through it all too. Here it is 3 am, up and awake, can't sleep....just sick and tired ot it. I wonder what surgery could do too...I want to live again....sleep without pain. Wake feeling ready to start a new day..........

More vicodin please............................

futurexboy 11-19-2008 02:56 AM

Hi, well welcome to Cervical Pain 101, I had the fusion surgery in 1990 at C5-6, my disc was out and impended into the spinal cord...the Neurosurgeon freaked out when he saw my MRI!! He told me surgery was mandatory for me and not to let anyone slap me on the back or jump off any shipping yard docks, (I was a truck driver at the time). Don't let anyone slap me on the back? Boy oh boy was I dumb back then, he told me that so I wouldn't wind up paralyzed from the neck down, the slap on the back could of sent the disc thru the spinal cord thus cutting it in two piece's....would of been welcome to the world of a quad if that had of happened....I had the surgery and yes its been a lot of pain since then....but I'm walking, and I can move my arms and hands and type and such. I haven't worked full time since then except for a job I did out of my home doing ad's for three years part time. Here's my advice for you two, Suz you need another doctor, chunk the one you have and get a good neuro doctor and a good pain management doctor, Vicodin is for mild short term pain not what you have, and greenjeans it sounds like you need about the same thing, your post isn't very descriptive but close enough...I take Methadone 6 times a day, and a sleeping aid, the regular 10mg Ambein, it works...could use more pain med's though but 6 come close. Suz it sounds like you need a fusion between C3 and C4 and C4 and C5 right? Get ready, it's gonna be painful either way, but I'd be safe and get the surgery, a fusion with two disc in a row will take away a lot of mobility, better get some good pain meds trust me, your gonna need them and most likely do now. You see the difference between Methadone and Vicodin is that Vicodin has the stuff Tylenol has and builds up in your liver over time, not good for long term use and really is a mild pain med, where your Methadone is good for long term use and unlike the Vicodin isn't bad for your liver or other body parts, it has what's called a half life so if you miss a dose it will still be working to ease your pain. Out of everything I've tried its worked the best, and that includes Morphine, Methadone worked better. Once you have it in your system and take it on a regular basis you will feel more pain relief and unlike Vicodin it doesn't mess you up in the thinking dept....hey good luck, and for what it's worth, what I just told you guys took me years to learn thru trial and error and just plain luck of the woods...anyway good luck and keep everyone updated on how you guys works out and what you try.

watsonsh 11-19-2008 11:35 AM

I share your pain with a c5/6 subluxation or retrolithesis. Sleeping is the worst thing for me especially as a side sleeper. :(

I agree that you should get several opinions before jumping into surgery. Remember surgeons will always say cut her open.

surazal 11-20-2008 09:32 PM

Ruptured disc and went two moths before I gave up and had surgery.Surgery was last resort but could no longer exist not sleeping, laying down or living on pain meds. Last resort, but if you can't function --well I had to.


Originally Posted by Suz91941 (Post 233964)
:confused:Hi everyone-

Could I pls get your take on spinal fusion for C3 - C5?.

I have tried everything (acupuncture, PT, epidurals, neurotomy, medial branch blocks, and of course meds.) and nothing works. I am taking Vicodin for pain 1 every 4-6 hours and 2 before bedtime so I can sleep (which I'm not). I work fulltime and don't know how much longer I can stand the pain as I cannot concentrate on work. What a way to live! The only thing my Pain Mgmt Doc is offering is to do another neurotomy and I don't want to go through that one again. He thinks maybe it was incomplete. I am almost ready to have spinal fusion at this point but don't know if this would help my constant pain.


(Laminectony L4-L5, and Facet Joint Syndrome)

futurexboy 11-21-2008 02:43 AM

Surgery Not Bad Thing....
Hi, well the surgery was best for you, its not such a bad thing to have the surgery, don't think it is. What could be worst is not having it and waking up without legs or I think you did a good thing Surazal!!

Yerdua 01-03-2009 01:51 AM

Solution for spinal cord fusion
Dear Thread,
I suffered a fall that caused 2 disks in my neck to severly comprese my spinal cord to the point I had no life with the pain I was in. Due to my extreme fear it took me 11 months interviewing all the top Doctors before I just could not live like that anymore. I thank G-d everyday for finding Dr. Heary. He was voted #1 neurologist for 3 years and has no ego and is amazing. It is now almost 13 months since my surgery and with accupuncture and muscle relaxers I am off almost all my opiods which I was on ALOT. Trust me. He is worth flying into New Jersey for. 973-972-2334 Carmen is his secretary. Not always great at calling back so keep calling. She is great too. Say Audrey S sent you. I am new at this communitie thing and might not find my way back Good luck

