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Ziggo 02-07-2012 07:48 AM

My neurologist
Guys this is what my neurologist said to me today:

You need to start to move.

With self-pity attitude, and brain resting it will not get better ... if you wont start to move your muscles they will atrophy and be weak, the same thing with the brain ...

Anemia is also important to your general weakness, fatigue, dizziness,,, muscle tremors, thats why they are weak ...

I would recommend to finish your sconoscopy tommorow and:

1.Visit a physiotherapist as soon as possible, the sooner you start with your body to work, better it will get... if you wont do that, the harder it will be to get back to normal life ...!

I was like really, theres only couple of months after injury...

2.Set goals for future life (education, work, a new idea or project planning ... anything ...) the key to be some kind of plan ...

This simply confused me...

3.No alcohol, as little as possible to use a computer, and if use it, then at a table in a comfortable position.

I already understood how it is to take alcohol and wont do it again, same goes if i sit to long at pc.

Sorry for my english again.. So any thoughts ? Suggestions ?

forgot to mention i got 37.3 C temperature at the moment....

Klaus 02-07-2012 11:03 AM

Ziggo, your English is very good!

I know that others do not like the analogy between the brain and a muscle. However, I have found it to be a good one. There is good evidence that an 'enriched environment' (meaning more stimulation and less brain resting) and physical exercise are good for brain health and healing, in a similar way that exercising a muscle will make it stronger.

I have found this myself, and my biggest improvements have come this month, when I have been increasing my hours at work and going to the gym 3 times a week. So I think there is some truth in what your neurologist has said.

HOWEVER... if you exercise an injured muscle too soon you will only cause further injury. The evidence suggests that this is the case for the brain too. For, example, the 'Consensus statement on concussion in sport' at the 3rd International Conference on Concussion
in Sport in 2008 stated that:-


During this period of recovery while symptomatic
following an injury, it is important to emphasize to the athlete that
physical AND cognitive rest is required. Activities that require
concentration and attention (e.g. scholastic work, videogames,
text messaging etc) may exacerbate symptoms and possibly delay
and other studies have suggested that while exercise can be a good thing, that premature exercise following a brain injury can cause "significant decreases" in many proteins and other chemicals which are believed to be beneficial, and therefore "may compromise plasticity" (plasticity after a brain injury is your brain's ability to reorganise itself and regain abilities which it has lost).

In my personal experience, this need for cognitive and physical rest for a period after the injury is very true. I tried many times to increase my activity levels and it made things much worse. I would say that it was not until 8 months after my injury that increased activity had a beneficial effect - so for the first 8 months after my injury, rest was always better.

The stories I hear from others on this forum say the same thing - the exact amount of time will be different for everyone, but most of us have needed a long period of cognitive and physical rest before increasing activity is helpful.

You will know better than your neurologist whether your symptoms get better or worse when you do more activity, or whether you are still needing as much rest as you can get. I would urge you to listen to your own body more than a doctor who seems to me to not fully understand brain injuries.

Good luck.

Klaus 02-07-2012 11:07 AM

One more thing - on your neurologist's advice to set goals. I have found that because recovery from a brain injury is so unpredictable, setting goals only leads to disappointment. I have set many goals, and most of them I have not improved enough to achieve them. It has only caused disappointment and stress. I am setting some goals now, but only after a lot of improvement.

It sounds to me that in your position, your only goal should be to get better.

Ziggo 02-07-2012 12:45 PM

Well my body feels fantastic, i would run a marathon now if my head would allow do to it, and huge headache comes from my flu in last several days.

Im really thinking about therapist, my balance is getting better every day, i got the power, could use some workout on shoulders and neck, a work on neck bothers me, i dont wanna hurt my head more...

Klaus 02-07-2012 01:07 PM

If you think it might help then my advice would be to try a little exercise and see what happens. If it doesn't cause problems, try a little more, increasing it very slowly. If it starts to worsen your symptoms, then reduce or stop. Be aware that it may take a day or two for the symptoms to get worse after exercise, so take things VERY carefully.

I would also advise exercises that don't involve head movement/jolting. So an exercise bike is better than a rowing machine or running. My head is very sensitive to any of that sort of movement, but it took me a while to understand this.

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