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Debby 06-29-2007 06:43 PM

Fight or Flight syndrome???
I don't ask questions here too much anymore cause to honest alot of mine have been answered already either at the old board, here or by the medical profession.

But even tho I had a PA explain why this is happening to me I was wondering if happens to others with RSD or how many others with RSD that this also happens to?? It was explained to me that it all ties into the CNS, sympathetic & para-sympathetic nervous systems.

I will be watching TV, ready a book, just sitting & visiting with hubby or daughter or someone else. And then BAM! all of a sudden my body goes into the"'fight or flight" mode ONLY, if my BP & heart rate are taken, they are normal. I even went thru the HOLTER test to make sure my heart was ok. It seems strange to me for this to happen when all sows normal. Now even tho the heart rate & BP are normal, I still feel this 'BAM BAM BAM' going on inside of me. This includes in my head even. This didn't start to happen to me until about 9 months to a year ago.

How many others have this going on also??? or am I the only one out here *LOL* which wouldn't surprise me at all. I really tend to have strange reactions to different drugs & most of the time say like when we are in pain lots of folks' BP & HR go way up. Well mine go down. I am not kidding you. Like when most people are allergic to paper tape when I am not. I always have to have plastic tape used on me. Most are allergic to platic not paper. Most people get more calm on anti-depressants when I do just the opposite & get hyper. *LOL*

Just curious,

jennyk38 06-29-2007 08:23 PM

you are NOT alone!

just read your question about "fight or flight" and i actually just went to the dr. today for same thing. one difference though, my bp and pulse are abnormal. bp 125/100 pulse 111. it really is a weird feeling. doc just gave me some xanax, did an ekg and ordered a tsh(thyroid) blood draw. i'm only 38 and have never had high b/p or pulse. i hope the xanax works, the last thing i need is to have a stroke. i'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this difficulty but rest assured you are not alone. wish i could be of more help, have a good weekend, jenny:hug:

InHisHands 06-29-2007 08:37 PM

EXACTLY! RSD involves the sympathetic nervous system, which controls your "fight or Flight" responses, so it's no wonder you are having these things come along. I get it too... it's strange when all of a sudden it happens and you aren't in a situation that it is needed for!!

I just wanted to let you know what you mean, and wanted to tell you that I know how it is. Keep hanging in there. :hug:

And from another site:

It is the sympathetic nervous system that is involved in the disease RSD. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for the “fight or flight” reaction. It accelerates heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and distributes blood to the brain, heart and muscle. RSD is thought to be a result of excitation of peripheral nerve elements with an abnormal and severe sympathetic response resulting in the pain and signs and symptoms of RSD.

Desi 06-29-2007 08:38 PM

Hi Debby! OMG "Yes" I thought I was loosing my mind! I thought this was called run, run run away.(but you know ya can't) LOL Anyway, I too like you am hyper when I am on antidepressents, pain medications.. even my xanax is not working as well as it should, so my PCD put me on clonopine. I hope that this 30 mg. time release morphine I am on doesn't make me hyper.. LOL I have been on this one since Thrusday(June 26th) are you on valium? Xanax?clonopin? these may help Debby! Love, Desi

DiMarie 06-29-2007 09:23 PM

A lot
When dealing with chronic pain issues and stresses in life, the body has a fight or flight response. I was able to deal a lot with mine with a psychiritrist that delt with chronic pain patients using bio feedback and relaxtion tapes. I also sit every day and spend at least 10 minutes deep tummy breathing, from low in the tummy not chest.

My shoulders use to be up around my ears so tight and thisincreased the symptoms.
With the methods I was taught I could get my own endorphins going, get my shoulders down and relaxed.

I went through holter monitors, BR problems, an d thumpity thump....THUMP in the heart.

Many in stressful situations deal with this. But you can take control, and not let it control you.
I do have some flares, I do have some depression, nothing like before.
Hope that something can help.

Imahotep 06-29-2007 11:21 PM

It sounds like a panic attack. I get a lot of this sort of thing.

Panic attacks apparently can manifest in a thousand different ways and I've had about 999 of them. They do tend to affect people differently in their physical reaction. It tears my guts up.

JOAN_M 07-01-2007 08:38 PM

i have this too, and had all the testing and am on bp meds now. hate it. i still get the pounding where i can feel it in my head! this rsd is NOT boring. that is for sure. joan

dreambeliever128 07-01-2007 10:47 PM

Hi Debby,
I have the fight or flight problem worse when I am stressed out about something. When I have to deal with an issue that Bill usually delt with or confront a problem then that's when I get stressed and want to run.

If I am having problems with someone or something I'm that way. Susan got aggravated with me last Saturday and got kind of smart and it made me cry and upset. She came over later in the day and said she was sorry and helped me get some things done I had wanted her to help with. I could tell she really felt guilty about it. But back to what I was going to say, I sometimes feel I want to pack up and move back home when I am really stressed out. That's when I call for councelling to help get my stress level down and my blood pressure goes up when I am really stressed out.

When I had the Sleep Apnea test done. I believe my stress was through the roof after they put the oxygen on me, I couldn't wait for 7 am to come to get out of there.

When I'm in a lot of pain and I'm aggravated with the Drs. because I feel like I'm not getting the help I need to get my pain down, I get that way also. I feel like I just want to leave here to find a Dr. that will help me more. To be honest, I couldn't find better Drs. then I have, it just don't seem that way at times.

I wanted to ask you, if you were having something stressful going on at the times you feel this way or if anyone else does?

I just wanted to say also that when my pain level was so high and I wasn't diagnosed and couldn't find the right help it was even worse. I got in the van and drove and didn't even know where I was going to.

I've thought about going to stay in a motel or anywhere to get away at times. Just anywhere to get away from everything. I didn't know that it was because of he fight or flight syndrome until my Dr. told me.


dawn3063 07-01-2007 11:53 PM

:Wave-Hello: Hi Debby,
I get the same thing too.. I can be sitting watching TV relaxing and then all of a sudden my heart starts to race I get that feeling in my stomach as though something is very wrong my face gets flushed and my muscles tense up..
:holysheep: These nerve issues affect all aspects of our bodys.. Ugh..
:hug: Dawn

theoneRogue420 07-02-2007 02:54 AM

It sounds like an awful lot of us have had this feeling... isn't it nice to know we are not alone?

My flight reflex doesn't work very well, it's my fight response that wins every time, lol! I get shaky and upset, and just want to reach out and strangle whatever is making me feel this way. This isn't always a good thing, of course... we need the dr.s! (It's mainly them that get me worked up).

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