jsrail 03-01-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by futurexboy (Post 410769)
Hi, well welcome to Cervical Pain 101, I had the fusion surgery in 1990 at C5-6, my disc was out and impended into the spinal cord...the Neurosurgeon freaked out when he saw my MRI!! He told me surgery was mandatory for me and not to let anyone slap me on the back or jump off any shipping yard docks, (I was a truck driver at the time). Don't let anyone slap me on the back? Boy oh boy was I dumb back then, he told me that so I wouldn't wind up paralyzed from the neck down, the slap on the back could of sent the disc thru the spinal cord thus cutting it in two piece's....would of been welcome to the world of a quad if that had of happened....I had the surgery and yes its been a lot of pain since then....but I'm walking, and I can move my arms and hands and type and such. I haven't worked full time since then except for a job I did out of my home doing ad's for three years part time. Here's my advice for you two, Suz you need another doctor, chunk the one you have and get a good neuro doctor and a good pain management doctor, Vicodin is for mild short term pain not what you have, and greenjeans it sounds like you need about the same thing, your post isn't very descriptive but close enough...I take Methadone 6 times a day, and a sleeping aid, the regular 10mg Ambein, it works...could use more pain med's though but 6 come close. Suz it sounds like you need a fusion between C3 and C4 and C4 and C5 right? Get ready, it's gonna be painful either way, but I'd be safe and get the surgery, a fusion with two disc in a row will take away a lot of mobility, better get some good pain meds trust me, your gonna need them and most likely do now. You see the difference between Methadone and Vicodin is that Vicodin has the stuff Tylenol has and builds up in your liver over time, not good for long term use and really is a mild pain med, where your Methadone is good for long term use and unlike the Vicodin isn't bad for your liver or other body parts, it has what's called a half life so if you miss a dose it will still be working to ease your pain. Out of everything I've tried its worked the best, and that includes Morphine, Methadone worked better. Once you have it in your system and take it on a regular basis you will feel more pain relief and unlike Vicodin it doesn't mess you up in the thinking dept....hey good luck, and for what it's worth, what I just told you guys took me years to learn thru trial and error and just plain luck of the woods...anyway good luck and keep everyone updated on how you guys works out and what you try.

I'm with you futurexboy. I had a fusion in 2004 C-6/C-7 but my pain ceased right away. I still have some pain (very minimal), but nothing bad unless my son jumps on my neck or you turn your head too quickly and too far. I blew my disk to pieces with the disc pieces blocking 30-40% of the spinal column and 3 pieces of the disc were imbedded in the spinal cord! Now 2 fusions will certainly limit movement, but the spinal cord is nothing to mess with.

I am on Methadone now, 30mgs a day, (also 3600mgs a day of Neurontin), but its due to severe small fiber neuropathy across the entire surface of my body. I am seeking a pain management doc now cause the 30mgs a day just doesn't do it with my high narcotic tolerance. For me addiction is not an issue since I will need them the rest of my life. The only bad side effects I have with Methadone are constipation, problems starting urination, and it accentuates my existing problems with balance and short-term memory. I tried accupuncture, but it did nothing for my pain, though it was good as short-term sinus relief! lol


lunchlady4 11-18-2010 10:46 AM

hey suz
I agree with having the surgery! I have fusion on c6 in 2005. I had a bulging dics that caused pain and numbness in my fingers. I would do the surgery again. It helped right away take the pain away. I still have 2 bad discs in my neck right above and below my fusion. They are degenrative but not bad enough to do anything about yet. As time has gone on the pain has also. I have done PTand chiro to help me along the way. I CAN NOT take oral meds. I had shoulder sugery in 2009 and had to just take IBP in massive doses cause everything else made me sick. As a result I am now allergic to IBP from all that my system had to take. I just had my first round of facet injections on Monday and have been home since. The ache and pain in my neck and back are terrible. I hurt more now than I did before the shot. Yesterday was the worse, I cried most of the day. I'm so frustrated with myself and the pain that I'm getting depressed. Why Me snydrome! Today is a little better no tears but I'm suppose to start PT today and I'm nervious about that. I don't know if I want anyone touching me at all. Has anyone else had so much pain after their shots and how long did you hurt? I did not feel pain relief right after the shot either. Maybe my problem is not joint pain and they will have to go in and take care of the nerve endings. Not sure how I feel about that option either.
Any advice is appreciated, lunchlady4

tamiloo 11-19-2010 04:09 PM

Looks like you have had some great response to your questions. Wish I could fusions have all been in the Lumbar area...:hug:

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