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wildberry2277 09-07-2007 07:54 PM

Coming back to NT and have lots of questions!!!
Hey Everyone~

I know i am fairly new to this site... I was posting quite about before but the last month or so i have been in a intense flare... The SG block hurt me more then it did any good... The pain has increased 4 times from where i was before the block..... i am not sure what happend, swelling has increased, pain is now hot hot hot hot... My skin is beat red on the right side of my face from my eyelid down ... I look kinda funny it looks like i put sunblock on one side of my body and not the other lol... My cousin told me i need to be more careful of my skin... she says "i dont wanna see you burn your pretty face," she is 6 her mom says this to her all the time... At lease i got a good laugh outa it! In the last 5 days i am also starting to have skin senstivity, certian fabrics are really starting to bother my elbow area????? Is this normal???? Does anyone know a real reliable site or does any one bother typing up any information on the stages of RSD i know there are stages but every where i look has a differnt anwser for each stage and has a differnt number of stages so I am confused? I know many people comment on the block question i had about the intesen pain I have been having since the block 1 month ago... Has anyone else had intense pain for this long? I am sorry i have a ton of questions... This is the first real day i feel up to doing much since that horrible day a month ago...

One last question its going to bring me to tears to have to say this.... My doctor suggested i start the process of SS???? You know its hard finally truly to your self having to admit you are disabled.. I am 21 and had so much going on until 6 months ago when this all struck really hard... I have to say to myself i am disabled??? WHAT I DONT WANNA BE DISABLED... I dont wanna be in pain the rest of my life... So i suppose that is enough being in pitty right now... My real questions about SS does anyone have any reccomendations? How do you get started... What should and shouldnt you say... What has been all of your experinces? I know this may be a very long road with SS... Just looking for some advice i guess you could say...

:Soapbox: I suppose you could say that was enough on the soap box and complaining.....thank you for all your support!! Pain free day ahead and gentle hugs!!! :hug::hug::hug::hug:

InHisHands 09-07-2007 10:32 PM


I have had intense pain for months, it just doesn't go away. Allodynia (the extreme skin sensitivity) is "normal" of RSD. It is the main problem- clothes hurt, air hurts, anything hurts!! Desensing works some, you have to do it anyways-- you have to wear clothes (!!), and you have to try to do some things. SO, on it goes...

It is hard to accept disability... I am just 17 and I am very disabled, but you come to terms with it. You go through a period of denial, grief, etc until acceptance.

You can still go on, and LIVE. Try doing something you used to love-- create new hobbies, talk to friends. Don't hide away, try to live. Though it hurts, it helps. Really. View this thread I started on RSD/ Hobbies and new hobbies with RSD:

((huge pain free hugs)) :hug: :hug: :hug:

JOAN_M 09-07-2007 10:54 PM

my heart just breaks for the pain you are in. giving in to the word disabled is just giving in to the word, and getting the help you need, financial and otherwise. it is what is in your heart that counts and that is not disabled in any way.
there is life after diagnosis with rsd. it is a different life but it can be good and it can be happy and you can do things you like. it may be different things than before but it can be good. i know we talk a lot about our problems here because that is what a forum is for, but when we leave our computers, we have lives.
you are young i know and i have been disabled for my entire life so i truly understand, but i still did, and do, so many things, and i am a happy person. so please don't give in to this. apply for SS because it will help you. a word is only a word.
and as far as the 'stages' go, don't worry about it. you are right when you say different sites have different criteria. and do you know why? because no one really knows what the heck rsd is or what the heck to do for it!
much love, joan

CZZ74 09-08-2007 10:17 AM

so sorry for your pain Jac
Just wanted to say so sorry for your pain- it is such a diffucult process to handle and face please make sure you have help- counsler to help you through all of this.CZ

wildberry2277 09-08-2007 03:48 PM

Thanks to all
Thank you all for your kind words! I just started seeing a thearpist 2 weeks ago... Its going as well as those type of appt. go at first! I am sure it will help me in the long run!!!

Hope you all are doing well... Pain free days and gentle hugs ahead!:hug::hug::hug:

HeatherAnne 09-09-2007 08:24 PM

hey Jacquelina! :)

I am 21 too! I have had RSD for 7 (almost 8) years now. So as far as handling the pain I can possibly help if you have any questions.

I am still lucky because I am living with my parents still so that if something does happen and I have a flare up, my parents help when bill time comes. So as far as SS or disability goes, I can't help you there because I have never considered that at this point.

BUT I do know that what Vanessa said is completely true, hobbies are great! I do a lot of arts and crafts. I do know that keeping your mind occupied is good. At one point I consumed my life with my pain (which is extremly easy to do when you have it 24 hours a day.) And I still have my days where I get mad at the world and lash out BUT we all have to find ways to live with our pain and still LIVE..

We just all need to know our boundries.. (which I totally stepped 1000 feet outside this weekend and am now paying for it...) :Sob:


Desi 09-09-2007 10:43 PM

Awwwwwwwww.. Jacquelina.. sending you many, many hug's along with prayers that you will soon be much better! I am so sorry that you are in so much pain! I love ya my friend!! Love, :hug::hug::hug::hug::Bang-Head::Bang-Head:
Damn RSD!! Love, Desi

christinejarvis2010 05-02-2024 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by wildberry2277 (Post 145679)
Hey Everyone~

I know i am fairly new to this site... I was posting quite about before but the last month or so i have been in a intense flare... The SG block hurt me more then it did any good... The pain has increased 4 times from where i was before the block..... i am not sure what happend, swelling has increased, pain is now hot hot hot hot... My skin is beat red on the right side of my face from my eyelid down ... I look kinda funny it looks like i put sunblock on one side of my body and not the other lol... My cousin told me i need to be more careful of my skin... she says "i dont wanna see you burn your pretty face," she is 6 her mom says this to her all the time... At lease i got a good laugh outa it! In the last 5 days i am also starting to have skin senstivity, certian fabrics are really starting to bother my elbow area????? Is this normal???? Does anyone know a real reliable site or does any one bother typing up any information on the stages of RSD i know there are stages but every where i look has a differnt anwser for each stage and has a differnt number of stages so I am confused? I know many people comment on the block question i had about the intesen pain I have been having since the block 1 month ago... Has anyone else had intense pain for this long? I am sorry i have a ton of questions... This is the first real day i feel up to doing much since that horrible day a month ago...

One last question its going to bring me to tears to have to say this.... My doctor suggested i start the process of SS???? You know its hard finally truly to your self having to admit you are disabled.. I am 21 and had so much going on until 6 months ago when this all struck really hard... I have to say to myself i am disabled??? WHAT I DONT WANNA BE DISABLED... I dont wanna be in pain the rest of my life... So i suppose that is enough being in pitty right now... My real questions about SS does anyone have any reccomendations? How do you get started... What should and shouldnt you say... What has been all of your experinces? I know this may be a very long road with SS... Just looking for some advice i guess you could say...

:Soapbox: I suppose you could say that was enough on the soap box and complaining.....thank you for all your support!! Pain free day ahead and gentle hugs!!! :hug::hug::hug::hug:

I completely understand like 80 to 85% of my clothes hurt especially if they're form fitted. And even when they're loose the clothing can still hurt on top of that a lot of times my feet start feeling like they're going to go numb because they get these little shocks

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